Saturday, February 29, 2020

Friday Fun – Sick


Friday Fun – Sick

Over at Friday Fun they had this meme
1. What kind of patient are you? The demanding never happy kind, the leave me the h*ll alone kind, or the grateful kind? Or some combination of them?!
When I was in the hospital I was the grateful, I know you are just doing your job kind except once when a nurse challenged me in regards to feeding my son. Then I was the don’t F with me kind.
2. Are you a good nurse, or do sick people make you want to run for it? I am a really good nurse, even when people aren’t sick I want to nurse them.
3. What is your favorite remedy for the flu? Sleep, warm/hot water and lemon, and toast
Stay healthy!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cuteness By Handsome


Cuteness By Handsome

The other day I came out of a much needed shower after scrubbing the tub. I have a bathrobe hanging in the bathroom that I never wear. It was given to me at my bridal shower and it is much too big, much to bridal and much too silky. It looks like a big wedding gown.
I headed down my 6 foot hallway toward my bedroom. When I got there my son was walking out, probably jumping on my bed which he is not allowed to do, heard me coming and high tailed it out. Since I was in the shower he must have thought it was ying yang party time and jumped with full abandon.
My son looked at me and just as I was about to ask “were you jumping on my bed?” He said, “your dress is sooooo beautiful. You look like a princess. Are you a princess?”
Taken in by the total cuteness, yes I am a terrible mother, I said, “no honey, I’m not a princess.” He said, “Yes, you are. Can I have a kiss?”
I kissed him and told him “thank you.”
He ran out of the room and it was then that I remembered that he was probably jumping on my bed. Oh well, compliments are an important childhood lesson right?
This afternoon I asked Handsome if he wanted lunch. He said, No.
Being his mom, I know that he needs to eat and it is my job to get food into him that isn’t orange and in the shape of a fish so I started rattling off the options. When I got to hot dogs he said, “No, thank you, too spitty!”
Last week he had an upset stomach for a few days. On the morning that he actually threw up he had hot dogs the night before.
So I told him that they aren’t too spitty but that he needed to eat something for lunch.
He again said, “Not hot dogs. They made my stomach hurt. They made me spit.”
I love that he calls vomit “spitty.” I think it’s a much cuter term.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Never Too Old To Learn Something New

I will be 54 for year and have always wanted to have a sketchbook with art that I have created. Often I found myself thinking how cool would it be to just draw something and have it look good. Sooo when I bought my daughter a sketchbook for Christmas I grabbed a cheap one for myself.

In January I made myself a promise that every week I would sketch at least 2-3 times. I wanted to watch myself get better with each sketch. I know it is possible. Howard Stern is an amazing artist and a few years ago he said he couldn't draw a straight line. Soooo here is my art. Don't laugh too hard. I find it fun.

Sketch #1

Sketch #2

Sketch #3 & 4

Sketch #5

Sketch #6

Sketch #7

Sketch #8 & 9 Were really fun. Goddess asked me if I wanted to draw what she did. We passed the sketchbook back and forth as I tried to follow what she did. This page took us about an hour to do this page.

Sketch #10

Sketch #11

Sketch #12

Yeah I know I have a long way to go but I find it fun and hey you can't get better unless you practice right?

Friday, February 21, 2020

Photo Friday - My Crazy Baby Girl

Posted on 

I love this Meme. Where have I been? Head on over to Photo Friday if you want to participate. The weekly challenge is EMOTIONS
She is soon to be 3 and full of emotion. Not sure what most of these faces say but she is my little actress.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

My Life In Pictures Jan 18 - Jan 31

January 18 - Luna's face! No other words necessary!

January 19 - The only pic of the day is one I took of my 2nd sketch! I am no artist but have always wanted to be. I challenged myself to 2-3 sketches a week so I can progress and hopefully become a decent sketch artist. You can challenge yourself anytime. You are never too old to learn something new.

January 20 - One shot of the day is a prototype for my classes Valentine craft. I just used scraps of paper.  I will use their foot for the body of the Love Bug along with their adorable face. Hopefully their parents will love it.

Update: It ended up being so cute! I wish I could show you how cute they are. I made them into magnets and are way cuter than this.

January 21 - A photo of something I am using with my class to call them over to the carpet every morning. They love it and ask for it the moment I call them to the carpet and sit down.

