Saturday, February 03, 2018

Who Has A Stinky Teen?

Well, I don't have a stinky teen! He is a little obsessed with showering but I know after he comes home from school on a gym day, he so could use some extra help so I was really excited to try Prep U.

We received the Prep U Body Spray and Active Dry Powder. Both are great! My son loves the size. He carries them in his backpack and uses them on gym day but yesterday I caught him applying it in his room so I of course had him reenact the moment.  I love that he actually uses it AND that it doesn't smell strong. When I was working in the middle school I used to walk through a cloud of another "boy" product on the market. It was so strong. These kids don't get the whole less is more thing.

1 comment:

  1. yeah,,i have a almost 13 yr old grandson and a 10 yr old grandson,,that have to be made use products to help the smell and clean their faces,,the teen has acne i think they changed so fast body wise they dont get it that they have hormones now that make them stink


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