Maria's Space: April 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017

I Couldn't Put Down Speed of Life by Carol Weston

The 411:

This is a story that called for me to read it. I couldn't put this book down even in the middle of my very busy mommy, work and blog life. There is so much I love about a girl named Sofia who like me lost her mom as a young teenager. I was going on 12. At times I found myself re-reading passages as I remember those firsts without my mom. Oddly enough the dates resonated with me. Sofia's mom died April 8th. So did my mom. Her mom's birthday was in June. So was my mom's. Sofia and Maria rhyme. OK maybe it seems like a stretch to you but that little 11 year old Motherless daughter is still living in me and I visited with her a few times during my reading this book. 

When Sofia meets Advice Columnist Kate her life changes. She not only has a confident, someone she say everything she is thinking to but suddenly her dad starts dating her. What is she to do when the person she has told her deepest feelings to is now in her life face to face?  

The characters are well written and real. This is a funny, sarcastic filled with heart.  I have read other reviews on Speed Of Life and know some were shocked by the fact that Sofia didn't push against the changes in her life or even her father starting to date early. I can tell you as the daughter of a grieving father the last thing you wanted was to upset him more or see him cry another day. Anything that would help him not grieve was OK. Sofia is not an angsty teen so she would not push against these changes. 

There is a romance in the book when Sofia meets Sam but it is the perfect first romance. I would be OK with my new 12 year old reading this book. There relationship is perfectly innocent.

It is no wonder Carol still is the Advice Columnist at Girl's Life and has been since 1994. She has a youthful way of writing that crosses across the generational lines. I think my 12 year old would love this book as much as I have at 50. Whether you associate with Sofia or Kate in this story you will love it! 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Killing Spree By Unborn Baby In The Dark Comedy Prevenge

The 411:
Prevenge is about a pregnant woman named Ruth played brilliantly by Alice Lowe the  writer, director whose is heavy with child. The baby is a bit pissed off and makes some unsavory demands of its Mum.  The thought of killing for your child is one many moms at one time or another may discuss. "If someone was to hurt my child I would kill them or there is NOTHING I wouldn't do for my child."' Well in this movie that is far from laugh out loud but an obvious comedy none the less, that is exactly what Ruth does. The baby tells her to kill and she does leaving a bloody mess behind her. My favorite scene is the afro wig wearing DJ who is so horny he doesn't notice that the woman he brought home for the night is largely pregnant. Men are so dumb when they are horny! The scene was cringe worthy with my husband and I squeezing our legs together and covering our eyes. UGH! 

Ruth's maternal instincts are evident with her placing a kiss on the forehead of her kills and even putting the elderly mom of one of her victims to bed with the bloody knife in her hand that she just used to kill the woman's son PLUS a kiss on the forehead.   It is a bit disturbing with that little giggling baby egging on mom through the kills. 

The movie definitely shed some light on the difficulty and loneliness of single parenthood.

Worth a look see. Is the baby a killer or does she have multiple personalities. Hmmmm.

Cauliflower Crust Pizza Is Delicious #recipe

Oh my gosh I never thought it would be good but it was amazing!

I used riced cauliflower from Green Giant, shredded cheese from Shoprite, Parmesan cheese (BelGioioso) cherry tomatoes also Shoprite, jar sauce (Rao's), fresh basil, and some oregano. 

Oven at 425
Parchment paper on the bottom of the cooking sheet.

Mix one egg white and 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese with the whole bag of cauliflower and mix together. You can use whole cauliflower that you put in the food processor and make your own but I was all about a quick dinner.

Let cauliflower sit in a strainer or as I did, just push with a paper towel. Since it wasn't fresh there wasn't much water. Get as much water out as possible for a crispy crust.

Put down on parchment and shape into your pizza bottom. I like the rustic shape, mostly oblong.

Place in the oven for 10 minutes.

Put your toppings on and put back in for about 7-10 minutes until lightly browned and cheese is melted.

Now for the best part, EAT! 

The Way Education Is Going These Days, These Books Are A Must For Babies! #ad

I would love these books even if kids weren't expected to do well on the high stakes testing being administered in schools today. They are perfect! Thick board books for little hands with simple artwork and simplistic explanations. I would have totally bought these for my son back in the day.  They were exactly what I was looking for.



