Maria's Space: My Sister's New Kitten Hurts My Heart

Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Sister's New Kitten Hurts My Heart

Meet Pepper!

Truly the cutest kitty I have ever seen. My sister posted last week asking if anyone had kitten formula and a bottle. She wasn't keeping it when she first took it in but hello????? Look at that face!

How could she not!?  I would have had problems fostering this little guy too.

 Pepper's first litter box is a container that Chinese food came in.

Pepper's first plate is a demitasse saucer

If not sleeping on a shoulder; Pepper's bed is a Nike box

And he nuzzles between two stuffed animals

Little sleepy eyed kitty!

Pepper looks like a mouse in front of 18 pound Salem

BUT my favorite picture so far is this one

Photos courtesy of my sister Gabrielle


  1. Very sweet kitten.

  2. Oh so adorable! Such adorable photos and loving post ~ for CC ~

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Salem does not look impressed by that adorable bit if cuteness,

  4. Awwwww ... that is one tiny bundle of cuteness :-)


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