My Goddess has loved dressing up since the age of 12 months. She has always loved princess dresses. What little girl or big girl for that matter doesn't? Costume play is a big part of childhood. There are so many reasons kids love dressing up.
When we encourage dress up play we are helping our children learn dexterity, social skills, role playing, decision making and more.
While they are playing they are also gaining confidence. Sometimes stepping outside their self, they act and talk like the character they want to be. I remember listening to my kids play and the conversations used to crack me up. Handsome playing a police officer, Goddess playing a teacher, both pretending to be dogs, these are memories I will have forever.
Besides watching my kids, I get a kick out of them dressed up. Seeing Handsome as a surgeon or Goddess as Holly Hobbie (my favorite), I could cry. They are so cute that I can never take enough photos of them in their costumes.
Princess dresses are something we have always had a lot of. She looks adorable in them and I get to live vicariously through her. I love the idea of a princess dress for myself and have dressed up as Snow White to go trick or treating with the kids in the past. Even I love princesses so when Cinderella came out this March, we headed straight to the theater to see it with a a slew of our friends. We loved it! The blue gown when she met the prince; I sent it via Instagram because I loved it so much.
#Cinderella has arrived at the ball #disney #fairytal
AND the stunning white wedding gown were spectacular. Just another reason to love the movie! Who wouldn't want to wear a stunning, one of a kind dress fit for a princess as she marries the prince?
Guess what?
Costume Express has the dress....
And this packaging doesn't even come close to show you how beautiful this dress is. Here is Goddess on a few of the occasions she has played dress up this Summer so far.
Yesterday she allowed me to do a photo shoot of her wearing the dress and she definitely had her Cinderella moment.
I can't even chose just one so get ready for way too many photos of my baby.
The detail is so pretty and she said she feels pretty in the dress too! How could she not? It is a stunning white with a silky, satin look and colorful flowers on the bodice and bottom. It has lacy arms and a pearl look to it. Very iridescent in the sun.
She did have to wear something underneath but only because she said the cinched waist itched her. So we put white shorts underneath that came above her belly button. No itch! That was the only thing she complained about.
I love how pretty she looks in it and think this is a the perfect dress to play dress up or to really dress up!
The dress flows beautifully and she couldn't stop spinning around.
Don't wait for Halloween, Summer is a perfect time to play dress up AND if you want this for a Halloween Costume, I suggest getting it now. It comes in sizes 3T - 12.
Cinderella takes a nap? |
She was loving herself! |
"One last pic and you can take it off!" |