Tuesday, March 31, 2020

My Life In Pictures - Aug 3 - Aug 9 - 2008

Let’s face it, I take a lot of pictures. Why? Well mostly because I don’t want to forget anything and I don’t want my kids to now have them. My dad took a lot of pictures but I only have about 100 pictures total of my life from newborn to when I was 20 taking my own photos. Life is fast, take as many pictures as possible. Once the moment is gone you can’t get it back but what you can get is one glimpse into it forever.
August 3, 2008 – Sunday – The hub, kids and I were on the deck. My daughter like most baby girls wants to be just like her mommy. She asked if she could borrow my hat and played at the sand table. I snapped about 15 pictures but I think I love this one the most because of the coloring. I only picked up the color of the hat and really like the effect. She is stunning no matter what I take. I love the way her hair is hanging and the tiny peek of face.

August 4, 2008 – Monday – My husband colored my hair over the weekend. We used a 2 step process color and then highlightening. I really like the effect and think he did an awesome job considering it was his first time.  The electric company stopped by to tell us that the power would be off for a few hours so I invited myself over my girlfriend’s house. She gladly invited me in even though she was already having a play-date complete with another kid and another friend. It turned into a girlfest of gossip, sex talk, bra sizes, drinking, fantasies and then they straightened my hair. Nice! My friend has to tell me what the name of this contraption was because my hair was never straighter whether done by stylist or by myself. As you can see, I was loving myself.  

August 5, 2008 – Tuesday – My GF’s youngest at the lake. To see the original picture before Photoshop head over to my main blog here.

August 6, 2008 – Wednesday – I had to take one more picture of my son before I had his hair cut. My husband and I love the long hair as does my son but too many people were saying she is cute even with him sporting muscle shirts with dragons or sports equipment on them. He is playing with the Little People in my daughter’s bedroom while watching TV. She has cable and the coolest TV in the house (Santa, I hope you are listening, the boy needs a new TV, preferably like his sisters with a flat screen that can be mounted to the wall).

August 7, 2008 – Thursday – After their bath I wrapped a towel around my daughter’s hair for the first time and she couldn’t stop looking at herself in the mirror. She loved it because “it’s just like Mommy,” I loved it because she looked cute. She is her father’s daughter so she proceeded to ham it up. What’s not to love about a baby in a girly PJ with a towel on, making faces

August 8, 2008 – Friday – Was a not picture day. I was out from 9:30 a.m with my girl Sheress until 4:30. I was so pissed that I didn’t have my camera but there was a reason. I have a pet peeve about being late and Sheress is ALWAY late. On this particular morning she called as I was heading to the door and screwed everything up when she said, “I’m here!” I thought she meant the park so I hightailed it out of there. Nope, she meant the gas station, the she went to Dunkin Donuts, then SHE arrived at the park. Which meant we waited 15 minutes in the car for her. I so had time to get the camera!
After the park we headed to pick up her eldest, while I waited for her (what else is new?) to come pick me, the kids, and the car seats up. This was the first time we didn’t travel via caravan. We all got into her mini van, the kids watched a very LOUD The Golden Compass and Sheress and I talked. Very fun! Then we headed to Chili’s where I made sure I stuck to my diet by getting salad and chili. After that we headed to Target, where I picked up Wii Fit and found out I am obese. Oh well! Overweight yes, but obese? Hardly!!
Today – August 9, 2008 – Saturday- While I have some amazing pictures from today, I chose this one because my son looks so happy. I hardly ever take my kids to the yard because we have a huge deck and a creek that runs through my back yard which would you utilize? Today my husband came home and took the kids to the backyard. My son loves going down there and my husband, like most fathers,  give the kids way more freedom than I ever would. They were picking up rocks and sticks and throwing them in the creek. My son is proudly showing his to his daddy. My daughter is jumping on a rock that my husband put over a huge gopher hole.  They had an amazing time, I took a couple of pictures, did 30 minutes on Wii fit, saw them walking by the house to go around the block and met them outside to join them on the walk. I think this was the 3rd time we have walked around as a family and I was loving it.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

5 Reasons I love the Upside Down Show

5 Reasons I love the Upside Down Show

I must admit, I love the Upside Down Show. It is probably one of the smartest shows ever put on TV for kids. Why you ask? Here are my reasons why the Upside Down Show rocks.
Adults can totally watch it and not feel like idiots.
The Umbilical Brothers a.k.a Shane and David are funny.
Kids see that you don’t need a bunch of commercial toys to play. There is nothing marketable on the show.
My son saying “Come on knuckles” while he plays “action fingers” using his hands instead of a highly priced toy “name brand” toy.
The guys have opened up a whole new world of playing for my kids. They use their imagination to pretend to walk in slow motion, or be stuck to a wall, to rewind what they are saying, to hold imaginary flies, and play imaginary instruments.
I just found out that The Upside Down show only got one season so if you are like me and love this show, write to the following to voice your opinion.

