Maria's Space: Handsome's Cast Comes Off + Why a Fidget Toy Is Beneficial For Chidlren With Special Needs

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Handsome's Cast Comes Off + Why a Fidget Toy Is Beneficial For Chidlren With Special Needs

Well, last week Handsome finally got his cast off! (You can read how he broke his arm here)

It was only 4 weeks but it was the longest 4 weeks in a long time.

Since he couldn't go in the water we spend July mostly home. The kids loved it but it made me crazy. I need people in my life and felt very isolated so I was so happy to get the cast removed so we could get back to civilization again.

We went to the doctor and the removed the cast. I thought this would be the hardest part for him because of the saw. He has a sensory thing and I thought the noise would make him lose it. He did unbelievably great!

Teach was unable to get there try as he might traffic was just not in his favor so I kept him in the know through texts while Handsome got his cast off and his x-ray. This was the photo I sent him. Handsome was waiting to be called into the x-ray room. Teach said he looked sad. He does look sad but mostly he was very nervous. He didn't want the nurse touching his arm after she removed the cast. He also kept saying his hand looked small and flat. I tried to reassure him that it was only because he had been looking at his hand in a cast for four weeks but he didn't believe me.

You can see he is covering his arm with his other arm. His fingers are straight. He is afraid to move them at this point. You can also see that he is holding onto his "guy" or ""toy". The "doll" is something he has been doing for many years now. He always has one "chosen one" in his hand. It doesn't change unless it breaks and then he goes to another chosen one.

This is his soother. I noticed when he started using one around the age of 5. I told everyone it was to keep his busy hands busy. I never read up on it. I never suggested it, it was something he did on his own.  He is very calculated and aware of it. It doesn't come out unless he is home or in the car. If he takes it in the car he leaves it there until he comes out of school, or the store, or wherever. At home, the guy is coveted. If it gets lost it is a problem and the whole family goes on a mission to find it.

Children as a whole but especially children with autism can benefit from the use of soothers or fidget toys. I noticed when he started using one around the age of 5. I told everyone it was to keep his busy hands busy. I never read up on it. I never suggested it, it was something he did on his own.  He is very calculated and aware of it. It doesn't come out unless he is home or in the car. If he takes it in the car he leaves it there until he comes out of school, or the store, or wherever. At home, the guy is coveted. If it gets lost it is a problem and the whole family goes on a mission to find it.

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