Maria's Space: Instantly Ageless Does It Work? #instantlyageless

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Instantly Ageless Does It Work? #instantlyageless

Look everyone else I am dying to look younger as I get closer and closer to 50 (OMG, less then 13 months away). We can't fight gravity and even if we ate right, used moisturizer, stayed out of the sun, drank a ton of water, there is only so much you can do without the use of surgery or medical assistance this is why I love trying out different products on my face. There has to be something that works better than all others right?!

The 411 by Maria:

I used this product three times already. This was the last bit in the tiny package. When you apply it, you should put it on in a very thin layer, stay expressionless and let it dry for 2 minutes.

My eyes have upper bags more than lower currently. It seems to have happened in the past year and a half which could be from crying for over 14 months now which really pisses me off.

After applying the product I feel a tightening. It isn't uncomfortable, it doesn't hurt. I feel confident that it does give me some lift on that lid. It could be because staying expressionless is hard for me. It could also be that I had less to use this time but honestly I did notice a difference particularly on the second time I used it. I noticed my eye lids way more than usual and I think that is because I saw them. I never see them anymore thanks to my bags.

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