10 Things You Love About Your Life Fill Ins


Ten on Tuesday – 10 Things You Love About Your Life

10 on Tuesday
1- My Kids – I was blessed with two beautiful children who challenge me everyday. The sun rises and falls on my babies and I never loved so fully in my entire life.
2- My husband who is one of the hardest working people I know. He lacks a bit in the sensitivity department but he tries. I respect him and love him even though he doesn’t read my blog.
3- My friends who without I would be bored to tears. I am thankful to have so many actual friends in my life. We are lucky if we have one true blue friend yet I am blessed with many.
4- My life. I am thankful for everyday above ground. I tend to see the little things in life and not dwell on things that I can’t control. Everyday that I live past the age of 34 (my mom’s age when she died) is a blessed day.
5- My laptop (a gift from my husband). Being able to take it to the deck while the kids play or sitting on the couch at the end of the day makes the laptop worth it’s weight in gold.
6- I love my digital cameras, one for pics and one for video (also both gifts from my husband). My love for photography started when I was about 6 or 7, when just taking random pictures of my life made me so happy. Now that I am older and have kids of my own, I get so much joy from just being able to capture a moment in time. My kids are my favorite muses but I love taking pictures of everything. As I walk or drive along I am constantly seeing places that I want to capture on film once the kids are both in school and I can park and walk alone to spend time getting “the shot”.
7- The fact that my kids are getting to grow up out of the city. I grew up in Millbrook, NY and it was a great childhood. Picking wild blackberries, riding horses, spending time at diary farms, games of manhunt collecting frogs and fireflies at night, riding bikes from sun up to sun down and just enjoying the fresh air. When my mom passed away we moved in with my grandparents in Brooklyn. While it was still fun but in a different way. Roof top tanning, sitting on stoops, getting ice cream from the ice cream man with the jingling truck coming up the block and riding the subway everywhere I would have gone back to Millbrook in a heartbeat.
8- Finally mapping out some time to start reading again. I have loved getting lost in books since, well, since I could read. There is nothing like cracking open a new book and absorbing the words filling the pages. It is a feeling I have had since I can remember. There will never be enough days in my life to read all the books I want to read.
9- Waking up to a pot of coffee already made is heaven with a dash of milk. Love opening my eyes to the smell of coffee brewing.
10- My home. The fact that I actually have a house is still 9 years later amazing to me. My parents never owned a home. I still thought that we would not be getting the house until we actually recieved the key after spending an hour signing papers. It was too much to dream about and being a realist I wouldn’t allow myself to think about it until we actually got the key to turn in the door.

Looking For A Good Mystery Series? Check Out The Dark Musicals by Laura DeLuca - Reanimated Book 6 Review

The 411: 

I have read the 5 book prior to this and love how different this feels. Our main characters have definitely grown up a lot from the first two book. Rebecca and Justyn and their two children Erik the musical protege' and baby Harmony are back at the Jersey Shore after being overseas and opening their own musical theater.  Their first play will be Ghost Bride which is a take on Corpse Bride (while I was reading I felt the strongest urge to stop and re watch Corpse Bride for the 10th time.)  Without giving too much away you should start at book 1. The books can stand alone as Laura does a good job of laying out the past quickly so you are caught up on the whys and relationship histories of the many players in the book but I highly suggest starting at the beginning and getting to know and falling in love with the characters as all Laura DeLuca fans have. 

I love how Rebecca's past has brought her to where she is right now.  She can take care of herself and her family and now she is helping others through her undercover work.  She is a stop on the Underground railroad where woman will come to escape abusive situations.  

Like all Dark Musical Mysteries Laura does a wonderful job of crafting the lives of these wonderful  characters she obviously loves into a whole new story and OMG my heart...Lord Justyn I can't take anymore!!!

