Maria's Space: My New Favorite Place To Be And A Few Pieces of Repurposed Wood

Saturday, June 17, 2017

My New Favorite Place To Be And A Few Pieces of Repurposed Wood

This past weekend my husband decided to create something from some old pieces of wood that has been under the deck for the past 14 years. The wood used to be part of a bridge that went across our creek until a tree took it out. A new bridge was crafted and this wood just sat there until now.

My husband created the most beautiful planter and I am in love with how it turned out right down to the rope accent handles. It looks like a dresser sitting on the deck.

The beginning...

Prior to this project he created a table for the deck using the same old wood. I love when we can repurpose instead of tossing out.

He used a torch to burn the wood. My daughter and her friend got to try it out. 

Next he took some white paint and water and just kinda scrubbed it into the wood!

New life for old wood that was sitting under the deck, under dirt for as long as my son has been around.  We use it to eat and to use the laptop on the deck. We don't even remember what we did before it.

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