Thursday, April 30, 2020

Amateur Movie Review - Bridge To Terabithia

The other night I watched Bridge to Terabithia with my husband. I liked it and would watch it again and he hated it. As the credits rolled his words were "that sucked!"

Not knowing anything about the movie I sat down to watch a movie starring a kid that I absolutely love, Josh Hutcherson he was in one of my kids favorite movies Zathura. He is a good actor and adorable Also in the movie was AnnaSophia Robb who was in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which I had just watched with my kids right before.

The movie had an awesome theme with it's friendship and imagination can conquer all so I was a little surprised with the turn it took. I know there was a lesson here but why are there deaths in kid movies? Why would a kid die in a kid movie?

While watching I made a mental note about picking up the DVD for my kids next time I was at the store but that will have to wait.

Amateur Book Review - The Kite Runner

I don't know that there is anything I can say about this book that will do it any justice.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, (this is his first novel) about a boy named Amir who lives with his father in Afghanistan before they flee for America after the Taliban take over their homeland.

The book sites state this - An epic tale of fathers and sons, of friendship and betrayal, that takes us from Afghanistan in the final days of the monarchy to the atrocities of the present.

It is this, and so much more. The story, eloquently written, starts with Amir the child of Baba a very wealthy well to do man in Afghanistan and what happens to change the course of their life and the life of people they love. While the book deals with culture which is also very interesting, this book mainly to me, deals with how the choices we make throughout our life shape who we are and who we eventually become.

I had no desire to read this book. Having heard about it and knowing that everyone was reading, that it was on the best seller list for over 2 years it didn't make me want to pick it up. What made me want to pick it up was hearing my girlfriend Sheress beg me to do so. She called me every morning when she started reading begging, asking, pleading, telling me she would buy it for me and that I just HAD to read it. Now, I am doing the same, I have told 5 people to read this in the past 2 weeks and now I am telling you.

The book is unforgettable. I don't believe there will be a time where I won't be able to recall this story.

This beautifully written book is about family, sacrifice, jealousy, love, friendship, suffering, sin, devastation, redemption and at times was emotionally gripping.

The title comes a traditional tournament where Afghan children or kite-flyers compete by cutting through the strings of their opponents with the strings of their own kites made of sharp, glass strings. The winner is the last one standing after all other kites have been cut and the runner runs after the last falling kite gets the greatest honor.

The Kite Runner like Veil of Roses made me happy to have been born on American soil.

The Haunted Airman: A Movie Review

Flight Lieutenant Jugg (Twilight's Robert Pattinson), confined to a wheelchair after being wounded in action, arrives at a remote mansion in Wales to recuperate. Suffering from terrible nightmares and visions, he suspects the methods of his psychiatrist, Dr. Hal Burns (Julian Sands). His beautiful aunt, Julia (Rachael Stirling) seems to be the only person he can trust – until circumstances make him doubt even her intentions. Based on the novel “The Haunting of Toby Jugg” by Dennis Wheatley.

For obvious reasons I borrowed this movie from my library. Hello, Rob Pattinson in a bathtub, getting a sponge bath! Plus, I want to see him as someone other than Edward Cullen.

Well, let's just, say this...his character smokes too much. The movie moves too quickly. Every time I blinked it was a new morning.

So, Jug, gets injured after getting hit in the back during a mission, while in flight. He is now confined to a wheelchair and his aunt drops him off at this secluded home to get better.

If you are a Rob fan, you will love it because Rob is in the movie from beginning to end. But, as a fan of movies...well...the movie leaves you scratching your head. Is he a victim?
Is he losing his mind?
Honestly, I have no friggin clue.

The story is based on "The Haunting of Toby Jugg" (1948) by Dennis Wheatley (famous for thrillers and occult novels in the 50s and 60s).

Umm....let's see. I give this a 2 out of 5 stars but only because Rob was in it and he does a great job of brooding and acts like a guy trapped in a wheelchair, unsure of his new life.

Shutter Island A Review - 8/7/10

We recently got Netflix. It is awesome.

Last night we watched Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio

Why You Should See This Movie: Leo DiCaprio and the supporting cast!

What I Can Tell You:
This isn't one of those movies you can put on and do things. You need to dedicate 2 hours and 18 minutes to it! Based on the book Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane.