If you are stuck inside like the rest of the state...there is no time like now to dive into a series.

Friday, March 20, 2020

13 Reasons I Love Being A Mom

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1. The unsolicited kisses – who doesn’t want one of those?
2. Waking up to a sleepy little one walking over to me and saying, “good morning Mom” with their arms raised for me to lift and kiss them good morning.
3. Getting to re-read some of my childhood books with an eager audience.
4. Feeling those little arms around my neck when I lift them up.
5. Getting to play with Play doh, Barbies, Crayons, Little People, pretend food and baby dolls without someone looking at me funny.
6. The smell of the top of my kids head and the little soft spot under their chin.
7. Being able to grab a handful of baby butt and squeezing anytime I want. Love that little baby butt.
8. The smile they get on their face whenever I look at them.
9. Waking next to them every morning.
10. Hearing them bless me in their prayers at night.
11. Listening to them talking to each other the way I talk to them.
12. Loving someone so deeply it makes you want to cry. 13. The biggest reason I love being a mom if my kids make me smile more than anyone else in the world. I laugh every day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Practical Uses for Old Pianos

Maybe you’ve moved into a new home whose old owner didn’t want to pay to have a piano removed. Maybe you bought a baby grand a few years back and now it’s gathering dust. Or maybe you see a deal on new and pre-owned pianos troy mi that’s too good to pass up. Either way, you’ve got a large and expensive piano in your home. Here are some things you can do with it to put it to good use.
Make a Unique Entertainment Center
If you think about it, an upright piano is already the perfect shape to hold up a widescreen television or computer monitor! You can place its feet on the keyboard and remove the front panel to set it back into the inside, or just let it rest in front. It is a good idea to still secure it with screws, glue, or at least very strong tape.
Create a Fun Bookcase
If you open a grand piano’s lid and keep it propped up, with a few pieces of wood or plastic, you can easily configure it to hold books of all kinds of shapes and sizes. Whether it’s functional or just a conversation piece, it will make an impression on your guests!
Learn to Play!
If you’ve ever thought about playing the piano, and you find yourself owning one, why not try to make it a reality? In this age of video tutorials, you can learn basic techniques online, and self-guided piano methods can help you read music and practice pieces. Most towns also have lots of piano teachers for hire, and many of them would prefer teaching an adult than a child for a change. It’s a fun and impressive skill, and even learning basics will still take you a long way.
Dust that piano off and put it to good use with one of these tips!

3 Date Ideas for a Work Night

Date night with your loved one doesn’t have to be a fancy affair that requires a lot of money or reservations. If you’re looking to break up your weekly routine and do something fun with your sweetheart without leaving the house, here are three stay-at-home date ideas for a work night.

Enjoy Pizza and a Movie

Pick a random day of the week and designate it as your weekly pizza and wine night. Grab a bottle of wine on your way home, google pizza places that deliver near me, and pick out a movie or a TV show. This simple tradition will give you and your partner something to look forward to each week and is a way to spend time together without needing to expend a lot of energy or money.

Start a New Hobby

A new hobby doesn’t need to involve you two going to a spin class or a game night. Although those things are fun too, sometimes you just want to lounge around the house after a long day at work. Why not see if any friends have an instrument you can borrow or see what card games you can play with two people?

Cook a Meal 

Browse the internet or that old recipe book you were gifted at your wedding for a delicious meal or dessert that you can cook together. Try to keep it within your skill level and be sure you have the ingredients ahead of time so your cute date night doesn’t end in a squabble. Put on some music, divide up the tasks and break out your nicest dishes. With any luck, you’ll even have leftovers.

There’s nothing wrong with your normal routine or vegging out on the couch, but if you want to mix it up with your partners the above ideas are a great place to start.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

My Life In Pictures - February 1 - February 7

February 1 - Snapchat Filter. Feeling pretty for a Work Party

February 2 - My husband made guacamole and it was by far the most delicious I have ever had.

February 3 - Stuck in traffic. Thankfully the scenery was picture worthy.

February 4 - Ground Hog day craft for toddlers. They enjoyed their puppet!

February 5 - She is a healthy girl. Not my best but don't hate on her. It's all new to me.

February 6 - The next day of posting my sketch, someone told me that my sketch looks like this person. I cannot remember her name but when I looked her up, I totally could see it!

