Maria's Space: Let Nora Or Leo Help You With Behavior Modification For Your Child

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Let Nora Or Leo Help You With Behavior Modification For Your Child

The concept is called "Nora & Leo, The Simple Solution to Positive Parenting." It is still in Kickstarter mode but this NEEDS to be on the market. I don't know a parent who didn't need something like this at one time or another.

Goddess' new homework helper

We were lucky enough to be able to check out one of the fairies for ourselves. We chose Nora and so far Goddess is responsive to the program AND eager to collect gems outside of the original arrangement we made regarding how she would get gems. 

Check out our unboxing of the Nora kit:


  1. This is really adorable and sounds like a good way to to help this person with her project and get kids to be rewarded for good behavior. I think it is a good idea!

  2. This is a really cool behavioral modification tool. I hope she does well with this!

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    This is so awesome. I know a lot of kids that need this type of encouragement and at the same time reward them when they are good. Cute idea!

  4. What a great program. I know several kids that could benefit from this.

  5. I love this! I would of loved it as a kid that's for sure!

  6. Nora and Leo are both adorably cute.

  7. I love this! It would really help my niece.

  8. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)2:18 AM

    What a great idea. I really like thia way of learning.


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