Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures April 25 - April 30

Monday, July 08, 2019

My Life In Pictures April 25 - April 30

April 25 - It's amazing how a fresh hair cut makes you feel. Loved myself enough to take a glamour selfie in Picsart.

April 26 - One of the preschool classes decorated the trees with treats for the birds. Aren't they cute?

April 27 - Sometimes she doesn't want me to take a picture of her but she is my baby and I adore her so I get those shots anyway I can. She usually comes with me when I leave the house. I hate going without her. On the day she moves out I am going to be a wreck.

April 28 - My girl loves her digital art. We hope to get her an iPad soon so she can continue doing her thing whenever and wherever she wants.

April 29 - When your preschool class finds an ant in the classroom everything must stop.

April 30 - When duck, Koi, cat and garden sitting looks like this, you tend to take a lot of photos. I will be sad when we no longer sit for this family. Pet sitting is my favorite side job.

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