Sunday, December 04, 2016


Let me start with this....If you don't know what Young Frankenstein is and you grew up in the 70s, your childhood didn't rock! The movie came out in 1974 and I grew up in a family that could quote the movie line for line. It never got old and when together someone will start the mini reenactment all over again.

The 411:
I will tell you that I saw this movie about 300 times. It is by far one of my favorites and I try to watch it as often as I can. The book is perfect for any fan of this movie. There are over 200 behind the scene photos that made me smile as if I was looking at a photo album a family member had just brought out of the attic. The people associated with this movie are my youth. I love Mel, Gene, Marty, Peter, Cloris, Madeline and Terry.  The movie has some of the best quotes and funniest lines ever.

Reading the behind the scenes stories was so interesting. I had no idea that this was Gene Wilder's idea. I had always thought it was a Mel movie and he hired Gene for the lead role. 

Many studios refused the movie at first because Gene and Mel wanted to do it in black and white to stay true to past movies of the genre. 

This was such a fun, interesting book for me that I kept sending my sister photos so I could discuss it with someone.

Mel did a great job with this. I read it in his voice and loved all his humor and how much respect he has for the actors he worked with.

I am getting at least 4 copies as gifts this year. My family members will be thrilled.

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