Maria's Space: The Amazing Colors Of Kalahari Water Park

Monday, August 31, 2015

The Amazing Colors Of Kalahari Water Park

My family and I headed to Kalahari Water Park in PA this past month. It just opened this Summer and we LOVED it.

One night while the boys were still at the water park Goddess and I headed out and took some photos of the hotel and all the colorful decor.

Here are just a few.

These are some of the lights that grace the convention area. 

Credit: Goddess

Credit: Godess

Credit: Goddess

Goddess on one of the elephant statues

Handsome joined us the next night for a photo!

Down in the family gaming area there was this cool Zoltar...I didn't get my fortune but now wish I had just for the sake of saying I did.

They also had a glow in the dark miniature golf area. This guy was pretty cool. Look at that face.

Some of the games the kids played.  Handsome is just now getting into superheros and Batman is the ONE he likes best. He had a Power Ranger thing last year but it was short lived.

She didn't actually play this one but I didn't to take a photo of how cute it was. The seats are toilet bowls.

The decorations were so colorful and fun!  This table cracked me up.

Our view of the water park at night from our hotel balcony.


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I love the masks. Nice atmosphere overthere.
    Visiting from Blue Monday.
    Greetings from Hilde

  2. Hi Maria,

    Ooo, this looks like such fun. I'll bet the kids loved it! The blue lamps are exotic. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  3. Great photos of what looks like a fun place! Cute children!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. You found a great selection of blues!

    Blue House

  5. beautiful art work, so very special, love the shade of blue you shared very vibrant.
    come see what we shared at

  6. So many beautiful photos!! That yellow satin shirt positively glows! Happy Blue Monday and Monday Mellow Yellows!

  7. Many great photo shares! Always so much fun to visit and see what is going on everywhere else. Thanks for sharing your blues and many other brilliant colors today. Have a wonderful week.


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