Maria's Space: Sunshine and Glitter Big On My Gift List This Year - See Our Fun Video Review

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Sunshine and Glitter Big On My Gift List This Year - See Our Fun Video Review

You know when you find that product that you wish you could give to everyone you know!? Yeah...I know it doesn't happen all the time but it does happen. For me this year it is Sunshine & Glitter.  I wish I could use a paycheck and give one to every single person I know. Come one, look at those logos! They are amazing all by themselves but the products are pretty damn special too!

Goddess and I reviewed Doom & Gloom Holographic Glitter Moisturizing Potion and Birthday Everyday Party Cake Scented Pink Glitter Body Gel.

There is so much to say about this products. First the packaging is incredible. They have thought of everything.  The Party Cake scented body gel looks like a cupcake and comes in a colorful box. The Doom & Gloom Moisturizing Lotion has skull and cross bones, lighting strikes and stars all over it along with some of the coolest verbage. Be A Sparkling Little Ray Of Darkness! BTW...we still have no idea what it smells like but everyone says the same thing; "it brings up a memory of my childhood but I can't place the smell."

These are definitely eye catching products that make you feel special to just hold them in your hands. Everyone I brought them to wanted put the lotions and gels on. My co-workers and I looked amazing at recess with the sun hitting our skin. There is so much glitter! We all were feeling a bit special and everyone wrote down the website.  My co-workers always help me with reviews. They love seeing what came in for review but usually one or two write down the information, this time everyone was interested.

See our fun video review here:

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