Maria's Space: What I Am Getting Rid Of

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What I Am Getting Rid Of

Love this! I found it on one of my favorite websites Huffington Post. This is literally where I get my news or where I go if I have a moment to read.

They have a wonderful list of 37 things you can get rid of right now that are taking up space in your home. I am a big believer in donating and recycling and try to give things to people I know will like it.
  • A drawer full of preschool worksheets (I am bringing them to one of the preschools in the area
  • Old Christmas, Valentine's and Birthday Cards. If there isn't a heartfelt message in there, it is going. I always save my grandparents because you never know when it will be their last one.
  • My huge bag of plastic bags! I may save 4 - 5 but the rest are going to the supermarket into their donate bin.
  • The kids school work. It has been a slow process but I am taking photos of a lot of their papers so I don't feel like I have to save everything.
  • Some games that the kids haven't played with. I am bringing them to the teacher's lounge at school and leaving them their for them to pick through
  • I have over the past few years weeded out a lot of my books. I simply don't have the room and I am downsizing my life. If they haven't changed my life, they are being donated to the library. I recently brought a basket of brand new books I no longer wanted to the teacher's lounge at our school. The teachers were happy to get them.
  • A ton of printer supplies. Half used labels by the hundreds
What are you getting rid of?


  1. I am getting rid of all of those clothes in the closet that no one has worn in the past five years, books (free books from the library from now on!), and CDs that haven't been played in ages. I am not to the point where I can part with the school work just yet but taking pictures of it is a good suggestion!

  2. We just moved and we donated hundreds of items-old clothes, books, even a couple typewriters that we never use anymore. It's amazing what was inopirtant to me 20 years ago is not relevant at all today.

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I am getting rid of my Dyson Vacuum, some toys and clothes. I hate storing stuff if we are not using it for more than a year

  4. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I am so with you on all of this! I have been trying to get rid of as much stuff around my house as possible, but it seems that everywhere I look there is just more STUFF! I've been most importantly triyng to get rid of stuff we just DONT USE... clothes that have been sitting in the back of the closet, papers that I thought FOR SURE i would need!, samples of stuff I'll never use. I've been trying to minimize, its just so hard sometimes!


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