Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - December 20 - December 29, 2018

Saturday, December 29, 2018

My Life In Pictures - December 20 - December 29, 2018

December 20 - Sage nursing on my shirt. She is very sweet but only when nursing.

December 21, 2018 - When you go to the same pizzeria every Friday they sometimes give you extra. This time it was Italian Cake.

December 22, 2018 - Snapchat Maria is always better than just Maria. Let's pretend this is really me without a filter. Cute!

December 23, 2018 - Just a drive by shot while out looking at Christmas lights with Goddess but it was a wonderful view and I love sharing.

December 24 - Christmas Eve 13 and 15 years old. Man time flies. I love these babies. They will forever be my babies no matter how old they get and God willing I will be here to watch it happen.

December 25, 2018 - They all look wonderful so I am sharing it even though I am not happy with mine. I was probably talking to my niece asking if we were all in the picture but my daughter holding my arms is everything and my boys always look good.

December 26 - My sister-in-law and niece came in from California for Christmas week. They always come up one day out of their stay to spent the day with us. I loved that my daughter opened up a bit more with them. She is so shy and I really want them to see just how dynamic and amazing she is.  We ended up heading out for an hour without the boys and hopefully they will continue to come and spend time with us maybe even taking Goddess with them for a little while to get to know her better.

December 27 - Christmas gift from my girl Clary; Dinner and a movie but in reverse. We headed out to see Aquaman because she knows how much I love Jason Momoa the headed to Outback for some steak and drinks. All the shots are grainy. I couldn't see what I was shouting and didn't want to blind the person behind us.

December 28 - Luna loves the tree as much as I do. I don't want to see it go but eventually I guess we will  have no choice.

December 29 - Not planned but so cute. Sage hanging out in our wreath for next year. Walmart's 50% off was awesome.

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