Maria's Space: My Christmas Vacation Is Over

Sunday, January 01, 2017

My Christmas Vacation Is Over

Welcome 2017 and everyone reading this. 2016 wasn't as bad for me as it was for others. Everyone I personally know were talking about 2016 being the year they wanted to kick in the butt for me it was the 2 years prior although it was sad to see so many celebrities leave us. The list is long.

I took 12 days off to spend with my kids. I hold two part-time jobs and with the kids, life, blogging, reviews it was nice to not have a schedule for a while.

New Years was spent at home like so many before. It was better than some and more boring than others but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. It didn't really feel like a holiday as we aren't planning a party or getting ready for a party but the kids are home and we are all safe. I know I don't have many more with them as they will eventually grow up and live their own lives. For now I am happy to have them here.

I don't know about you guys but the kids spent most of their time away from school in their rooms. I know it is the age, I was a kid too. Last night was no different. We called them out to watch the ball drop, hug and take a few photos before eventually making our way to our bedrooms.

Praying you all have a wonderful 2017 filled with laughter, love and light.

1 comment:

  1. (My Christmas Vacation Is Over) Hope you and the kids had a great Christmas and New Years together. But I am glad that 2016 is done and over with.Now I'm so bored and searching for giveaway hops! :)


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