I thought the movie was awesome. Leo is fantastic.Mark Ruffalo who I always appreciated is a great wing man.

The Year, 1954. Leo plays Teddy Daniels, a US marshal who is sent to Shutter Island (a hospital/prison for the criminally insane) with his new partner Chuck to investigate the disappearance of a patient Rachel Solando.

Teddy has flashbacks and dreams of his wife and the war that that haunt him both while asleep and awake.

About an hour in I turned to my husband and said I got it figured out. I did! I was right. But, the last 5 minutes of the movie had me scratching my head. It was the one line where Leo/Teddy says, "Which would be worse, to live as a monster or die as a good man?"
Now that the ending has been presented to me, there are many clues through the movie that nicely set up the twist. I really want to watch it again to see the twists unfold and see more than I saw the first time.

Since my reviews whether sponsored or otherwise are 100% honest, I have to admit there was about 20 minutes of the movie that I had to watch through my closed hand. It wasn't a consecutive 20 mins but a total of, where I couldn't "see" the images on the screen. Anything to do with children "not breathing" is really hard for me. I refuse to have these images imprinted on my brain so I mostly just ask my husband if it is OK to look.

Michelle Williams was awesome and disturbing at the same time.

Some memorable quotes that sat with me later were:

Chuck Aule: You okay boss?
Teddy Daniels: Yeah fine, I just ah, I just can't, can't stomach the water.

Warden: We wage war, we burn sacrifices we pillage and plunder and treat at the flesh of our brothers and why? Because God gave us violence to wage in his honor.
Teddy Daniels: I thought God gave us moral orders.
Warden: There is no moral orders as pure as this storm. There's no moral order at all. There's just this: can my violence conquer yours?

Dolores Chanal: Set me free.

I think this movie is a 5 out of 5 stars. Great thriller, mystery. Very, very well done.

July 1, 2008 - Sky Watchers

I searched long and hard through my thousands of pictures to find pictures for this weeks Thursday Challenge theme. Interestingly enough, I don’t have many where the sky is the star. I find this little fact interesting because well, I LOVE looking at the sky. I see it, really see it every day. I turn my head towards the heavens and stare at the sky so I wonder why I haven’t used my camera to capture more of it.

Photos Posted On Memories Through Photography Aug 2008

Fall 2004

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do! Robert Louis Stevenson

Some of my favorite moments were when I would just head to the park with my son in his first year. I remember being so amazed that I created this beautiful person. He was such a happy baby. 

On The Top Of The World

I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation, And the only explanation I can find
Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around, Your loves put me at the top of the world

Me And This Guy

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

All About Steve - Amateur Movie Review

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What I Can Tell You: I can totally understand why Sandra got a Razzie award and an Oscar in the same year for worst and best actress, respectively.

While it seems the movie could work, Sandra Bullock, Bradley Cooper, Thomas Hayden Church, Ken Juong, it just kinda didn't.

Bradley Cooper is extremely likeable, almost too much so. In one scene when he is supposed to look shocked he looks very excited to see Mary! In this scene actually.

Sandra in her crazy red boots, weird, mullet, blonde hair and sexy legs just is over the top which is what they were going for but it just fell short of funny. It was a train wreck that I couldn't wait to be over.  Stalker Mary is just too weird for words and while I loved the first scene feature Sandra and Bradley on a blind date that never happens the movie was un-savable.
It wasn't so bad that I would say never see it, but don't pay for it. Borrow it from the library like I did.

Check out this gag reel. Can't say I blame Sandra for wanting to throw her head into Brad's crotch every take.

Movie Reviews 17 Again, The Proposal, Sunshine Cleaning, Grey Gardens

For someone who doesn't watch much TV, I spent the last 4 days watching movies. My library had some new releases that I wanted to check out.

17 Again

The only reason to see this movie is Zac Efron. The premise is cute. What would you do differently if you were given to live your life over? Would you make the same choices you did the first time around?

