Maria's Space: Dropped My Baby At High School Orientation And Want To Cry

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dropped My Baby At High School Orientation And Want To Cry

This morning I drove Handsome to his high school orientation. I saw parents walking kids in and parents dropping off so I was excited and thought...I get to go in with him. We got to the door and he said, "bye mom" and high tailed it right in that school never turning back.

While I am happy for that he is so confident to enter the doors of the school he will be in for  the next for years of his life I was so sad for me. Thankfully I had my daughter with me so I went out to enjoy some breakfast and mommy/daughter time so there was no time to be sad but WOW...time flies.

I love you my boy! Always be who you are because you are amazing!

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