Maria's Space: Gifts For The Men In Your Life

Monday, November 21, 2016

Gifts For The Men In Your Life

I love when my husband wears cologne and then layers it with a shower gel and deodorant of the same scent.  One of my favorite times of the day are our good bye kisses when he hugs me so tight I get the smell of his cologne on me and get hit with it throughout the day. It is like a surprise reminder of him that lasts most of the day.


I was going to wait until Christmas to give it to him but I honestly couldn't wait to smell it on him so he has it now. He loves layering his scent it is not something he has ever done before. He says it stays on longer and he enjoys the smell because "it is not too perfumy." Wait, is that even a word. Well that is what he said so I am sticking with it. He works a night job too so he has the small mini in his car so he can spray between jobs if he wants too. I can still smell him when he comes into bed at night.

My plan is to get him on more gift set and three ties before Christmas since he liked this so much.

What are you getting your man for Christmas? Is it for him or is it really for you like the cologne I get my husband?

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