While the premise has been done a bunch of times, this movie falls short. It was just kind of slapped together and while there are semi cute moments I could have missed this and been OK with it. Although the message of "you are in fact living your best life right now" was not lost on me. Everything happens for a reason is a saying most of us use for a reason.  I give it 3 out of 5 Stars

The Proposal

This was an OK movie. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are both very likable. What's not to like about Ryan Reynolds? (after all he did star in Maria's Eye Candy spotlight in 2006).
I found it funny that through the whole first 20 minutes of the movie Sandra Bullock's character (Margaret Tate) is supposed to be the boss from hell. "The wicked witch is on her broom" and "here it comes" are IM's sent throughout the office whenever she is on the move. I am here to tell you that Ms. Tate is far from the boss from hell. I know, I've experienced some of the worst.

Margaret is about to be deported back to Canada and Andrew (Ryan) her assistant is sucked into marrying her so she can keep her from losing her Visa. While the storyline is mediocre it is the cast that keeps you watching. Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds and Betty White are fantastic in their satire and Mary Steenburgen and Craig T Nelson round out the stars of this movie. All of these stars have the likeability factor going for them. The Casting Director knew exactly what they were doing. 4 out of 5 Stars

Sunshine Cleaning
I really was looking for something fun and noticed this was under comedy so I grabbed it. I am here to tell you that there is nothing funny about this movie. Are comedies supposed to make you cry?  Two sisters whose mom committed suicide open a business together. They clean up after a death, murder or suicide.  Blood, vomit, body fluids, maggots you name it, they clean it. Finding the humor? Neither did I!
Amy Adams, Emily Blunt and Alan Arkin all are remarkable in this movie but I was seriously looking for something to make me laugh. 

Acting wise amazing. Storyline great! Looking for a good movie check this out. Amy Adams and Emily Blunt are some of the greatest actresses out there right now. 5 out of 5.

Grey Gardens (HBO)
I watched this last night and wasn't really excited about it.  When I snatched it from the table to put it in, I thought grrr..."so not interested". That is before watching it. Since last night I have talked to over 5 people about Grey Gardens. 

All I can say is WOW!!! Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange were amazing! This true story of two relatives of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy who were aristocrats until their lives took a dramatic turn after Edith Sr's husband left her and  how they slid from 1930s high society to sharing rotting living quarters with litters of cats and raccoons. Amazing performances by both. I had to keep reminding myself that I was watching Drew Barrymore.  This is her best by far. 

Grey Gardens, which won 6 Emmys last night including Best TV Movie. Last night Grey Garden's took home a Golden Globe for best mini-series or motion picture made for TV and Drew got the award for best actress in a mini-series or motion picture made for TV.

Funny that they won as I was watching this movie. I give this movie 5 out of 5 Stars.

"It is very easy to keep the line between the past and the present."

A Parenting Low - January 7, 2006

It happened yesterday and I am still dealing with the Mommy guilt. I have been listening to my friend tell me that her son has been painting lately (our boys are 3 days apart). I started feeling bad that my son hasn’t been able to do this because I spend every waking moment holding his sister, Banshee Girl. So I was feeling optismistic yesterday morning (just like every morning) and decided it would be a good time to pull out the paints.
I put the Banshee Girl down, she starts screaming, pull out a wood door hanger from my supplies, pull the paints out of the back of a dresser drawer, find a sponge brush in the back a kitchen drawer. Pull a table cloth out of the kitchen cabinet, get out a step stool so that I can remove the white bottom dining room chair to save it from paint smear.
The girl is still screaming, the boy refuses to get onto the step stool screams and throws the wood door hanger. I say, “do you want to paint?” He says,”OK!” I tell him that he needs to sit on the stool. He climbs into it while I get out cups for the paint. I put two colors in two cups and hand him the brush.
I put the brush in paint and put it to the wood hanger. “See Jesse? Paint!” He takes the brush and puts it in the paint, puts it to the wood and paints. Yeah! Cool, I walk to pick up the screaming, now snotty girl and just as I do…Jesse puts the paint soaked brush to his face and says, “Hello?” “No! It’s not a phone.” I scream.
Why I got so crazy is beyond me, it was washable paint! Could have been the screaming for 20 minute Banshee Girl, could have been the 25 minutes that it took to set up the painting area, could have been the position of the moon, the point is this, this was normal Jesse exploration. He has never painted and he was pretending. As I screamed “No!” Jesse throws the paint soaked brush minus the clearing from his cheek across the room and where does it land? On the white chair and falls to the carpet!!!! He is screaming, the girl is screaming, my throat hurts from the ititial “No” I turn and slap him with three fingers on his cheek! Gasp!!! Holy crap!
The girl hasn’t stopped screaming, the boy is now screaming as he heads to my kitchen where he proceeds to slam his hands into my refrigerator. Paint all over! I am cleaning the chair, working my way to the rug and as I walk over to clean the refrigerator he is standing there, mouth open, blood curdling scream coming from his mouth and now the arms open wide as he puts them around my neck for a hug. I am in no mood for a hug and still really pissed at this point.
The girl is still in the first act of her Opera. My head is ready to explode and that is when my son says in the most heart wrenching little voice, “Mommy.” Like the Grinch, my heart grows a whole 10 sizes bigger and I put my arms around him and we cry together. He just wanted to know I still loved him and I am cleaning!!! I carry him to the counter, arms around each other (Banshee still screaming), I tell him, I am sorry, you can’t throw things when you are mad and Mommy shouldn’t ever hit you.
I wash the paint off his hands, fingers, cheek, shirt and my hands. I carry him over to the floor where Banshee Girl is and hug the both of them. She quiets down finally and Jesse asks for Blue’s Clues. He is over it but it will take me a week to be over this if ever. I could have handled this whole thing in a better way. I could have waited for my husband to be around so that I could have given Jesse my whole attention while the husband held Banshee Girl. I could have laughed when he put the brush to his face. Now his first experience of painting will be ugly. Thank God he is too young to remember this incident in the coming years. I will be putting painting off for a few months.
BTW..the whole time I typed this, Banshee Girl was what??? That’s right screaming!!!

