Maria's Space: Never Again

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Never Again

See how cute the kids are? I love their silly little faces and the hands and matching Angry Bird PJs. What I don't love is all that tinsel on the tree. I know it is nice and reminds us all of our childhood but I have and will continue to find tinsel for the foreseeable future I am sure.

My husband was asking for tinsel for years and since the kids were now showing interest because he mentions it every year, I saw it and picked it up.

He showed the kids the art of decorating by blowing it onto the tree or pulling it through the branches in clusters but seriously folks, this stuff will never darken or in this case brighten my doorstep again.

My poor vacuum may never recover.


  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    That isnt tinsel, it's icicles! We called garland tinsel. lol

    1. OK...depends on who I am talking to but when I say icicles someone tells me tinsel and when I say tinsel someone says icicles. I have longed stopped trying to make everyone happy. We call garland garland. I will never use icicles or tinsel again. Thanks for stopping by and for the comment.

  2. I clearly remember my mom trying tinsel (we called it icicles, too, though) on the tree one year and all of our cats going nuts and eating the heck out of that stuff! There was sparkly cat vomit everywhere!!! Needless to say, we didn't have icicles again after that year.

    1. That is why I stopped using it back in the day Renee. My pets digestive tracks were my priority and I never wanted to worry about them. It is so messy so I am done with it. Thanks for stopping by

  3. At this stage in my life, I'm happy to get the tree up and the house decorated. Tinsel is too time consuming.


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