Maria's Space: My Daughter and I Have Watched A Movie A Night, Thanks Dove Channel

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My Daughter and I Have Watched A Movie A Night, Thanks Dove Channel

Finding movies to watch that are parent and child friendly isn't always easy. She wants to watch something but I am bored or I pick something and she zones out 10 minutes in, eventually leaving the room to play something on her computer. Keeping her unplugged and spending time together is very important to me. Life goes fast and she will be out of here way before I am ready

Thank you Dove TV. My daughter and I always find something to watch and I never have to worry if it will contain a scene or scenes that are not appropriate for her eyes. I cannot tell you the amount of movies that are deemed family friendly out there so you put them on and suddenly there is a conversation about sex or a couple kissing and eventually more. The Dove Foundation have approved all the movies featured on their channel and in fact have a breakdown of the intensity of everything movie featured on the Dove TV - Roku Channel.

So far we have watched a child hood favorite of mine; Davy and Goliath, The Christmas Orange, The Christmas Rabbit, The Velveteen Rabbit, Mandie and The Secret Tunnel and Abbott and Costello.
While it is a subscription channel at a very reasonable $4.99 a month, there is also a free option.

Great family gift idea if you are still wondering what to get someone. Roku boxes were put in both kid's rooms three years ago. It is like having a cable box in their room without paying for a cable box. They don't get cable but they do get Amazon, Netflix, Yahoo, You Tube, The Dove Channel and SOOOO much more. 

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