January 22 -  A baby gift I made for a co-worker. We get a lot of toy hand-me-downs at work. This cute little washer and dryer was exactly what I needed. My co-worker was pregnant and I really wanted to give her something special so when I saw this toy and found out no one was grabbing it for the classroom I took it home. After taking off the doors,  I tried spray painting it but that wasn't working so my husband picked up some acrylic which paint. It took 4 coats of paint but eventually was all white and ready for gifting. I added a basket, some books, diapers, wipes and put a basket of baby items on top to present it to her. My plan was to make it a changing station for all her diaper changing products but she has made it into a book shelf for the baby. I am so happy she loves it! It was fun to work on and knowing she loves it because I painted it means a lot to me.

January 23 - My daughter's digital artwork for a school history project is the bomb! Look at that door and doorknobs. I love it! She always draws characters but I was really impressed with that door!

January 24 - NADA

January 25 - NADA

January 26 - Working with my beautiful niece we surprised my father-in-law out for breakfast. I loved seeing his face when he realized we were there. 

January 27 - She has seen some things. She hides to spare herself but every morning wakes optimistic that it is going to be a good day. Sometimes it is! Sketch 6. I don't hate her. She is okay for my 6th sketch right?!

January 28 - Nada

January 29 - This is what my chiropractor uses on my back. I seriously need one!  The next time my husband asks me what I want! I am sending this link.

January 30 - Valentine's Day Cards from my class that we were sending to the vets.

January 31 - My preschool celebrates Chinese New Year. These puppets were a favorite craft we created during our week of Chinese Culture.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

My Life In Pics Jan 8 - Jan 17, 2020

January 8 - The only pics I took were of my students and I cannot share them without permission. They are adorable and I wish I can show you.

January 9 - A sketch found in my daughter's notebook. They are so cute!

January 10 -  My Dollar Tree as I prepare for my classroom Valentine activities. I love all this pink and red.

January 11 - These two cats are not friends. My Luna usually is hissing at Jinxy but on this warm day with the door open they are willing to sit next to each other. Miracles do happen!

January 12 - My CVS Clearance Haul. $11.44 for all of this!

January 13 - The only pic on this date is a Snapchat filter of me and Goddess!

January 14 - Picked this up at CVS on clearance for $2.99. I really wish I had purchased all of them! So cute and I could have resold or donated. My daughter loves it!

January 15 - Took Jinxy to the vet for a check up! He is doing well but he does not like the vet. If he could have crawled into Goddess' jacket, he would have.

January 16 - Some of my pink, piggy plates done by my 2 year old students! Aren't they the cutest?!

January 17 -  The Letter of the Week was P! We painted a P with a Pom Pom. My toddler students love any and all art projects!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Snatchers Is One Of The Best Movies of the 2019 SXSW Film Festival & I Thought It Was A Blast

The 411:

Let me start by saying. I loved it!  BUT let me preface with the fact that I love gory, funny, kinda Indie B Movies. Now, I am not saying this is a B movie I put it right up there with the A movies. It flows nicely, the acting is good, the storyline is funny, the gory factor is there and did I mention fun! 

Sara has sex with her boyfriend who just came back from Mexico. He is tan and hot and she has been holding back. He breaks up with her and she decides to win him back by giving him what he has been waiting for. After a quick and oddly loud climax she asks if he pulled out (did I mention this is not for kids?). He obviously didn't because a day later Sara is hugely pregnant with something! Not just pregnant but ready to give birth. And we thought Bella and Edward's Renesmee was a quick pregnancy! 

Thankfully Sara has Hayley played by Gabrielle Elyse who I knew was friggin familiar she was in Modern Family. Together they are doing what they can to survive and take out whatever it is that is now on a rampage killing people. 

I love silly, bloody campy movies. This is why we use condoms people! 

If you are like me, get entertained with Snatchers! 

The Best Baby Food for Busy Parents

The 411:

I work in preschool with 1-3 year olds. Parents are always asking food questions.

How do I get my child to eat more fruits and veggies?
How can I make sure they are getting all they need?
My child has a texture issue how can I change that?
They only eat chicken nuggets but I want them to eat better. What can I do?
I need to send something for lunch that is easy for them to eat on their own any suggestions?

Yes! Yes! Yes. I have the answer. lil'gourmet has so many different flavors. You will find something your little one likes.  Lil'gourmet has no salt and no sugar. It is full of good things like beets, cauliflower, turmeric, sweet potato and more. It is also organic which would have been perfect when I was a new mom.