February 7 - Night time has become Mommy and Goddess' Pool Time. I love it. This table is getting a workout.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl

Today you were 2 years old. I cannot believe how quick this year went. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was pregnant with you?
Your birthday party today was smaller than originally planned but we had a good time with everyone who was able to be here. Your Aunt Gabrielle and cousins were supposed to come but cousin Nick woke up with a fever of 103. They were missed today but the party did go on.  We decided on an Easter theme being so close to Easter this year complete with Easter Egg Hunt.
Aunt Teresa, Aunt Diane, Aunt Susan and their families were here along with Sheress and Nick and Katy. Dad and Uncle Steve had a good time hiding eggs for the Easter Egg hunt. Which you totally participated in “Egg where are you?” as we searched. Daddy and I got you A little Mermaid doll for the tub. The Little Mermaid DVD, Charlotte’s Web DVD complete with TY Pig and four pairs of earrings. From everyone else you received a tea set, picnic set, wood play food, clothes, a clown, money, Dora the Explorer gifts for the bath and a bakers apron and mitt. So cute! You had a great time and seemed confused and amused when everyone sang happy birthday.
Last year I wrote about how happy I was when I found out I was having a girl. This year I want to tell you how funny and smart you are.  I have never seen such Diva attitude from a little one eva. I have no idea where you get this because it is SO not me. You have no problem rolling your eyes or sticking up for yourself if someone pushes you or tries to get you to do something you don’t want to do.
Aunt Teresa has been telling everyone that the last time you were at her house you were lying on the couch in her playroom. She called your name and asked you to come to her. You didn’t so she went to you and you rolled your eyes at her and looked at the back of the couch as if to say, “the back of this couch is more exciting than what you have to say.”
You love to sing, dance and scream. You like to hear yourself and look at yourself in the mirror. You love being picked up and hugged. You must say, “Hi Dad-dy about 100 times a day. You sing, Twinkle, twinkle little star, Just imagine from Barney, The song from Blue’s Clues, and Happy Birthday. You count to 15 and say your alphabet. You love animals and music (mostly dance much to my dismay). You are caring and affectionate. When your brother wants something you bring it to him, “here Jesse.” You copy everything he does. He wants an apple, so do youm he wants milk, so do you. He climbs the couch and jumps off, so do you. Little girl, you are giving me grey hairs. You are too small to follow your brother everywhere.
You love to hold hands when sleeping and kissing. You say “hi” to everyone. You go Potty like a big girl and are so proud of yourself. You are sleeping in your bed for about 2 1/2 hours before waking. You have yet to sleep through the night. You sleep with your eyes slightly open and seem very aware even when asleep. You wrap your arms around my neck to hug me all the time, accompanied with “mommy” about 50 times a day and it still isn’t enough for me.
Skye, you are so beautiful inside and out I am amazed by you everyday. You make me laugh and make me crazy all at the same time. 
5 Things I love about you
  • You are one fiesty mama…you know what you want and have no problem asking for it.
  • Your sweet, laugh. You think you are so funny. You crack me up.
  • The way you and your brother hug each other and talk to each other. I love the morning when you say, “Hi Jesse” and he answers “Hi Skye” or vice versa. I love when you cuddle together. I love how you sit on his back while he he lies on the floor to watch TV.
  • I love how sweet you are. You hug your dolls, stuffed animals, Jesse me and Daddy. You feed all your baby dolls and hold one every night. We go to your room to get ready for bed. You select a doll or stuffed animal and we sit in the rocking chair as I nurse you (I only nurse you 2 times these days -1 before bed, as you go to sleep and the other in the middle of the night.  I have been weaning you for a month from on demand to this one time.)
  • Singing with you. We sing together all the time. You have a set of lungs on you and I can only hope that over time you use them for good rather than the evil you are capable of.
 I hope you had a great day and everyone who was here today loves and adores you especially me.
I love you with all my heart.
Out of all the little girls in the world, how did I get so lucky to get you?
Love Mommy.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Forget Bunco: 3 New Ways to Gather Friends Each Month

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Years ago, you and a dozen friends started getting together once a month to roll dice, nosh on appetizers and chat. By now you may be growing tired of the games but you still value the friendships. You want to continue the monthly visits. What should you do next?