Lake Time Action 2008

My husband tossing my kids in the lake were my favorite kind of action shots. I love the water stream and my son's happy face.

Botanical Gardens Ringwood New Jersey - 2002 Aged Edit

How can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home –
I took this picture before having kids. I spent the morning at the Botanical Gardens and too a lot of beautiful photos. When I showed my husband a few, this was the one he chose as his favorite. He actually wanted a copy of it made in 8 x 10 so that he could frame it.  He liked the look of everything looking dead. Ok?!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Amateur Movie Review - I Love You, Man

 My library has a decent DVD collection. The other day I was there and borrowed, Little Einsteins for my daughter and something for myself.

I Love You, Man was a complete surprise.

Paul Rudd is likable and while the other guy on the cover looked familiar, I couldn't place him.

The premise is cute. Cute guy, cute girl are getting married and while she has tons of friends, he has zero! She never realizes this because well, they are only dating 8 months. We all know it is pretty normal for two people in a new relationship to spend all their free time together but really, she has never met his friends?

She has tons of friends and when he overhears her talking with them about the wedding being unbalanced and how foolish they will feel walking down the aisle alone. So Peter (Paul Rudd's character) sets out to make friends. When he finally befriends Sidney (the other guy on the cover that I couldn't place) his life changes.

We all know that making friends as adults is never easy. Most people have their good friends in place before they set into marriage so watching Peter TRY to make friends is hysterical.

In A Nutshell: Paul Rudd has the likability factor in everything he does. He is the poor man's Tom Hanks.  Jason Segal, I know from Freaks and Geeks and more recently Forgetting Sarah Marshall, is another likable actor. He reminds me of an ex-work associate, Nelson who is a really funny man. So much so, that sometimes I have to remind myself that I am not watching Nelson. I believe they could be twins. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, watching Peter and Sidney turn into friends was so fun. There were a few times when I felt foolish after realizing how much I was smiling. Thankfully I was alone.

This is a great buddy movie, male or female we all make friends the same way. What was different about this buddy movie was how cute I found it. Watching two grown men who are social opposites find each other in this big world and hang the way young boys do was adorable. There is one part when they jam together that made me think of my own girlfriends and when we used to make movies on my video recorder circa 1989.

I give this
MySpace Graphics MySpace GraphicsMySpace Graphics

The Book Of Eli - Amateur Movie Review

In a post-apocalyptic world, a lone hero (Washington) guards the Book of Eli, which provides knowledge that could redeem society. The despot of a small, makeshift town (Oldman) plans to take possession of the book.
What I Can Tell You: My husband and I watched this last weekend. While I really liked the movie, my husband really didn't care for it. He is a huge Denzel Washington fan (his favorite actor) but really thought the movie wasn't that good. I on the other hand. Loved it!