As a new mom I was certain I didn't want my son to eat anything unless it was made by me. I felt that baby food had a lot of water in it and was bland and tasteless. I wanted it to be fresh so I spent my Sunday's steaming and boiling all day. I made squash, sweet potato, cauliflower, peas, green beans, and more. After it was soft I pulverized it and strained it putting it in tiny containers with the date and ingredient written on it.  This would have saved me so much time.  lil'gourmet is fresh. It needs to be refrigerated. It doesn't have a bunch of preservatives in it giving it a ridiculous amount of shelf life.

Honestly it taste like food you would eat!

The available flavors are:

Organic Beets & Apples with cinnamon and ginger

Organic Coconut and Cauliflower Mash with coriander, ginger and onion powder

Organic Moroccan Butternut Squash with cinnamon, coriander, cumin, onion power, and turmeric

Organic Sweet Potato Curry with cinnamon, coriander, cumin and turmeric

My favorite and yes I did try it was the Organic beets and apples! It was really good.

I gave a few to two of the parents at my preschool. One loves vegetables and the other has a food texture problem. Both told me that their children enjoyed it. The one who loves vegetables ate all 4 samples and the food texture issue said no at first but did take it when dad fed him. He ate the butternut squash and the beets and apples but wouldn't eat the sweet potato curry (I am not a curry fan either).

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Haruko To Fight Medical Mechanica And Fraternity With The Cult Anime Series FLC

This is my first time seeing this! My daughter and I do love anime. Unfortunately she will not be watching this about a 12 year old horny boy who is learning about his sexuality. I love Haruko and her ass kicking guitar. I have been watching in my truck while I wait for the kids to come out of school and can see why this show was so popular.  The over the top expressions, soundtrack and animation along with the sexual innuendos are exactly what I would have been into when I was my daughter's age. This is NOT something she would be comfortable watching but I know a few of her friends who would love to watch this as a group and laugh about it. I am up to episode 3 Stone Skipping which I hope to watch tomorrow before the kids get in the car. More on that later! 

My Life In Pictures - Jan 1 - Jan 7, 2020

January 1 - For some reason my Goddess would not get in the photo. So just me and my boys!

January 2 - Sage is the only one of my 3 cats who gives me no grief. She doesn't miss the litter box, steal other cat's food or scratch the walls or furniture. She still nurses on my shirt but does not like to be picked up. She is a sweet girl if only she would let me love her. Anyone else have a cat that hates being held?

January 3 - After this photo I thought...I need to do my makeup and get some hoops and a Fedora. Love this look. Me but not me.

January 4 -  My girl and I have started playing crossword puzzle games. We love this one because we can play it together. She takes a turn then I get a notification on my phone that it is my turn. Sometimes she kicks my ass! She is very smart! I highly recommend playing games with your kids!

January 5 - Every night Goddess and I have hot toddys. We are a little addicted! Here is our recipe

January 6 - Our Little People Manager

January 7 - It's me! Once in a while you do need to take a photo. God willing in 20 years I will want to see me at 53.

Our Hot Toddy Addiction

Goddess and I have a love of lemon, ginger and honey! We really love our lemon and Goddess will  eat a whole lemon at a time if she has the chance. With the flu being a pretty big concern this year in my world (I know about 30 who have had it this year); I have started making an age old elixir to try to combat all sickness from my world. Hot Toddy has been used as a natural remedy for aches and pains as well as soothing symptoms of common colds.

Whether it works or you think it does the point is a Hot Toddy doesn't just taste good, it is good for you.

The warm/hot water will help ease your congestion while the lemon and honey can help lesson your congestion as well as prevent dehydration. It is also good for a sore throat and we add cinnamon to ours because we love the smell.

We don't just drink it because we think it will help our colds, we even drink it when we are healthy as a horse.

How We Make Ours

While we boil the water (the old fashion way of course) We cut a lemon and squeeze it until there is nothing left into our mugs. Then we run a spoon through it taking all those yummy pieces of the lemon as well.

We then add the honey as well as cinnamon and stir.

We add the hot water and sip as we like it really hot!

Then we add slices of the lemon into our cups! We do love our lemon.

It only takes about 5 minutes from start to finish and it taste amazing!

My Goddess' 3rd Birthday

Happy 3rd Birthday – Baby Girl