Maria's Space: My Life In Photos - October 28th - October 31, 2018

Saturday, December 01, 2018

My Life In Photos - October 28th - October 31, 2018

October 28th - Playing with my girl's hair is one of my favorite things. She has such gorgeous, long hair. However I suck at doing anything to it. I missed out on the doing hair gene that so many girls seem to naturally have.

October 29 - This is NOT an attractive photo but in the name of keeping it real, posting anyway. Goddess and I loved reviewing Watch Ya Mouth. You can see our review here.

October 30 - My kids helping me review a huge bean bag. They had a good time and we love the bean bag.

October 31 - We ran into my son's speech therapist from the ages 4-15 while we were Trick or Treating. They were so cute hugging in the street on Halloween and I am glad I am quick with the camera as I didn't expect the hug now that he is older. He loves her!

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