Wine Tasting

This is not a new idea, but the revival of a classic. You can pick holiday-based themes such as “wines that go with Easter dinner” or choose one varietal each month. The best supplier of wine Chicago will offer a huge selection — organic, kosher, sparkling and rare wines — as well as a wide price range. Provide an assortment of hors d’oeuvres that complement the evening’s wine, but take advantage of a nearby bakery or deli rather than making everything from scratch. You should get to enjoy the evening as much as your guests do, so take all the shortcuts you can.

Movie Club

Remember that book club you joined once? You and half the others had to drop it because you never had time to actually read the book. The beauty of a movie club is that you can have the same kinds of discussions as with a book club, because your inspiration is still a complete creative work. You will talk about characters, situations and literary themes — only this time the discussions will be much livelier because all the participants will have finished the story. Prepare a handful of questions and a bucket of popcorn, then let the fun begin.

Volunteer Night

You feel good when you do good. Devote one evening a month to work for a charitable organization. Support the same charity for a year or choose a different one each month. Discuss options ahead of time, so that group members will not be asked to dedicate time to a political, religious or social cause that goes against their beliefs. Be respectful and find common ground. With all of you working together, you can improve your community, make some memories and have a lot of fun.

Monday, March 09, 2020

Manic Monday - Can

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Today’s word over at It’s A Blog Eat Blog world is CAN.
Can you see why I Can take 2,000 pictures of these kids a month?
Can you see why I Can love them with every single cell of my body?
Can you see why I Can live on 5 hours of broken sleep for the past 4.5 years?
Can you see why I love their Daddy sooooo much?
Can you see why I Can spend every waking moment with them?
Can you see why I call them my heart on legs.
Can you?

Saturday, March 07, 2020

Friday, March 06, 2020

Make Up Trends

Photo by Jake Peterson on Unsplash
With each season, it’s easy to update your clothes. You only have to purchase a few clothing items on display at the store to be on-trend because the buyer already knows what’s going to be in style before you do. Updating your makeup, however, takes a little more research. Here are some makeup trends for the year.


Color with a focus on exaggeration is the name of the game when it comes to eye makeup. The current trends as seen on the runway range from white eyeliner to “watercolor” painted eyes. If you’re interested in trying out some of the colored mascara that’s on-trend, start with the best professional eyelash extensions brand and go from there. Floating eyeliner, or liner that sits under your brow bone instead of your lashes, is popular this year, especially in neon or other noticeable colors. Fluorescent colors are also popping up in inside eye corners. If you want to really be eye-catching and trendy, try mismatched eye shadow on each eye. Blue eye shadow is showing up everywhere this year. Choose the shade that flatters your skin most, from pastel to sapphire.


Power is out and fresh dewy skin is in. Achieve this look with extra moisturizer and sheer coverage. Consider your skin a stained-glass window where it will be most in-style and luminous if it looks as if it’s lit from within.


Brows this season are structured and full. Fill in scraggly brows with powder or pencil. Set with a clear brow gel or even soap. The look should be natural but not out of control.


Classic red is back with a matte finish, or, if you prefer, light glossy, barely-there pink. Super dark plum bordering on black is also in fashion. Always in style is the very soft, no makeup look, as if you were born with deliciously pink lips.


Jewels across the eyelids made an appearance on the runway this year. Randomly placed stars or carefully applied sequins are both appropriate. In addition to under the brow bone, a bit of gold or silver sparkle across the lips would not be out of place for a night out.
Although there may not really be anything new under the sun, the combination of strong brows, colorful eyes, classic lips, and sparkly, luminescent skin is a definite trend for the coming season. Commit to the fads you are most comfortable with, or go for it, and try it all.

Thursday, March 05, 2020

Amateur Book Review - At First Sight

About 4 night ago I finished At First Sight by Nicholas Spark. I am not a huge fan of this type of writing but my dear Friend is.

Romance books are not my thing but I have seen The Notebook (one of my favorite movies) and A Walk to Remember, both by adapted from Spark books and I loved them.

At First Sight, wasn't torture for me to get through but I didn't crave to get back to it. I love that feeling of wanting to read all the time. Getting engrossed in the characters and the story and as you get toward the end, you don't want to read the last few pages because you don't want it to end. This was not that kind of book for me.

The book is about Jeremy a writer and Lexie, a librarian he meets when he visits a small town to get a story for his column. Maybe if I had read True Believer the precursor to this book I would have liked it better?!

