Maria's Space: Heaven Hill Farm And Goddess, Perfect Together

Monday, September 15, 2014

Heaven Hill Farm And Goddess, Perfect Together

It's Football season which means my daughter and I leave the house on Sunday's to try to enjoy the beautiful weather and escape the noise of the game or the wraith of the sore loser. We are not football fans and as long as I have tried to get into it, I simply cannot.

I remember spending my Sundays at the age of 18 sitting in a bar for hours with whatever boyfriend I had at the time and his friends and suffering through very looooonnnng games.

These days it would be easier because we have Smartphones but back then, you just sat there trying hard to smile and pretend you weren't seething inside. Now, that I have an allie who also loves to head out, Sunday's are bearable.

Yesterday my girl and I headed out with no destination in mind. I had Googled to see if there was anything happening in the area but couldn't find anything close enough that was worth heading to.

About five minutes into the ride I thought, Heaven Hill Farms. We have been going there for years but not in a long time.

Goddess at 2 years old

Goddess yesterday at 9 years old

She found two gourds that she loved

Mommy please take my picture in front of this humungous blow up

It looks like her wand is super powerful but it was the sun that was overpowering

The sun made my muse close her eyes for almost every photo.

She thought she was in the ghost and was bummed that it was just a....what scarecrow I guess. Is that scary? Maybe they should have put a clown.


  1. Hello Maria,

    Time flies waay too fast! It's wonderful that you've got these photos. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. very sweet; have a nice Monday

    much love...

  3. Wow, lovely shots.
    Greeting from Belgium "with a diner in Blue Sky Mons"
    with "Monday Blue", "Skywatch Friday "

  4. Looks like you all had heaps of fun ;-) Great pics...


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