Maria's Space: Oh What A Wonderful Life & Kind Words Really Help

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Oh What A Wonderful Life & Kind Words Really Help

My life has had so many twists and turns that I sometimes forget where it started. Grandpa molesting me, losing Mom when I was 12 to cancer and dad leaving a year later along with many many heartbreaks along the way have made life one crazy ride.

Life is complicated, scary, uncertain, devastating, interesting, exciting, beautiful and a blessing. Thankfully I have always felt that I maintain a positive outlook and find beauty and joy around me all the time.

This week while speaking with three different people at work I was reminded of how positive I can be even though I had forgotten.

Do you believe in divine intervention? I do and always have. When I am feeling my worst, something or someone will remind me how life is a blessing.

This week I heard:

"You are always the same. Sometimes I come in and I never know what personality or day someone is showing or having but you are always joyful and smiling."

"I can always count on you smiling."

"You love everyone and it shows. You are consistently in a good mood!"

It's true I always try to smile. I am always me so having a bad day and taking it out on someone who has nothing to do with my bad day blues is not sometimes I will ever do.

AND...I do love everyone. I really do.

It's true! I have many faces

 but usually, I am just smiling

 I hope you are having a great day.


  1. Very thoughtful.

  2. People like you are a blessing to those around you. Today I shall go to the funeral of a friend of mine. She was always optimistic and.when I saw her a. few weeks ago, she said:" I am now ready to go. I am going to the Light"!
    She had cancer and done all the treatments necessary, but she was like you: optimistic and grateful for what life had given. her. She was, like you a good example for all of us. You are also a strong woman. God bless you!

  3. You have shared quite a lot in such a short time. Yes, life sure has its ups and downs. Our journey is filled with heartache and pain and yet we still manage to see the good in our lives. Sometimes I wonder why I haven't been put in an insane asylum from the things that have happened and I do believe we have divine intervention helping us for we are just passing through!!

  4. Cute picture too!! Thanks for sharing!! You are a blessing to others!!


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