Maria's Space: 9/11 Film Charlie Sheen Autographed Poster and Gift Pack #Remember911 @9_11Movie #GIVEAWAY

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

9/11 Film Charlie Sheen Autographed Poster and Gift Pack #Remember911 @9_11Movie #GIVEAWAY

Many of us remember exactly where we were when the first plane crashed into the North Tower 1 WTC. It was one of the scariest days of my life and I remember every single detail as if it happened yesterday. It plays out in my mind like a movie. Our lives were completely changed and I will never forget it!  I wrote my entire story here in my 9/11 post written on the 4th anniversary of the attack.

9/11 is a movie based on true events of that day about 5 people who were trapped in an elevator of the WTC.

1 comment:

  1. I was only 2 years old and I remember very little.



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