Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year #newyear

Happy New Year to everyone who ever reads, comments or likes my posts. We may not really know each other but I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

I wish you a wonderful 2018 filled with laughter and love. From my family to yours Happy 2018!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Today I Said Goodbye To My Grandmother

Saying goodbye to a loved one is hard. Grandma was 100 years old this past October. She lived a nice long life. She had a lot of friends, traveled and had a husband who adored her. He passed this past May. She also buried two childen who were only in their early 30s. She had been in a nursing home, rehab since breaking her should this Spring. She couldn’t see or hear well anymore. She didn’t really know wherre she was anymore either thinking that she was at her home upstate in Millbrook NY.  She passed right before Christmas. We didn’t expect she would live past the New Year as she had stopped eating. Thankfully she wasn’t ill, just old. Her body just couldn’t do it anymore.

I remind myself that she is again with my Grandpa, not feeling alone anymore and with her children again. Losing her for me, means less of my mother here on the planet. I know my sisters, and I, along with our children are here and part of her but her core family is only my Uncle, her brother now.

Today at her funeral I found myself looking at her casket ready to go in the ground with my grandfather and her two children a few rows back and thought, this is life. This is what is supposed to happen. We live, we die and hopefully we make a difference in the world. This realization doesn’t make it easier but it reminds us that we need to always live for now. Tomorrrow is a mystery and we never know how long we have. I pray for everyone reading this to have a long, full life and if you are mourning someone know that they would want you to live your best life. Cherish the time you have, enjoy your family, take pictures, create memories because one day that is all they will have of us.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

This Girl Makes Me Happy

My daughter is amazing. We all think that about our kids right? She is a challenge. She keeps me on my toes with an attitude that makes me cringe at times. She is quick witted, smart, talented and a total  crack up. She always gets the joke and loves to laugh. We have a special bond and too many times a day say exactly the same thing at the same time. Not sure if that means we spend too much time together but I will never get enough of her.

I usually tell people I want to be her when I grow up. She is oddly fearless yet extremely shy. She is not afraid to speak her mind or make a joke of herself. She truly is an amazing person and I am so happy to be her mother.

My Cat Luna Loves Her Christmas Gift

To Order

Monday, December 25, 2017

Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Themed Books For Kids

The 411:

I am not done with the book yet but so far I am thoroughly enjoying it so wanted you to know

When Santa decides he wants to retire early but doesn't want to just hand the red suit down to his first son who would be the next in line to carry on the tradition of Santa. Instead he holds a contest that is open to anyone who wants to apply including the elves. This competition isn't easy after all it is a huge responsibility to be Santa.

I love Ollie and Celia two elves who enter the Santa Trials and found myself thinking that Top Shelf was a combination of The Hunger Games and Five Nights At Freddy's with a whole lot of humor and heart.  The story is entertaining and moves along quickly.

Hopefully I can finish it tonight and hand it to my son so he can read it.

This is a great Christmas read.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Coobie Seamless Bras Are The Most Comfortable Bra EVER! @usfg #shopcoobie

I don't know about you but the best part of my day when I get in the door is when I can finally take my bra off right through my sleeves. Sometimes it happens as I am walking up the stairs. Sometimes in the kitchen as I am making a snack and sometimes I do it the normal way, by taking my shirt off! Wearing a bra is uncomfortable. They either feel too tight, too low, cut me in the wrong place or just hurt. UNTIL NOW!

Introducing the Coobie Seamless Bra!

Coobie Seamless Bras are The World's Most Comfortable Bras!

You need this amazing bra in your life!  Coobie Seamless Bras are ultra comfortable and supportive. Perfect for everyday wear our versatile one-size fits 32A - 36D, available in 7+ styles and 70+ colors/patterns, with adjustable straps and removable pads! Try one, you'll love it!

Now, I am not going to show you a picture of me in a bra but my crazy baby was willing to model one for you'll.

The bra is a large and while she would be a small it fits her as well as it fits me.