Maria's Space: Our #Disneyside @HomeCelebration Was A Blast! @DisneyParks

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Our #Disneyside @HomeCelebration Was A Blast! @DisneyParks

I was one of the lucky bloggers who received notice that I was set to host a Show Your Disney Side Party months ago.  I received my oh so amazing box of goodies January 20th and was pretty much set to go...or so I thought.

My kids love having their friends over but the past few months and the amount of bad weather has made it extremely difficult to see our friends outside of school.

Our Disney Side Home Celebration Party was rescheduled at least four times due to snow. With yet another snow day upon us today I sent out a quick message to our invitees asking how many think they can make it to our house for a party? All but one were able to come and were thrilled to be able to get out of the house with the kids after weeks of snow days and school delays. Honestly, it has been insane. We have had ONE 5 day school week since January started.  The next time we have a full school week the kids are going to be insane. They and the staff are so used to the four day school week coupled with a few two hour delays due to ice.

We ordered from a pizzeria and I baked some yummy treats and waited for our friends who all pretty much showed up at the same time with only two absent (12 year old and a 6 year old). I love when things come together like that and we missed our friends but managed to have an incredible time.

We got the room set up with all the fun things Mom Select sent over.

The kids were so excited that their friends were coming on their day off and the moms were thrilled to have a place to

The kids played bingo, pin the smile on Mickey, ate, got their nails done, played Disney Pictionary, Disney Trivia, Frozen games and watched Big Hero 6. We even made plans to go see the new Cinderella movie coming out this month as a group. It was so much fun.

While the kids played, the moms and I discussed our prior Disney experiences and who is planning a trip. I am sorry to say I was not one planning a trip (cry! cry!) but I am happy to report that two of the moms have been so often they were able to fill me in on so much that is new since I was there last (ummmm...1995! cry! cry!)

Then the food came! What's a great post without some photos of food?

After eating which was really hard to get them to do because they wanted to run, play and socialize. I totally get it but I am American raised in an Italian household and you need to eat.

Pin the smile on Mickey was a hit!

Bingo Time! A blast as my co-host mommy did the calling out for me! The kids wanted to keep playing as each one got Bingo so that everyone had a chance to shout out. Cuties!

Getting all my sweet guests in a photo and turned to me at the same time was difficult. These candids turned out great  anyway.

Still more photos!

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