Maria's Space: The Rainbow And The Guinea Pig

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Rainbow And The Guinea Pig

This week while my daughter was in the bathroom I noticed a rainbow as I walked by her bedroom. Quickly like a good mom, I shouted through the bathroom door because why should I be the only one that doesn't get any peace while on the toilet?

"Honey, there is a rainbow in your room. Oh no wait, scratch that...there are two!"  Through the door I hear her think about jumping off the toilet with a dirty butt just to see the rainbow because when you are a kid...when mom tell you something, you can absolutely count on it being gospel and rainbows in your room is equal to mom saying, "there is a majestic, white unicorn in your room holding plane tickets in it's mouth for a trip to Disney for us. 

She realizes that she cannot get up and run to the door so instead reluctantly says, "Ohhhhh I want to see."

I inform her that I snapped a photo in case by the time she comes out of the toilet it has magically disappeared as quickly as it arrived.

Then she says, "put Stormy (our Guinea Pig) near it."

So, for all who are is Stormy who looked just as surprised as I was to see a colorful rainbow in my daughter's room. So much so that she quickly about faced and squeaked.

Please ignore the black dots on the rug! They are from when the kids used to shake their juice cups. UGH!

It is a pretty cool rainbow no?


  1. the rainbow is beautiful,the big rat not so much,lol glad you captured the rainbow on film

  2. Those are fine pictures Maria. It's so unusual to snap a rainbow indoors.

  3. @VickieC LOL...we love that big rat! She is so cute.
    @philslade Thank you. I felt the same. It was so strange

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. you are just too cool loved it

  6. It is an awesome rainbow.
    Nice photo too.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  7. Photo #2 - So cool!

  8. that was a very strong rainbow. The Guinea Pig seem very interested in it :)

  9. Hello!:) What an awesome sight! Congratulations on capturing an indoor rainbow. How can it be Stormy in a Rainbow:) but it was!!!:)

  10. Very fine images.

  11. amazing capture! have a beautiful week!

  12. Wow!!! What a place to find a rainbow. I think Stormy is a bit disappointed though that he didn't get the pot of gold.

  13. What a great find. I don't think I've ever seen a rainbow indoors before.

  14. So pretty to notice that!

  15. Thank you for all the comments! We thought the rainbow was pretty cool!

  16. It is a beautiful rainbow and good for you for seeing and capturing it.
    sweet Guinea Pig too.

  17. Very Creative with the use of simple things. Love it.


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