There is so much more expected of kids going into Kindergarten today. Play and socializing is NOT part of the Kindergarten model. Just 6 short years ago my daughter was learning how to spell her name and rainbow writing her letters. These days they are writing thought pieces with open and closing statements on their essays and taking tests where they need to fill in the circle with a #2 pencil. No joke! I kid you not. SOOOO I highly suggest considering these amazing books for you and your baby! 

Each book contains 24 pages and is valued at $9.99 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Trace Race Activity Book For Toddlers


My toddler class loved this. All 10 of them couldn't wait for their turn to trace the race. This book allows children to take their finger and trace out the path that a rocket ship will take passing by the moon or a tractor takes around a barn, a firetruck racing through town, a plane doing tricks like loop-the-loops and spins and more.

The art work is colorful and beside the path for the little fingers to follow there were adorable whimsical characters throughout that kids will point out like the penguin, cute teddy bear and more who keeps popping up on many pages.

Arbonne Created For Baby's Delicate Skin

April is National Stress Awareness Month so this month is the perfect month to check into some products that will help baby like Arbonne Baby Care

Arbonne Diaper Rash Cream

What I love about this is it is thick! It doesn't just absorb into the skin and disappear. It protects the skin!  It is unscented and perfect for babies delicate skin. A little goes a long way.

Arbonne Hair and Body Wash

Also perfect for delicate baby skin. No harsh chemicals. It is light and moisturizers too. Not a lot of rinsing which is perfect for babies in the bath. I hated when I had to rinse and rinse and rinse my little ones when they were small. They screamed their head off. This would have eased bath time for both of us.

Arbonne Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF30

I LOVE sunscreen and use SPF30 and above for myself. What I love about this is that it wasn't harsh on my children's skin. Usually they end up with a rash from the sunscreen on their chest and back. It makes me wonder if not protecting would be better sometimes. This sunscreen was water-resistant and goes on nice and thick. It is non-scented and non-greasy. Exactly what I need in a sun screen 
Arbonne Body Lotion

This absorbs quickly into the skin and leaves no heavy, greasy feeling. It is perfect for baby skin or anyone with sensitive skin.

We have three pregnant woman at work right now (don't drink the water) and two of them are receiving Arbonne Baby Sets when the baby comes.  Only the best for my friends.

Monday, April 17, 2017

A League Of Their Own Is 25 Years Old And Available On Blue-Ray April 18th

The 411:

When this movie came out I LOVED it. It starred Geena Davis who I loved from Earth Girls Are Easy, Beetlejuice, The Fly and Thelma and Louise. Madonna, Rosie O'Donnel and Tom Hanks and was director by Penny Marshall. Hello...Laverne from Laverne and Shirley. This was a must see back in the day. I loved it for the actors involved but now I love it for the story of these woman who played baseball for the nation while our boys were at war. 

Geena Davis stars as Dottie Hinson a married woman who at the height of the war in 1943 was approached by a scout played by John Lovitz to play for one of the American Girls Professional Baseball League. She won't go unless her sister Kit also goes.   Together they try out and make one of the 4 teams "the Peaches!". The outfits were meant to sexualize the woman and are told to wear them or go home.  The commercials that introduced them had them applying make up, powdering their nose on the field and pouring coffee.

There were many who were against the onset of this after all "what kind of girls will our boys come home to?" The girls are heckled from the stands with idiot comments like 'Girls can't play ball" and "Watch out I might break a nail." BUT these girls meant business and went on to play in the World Series and eventually ended up in the Baseball Hall of Fame. 

While the movie has a serious tone it is funny with great lines like "there is no crying in baseball", "boy that was some good peeing", and "I am sorry I am going to have to kill your son" to name a few.

Great casting I loved Geena, Tom, Rosie, Madonna 

What I loved about this movie is how many woman are in it. I loved the feel of the 40's which was depicted beautifully.  The clothing, the hair, the tone. I LOVED it. I didn't love all the smoking.  There are a few lewd lines like " Did anyone ever tell you, you look like a penis with that little hat on?" and  "Great game, Jimmy. I especially liked that move in the seventh inning when you scratched your balls for an hour." 

There really is so much to love here. Jimmy pulling himself together. The sisterhood of these girls. The dance scene, etc! David Lander (Squiggly) from Laverne and Shirley announcing.    Madonna teaching another player how to read.  Dottie and Jimmy giving play signs from the dugout was hysterical.

This strong female cast is a MUST! If you have never seen the movie see it. If you have, see it again! 

My 12 and 13 year old thought it was funny and now my daughter wants a pair of saddle shoes.