It was supposed to be this great love story of this couple who come from very different backgrounds and after she gets pregnant try to make a go of it. I didn't find the relationship strong or loving. I didn't particularly like Lexie and was often left wondering why Jeremy stayed.

There is a level of mystery but I have never been a great fan of that either so for me it was unnecessary.

As Lexie's pregnancy become problematic the story became more interesting for me. I felt like the story just dragged then this was this problem, and the story just took off for me.

It was like when you are sitting in traffic, moving at 2 miles an hour for a long period of time and then the traffic clears, you see no indication as to why it was slow to begin with, and you are suddenly doing 65 miles an hour with no cars in front of you.

The ending was abrupt and sad but not sad enough to bring tears to the eyes of this usual cry baby.
I am sure for Nicholas Sparks fans this book was everything they had hoped for. For me, not so much. Not to say it is badly written, just not my cup of tea as they say.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Amateur Review of 30 Days of Night

Before I forget what I thought about this movie which I saw the same weekend I watched this one, here are my thoughts:
30 Days of Night was released in October 2007. It stars Josh Hartnett and some chick named Melissa George. My husband really liked it. I, not so much.
I was distracted by a couple of things:
1. Josh was so GROWN. I mean, I know it has been a few years since Pearl Harbor and Black Hawk Down, but really... It was like seeing a cousin you hadn't seen in ages and still remember them as they were the last time you saw them.
2. Everyone, especially Melissa George who plays Josh's ex-wife, and the kid who plays Josh's brother needed a crate of Chap stick on their lips. Shit, I know they are in Alaska and it is friggin cold but keep that shit in your pocket and lube up your smackers once in a while.
3. The Vampires (oh yeah it's a movie about Vampires, I left that out didn't I), where just weird. The head guy, Marlow is like the unpopular, geeky, middle age guy in the next cubicle at work that you have to say hi to but gives you the creeps. Marlow speaks in a weird, ancient language and the other vampires just shriek. Annoying.
Back to the movie...
Josh is a sheriff and this weird dude (Ben Foster - who I remember from Six Feet Under as Claire art friend. Remember him?) comes ashore and starts creating havoc just as the town is shutting down for the 30 days of night. All hell breaks lose. He leads a group of survivors to a hidden attic where they will wait out the darkness.
There is dead dogs, beheading, blood galore, screaming, explosions, shrieking, feeding frenzies, ax murder, and a little vampire girl who is happily feeding on someone before she is killed. Even at the final show down I was waiting for the Lost Boys music to kick in.
None of this is enough for me to give this movie any more than a C+ and that is because I thought Josh was cute. The premise was good but the acting and directing were pathetic and the there were too many images of bloody children for my taste

Monday, March 02, 2020

What Happened To Lunch - Posted Feb 18, 2008

I know, I know…I am supposed to have 3 meals a day.
Breakfast was so big and I was not hungry at lunch time. Dinner was 2 small burgers and I know that choice could have been better to but that was what was in the freezer.
Tomorrow breakfast is going to be cereal and I am going to try to make more of an effort.
I really wanted to log my meals before I made changes.  As I mentioned in my first blog about Spark I wanted to make myself accountable for what I ate. How can I be accountable unless I actually see it all in black and white?
There was no exercise this weekend so next week that will have to change. I had been doing some floor work in the evening but that didn’t happen last night and today I was quite the busy bee updating my blog, reading, playing with the kids, cleaning 2 bedrooms from the ceiling lights right down to pulling furniture away from the walls and getting into those corners. The closets were vacuumed out and the book shelves and toy boxes stripped and refilled with a few less things. Something that gets done every few weeks.

Sunday, March 01, 2020

The Number is 2

I have 2 beautiful children. A boy (Handsome) and a girl (Goddess) who are my world. 
My maternal instincts would love more than 2. I would love to have at least 1 more but 2 is the number my husband rooted for.
My Life has been so full of 2’s
2 pets no longer with me
2 parents who sheltered and fed me
2 sisters who couldn’t be more different
2 best friends who says you can only have 1?
2 nephews who I don’t see enough of
2 eyes to see my children
2 ears to hear their voices
2 arms to hold them tight
2 legs to carry them to bed at night
2 hands to hold theirs as we walk to the park.
Funny, I used to think 5 was my favorite number but it can’t be ignored that 2 shoves those reasons right out the door.