Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - June 21 - June 30

Monday, July 15, 2019

My Life In Pictures - June 21 - June 30

June 21 - Took the class on a walk in the rain. They really needed to walk.

June 22 - Our first family dinner on the deck for the summer season.  My husband's idea of getting Chinese food was wonderful. I wasn't in the mood but enjoyed that we were all at the same table.

June 23 - Weekend project. Free shelf from work that will now be part of our deck furnishings needed a waterproof coating.

June 24 - S'more's bar set up for the 8th grade Graduation party. I assisted in set up but the whole idea was by one mom who does this for parties. It looked amazing. There were about 15 of us on hand to help move chairs, tables, set up lights, backgrounds, etc.

June 25 - My beautiful baby's 8th grade graduation. I had her hold a photo of her from kindergarten and while she hated every moment of posing she allowed me to take about 300 photos. I am so proud of her. She had a wonderful year at school.

June 26 - My beautiful baby waiting on the bus stop for her last day of school. I ended up driving her that morning but I couldn't miss the obligatory bus stop photo. It will be the last time she stand here heading to the middle school. I cannot believe she will be a high school in September.

June 27 - Goddess grabbed this shot of the sibs hanging out under the table.

June 28 - Summer Break is in full effect. Late nights means. A bit blurry but it was dark in the room except for a sliver of sun coming in.

June 29 - I love taking shots of water droplets on the plants in the morning.

June 30 - Today was the day we took down the trampoline. It was a big part of the kids life for a few years but they haven't used it in a year. Goddess rolled her ankle and never got back on and Handsome just said, it was too much work to clean it for the times he wanted to use it. I am sad to see it go but why leave it there when other kids could benefit from it. We posted on a tag sale site and got $90 for it.

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