It is different and at the end we both discussed something we didn't realize until the very end. The movie is slow, quiet but strong.  I loved Gary Oldman!

I also loved Mila Kunis. It was great seeing her in something different than Forgetting Sarah Marshall or Extract and That 70's Show. She looked like Angelina Jolie as Lara Craft. Who knew she could be an action star? Loved it.

Check out her total hotness!
The Book of Eli was a great movie and I highly recommend it.

Unbearable Lightness by Portia DeRossi - Review

What I Can Tell You:
Wow! I don't know of a more honest book. Portia is brutally candid and this book had me from the first page. I saw this at the library and read it in 3 days in the middle of a million things going on.

As I read this book, I wondered how many woman are in the same place Portia was. The calculating, the weighing, the stress, the anxiety, the fear. Portia sheds light on how much work it takes to be anorexic and how it affects the people around you.

A seemingly strong woman, with a blossoming career who would have known the nightmare she was living. If nothing else, this book will enforce the fact that anorexia is a disease. It is not something an individual has control over. It is not something someone steps into lightly. It is a sickness often stems from a deeper problem. Self doubt, self loathing, and insecurities manifest into something that completely overtakes an individual without them even knowing it.

My heart goes out to Portia who was unwavering in her honesty as she bears her soul for all to see. She is a beautiful person who wrote a book that she be a must read for therapists and anyone who has ever loved/loves someone suffering from this disease.

A must read.

Let's Be Prairie Dogs

This was part of the Prairie dog exhibit. You stood up in these holes and the prairie dogs were right there. It was cool but since we were alone I didn’t dare leave them in that tunnel to run up to the top to take their picture so this was the best I could do.

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Fountain - A Review

Product Description

Hugh Jackman was the reason I decided to try out this movie. Thankfully, my library had it and I didn't have to pay anything to see it. Thankfully!

The movie has some visually stunning scenes. There is Hugh; bald, hair, sitting, criss, cross, apple sauce, but to be totally honest. I had not friggin idea what was going on. Are we in the present, past, future, non-existence???? What? What? What?

So, premise as I (the amateur reviewer) sees it is, Tomas, (Hugh) spends his whole life trying to save his wife (the love of his life). Beautiful right?! Well, I think the films desire to be artistic makes it too complicated or maybe I'm just an idiot.

I give this 2 out of 5 Stars. Mostly because...of the beauty of the visuals.

Amateur Book Review - Kingdom Keepers

Amateur Book Review - Kingdom Keepers
I was supposed to start reading Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer, the 3rd book in the Twilight series but while waiting at the library for my son I spotted a book that I couldn't pass up.

Are you looking for a book to get your 10-15 year old boy interested in reading? This is the book.

Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson (check out his official site), reads like a great action movie scaled down for kids. Think Goonies and Freddy Kreuger in Disney World.

Finn Whitman is one of five teens who are holographic hosts at Disney World. Their holograph image appear throughout the Magic Kingdom giving deliving information about the many attractions offered in Disney. All is well as Finn shines as a pseudo celebrity at school but when his dreams and reality start blurring as he experiences "crossing over" he searches to find out whether the other hosts are experiencing the same. Finn meets Wayne a retired Imagineer who tells him that he and the other hosts need to meet in dream world together to fight against the Overtakers. The Overtakers are lead by Maleficent the witch from Sleeping beauty.

Finn and the others go to sleep at the same time, meet up in Disney and work together to destroy the Overtakers.

The book is fast, interesting, fun and will hold the readers attention with mentions of the kids being attacked by the Pirates from The Pirates of the Caribbean. Traveling through the Magic Kingdom in the little cars from the Buzz Lightyear ride. And when the dolls from It's a Small World come to life and start biting the teens all hell breaks loose. Pooh and Piglet walking through Disney or Tom Sawyer smoking a pipe will just crack them up.

The positives: I love the story. It is interesting to think that digital hosts are real people and can see things that are not of this reality. All of the details about the Disney theme park make this an intersting read. The story is different and what kid wouldn't want to walk around Disney after closing? A little Disney history is always interesting and educational too.

The drawback: The characters are one dimensional. We don't really get to know any of the characters and the female characters are mostly just there to balance out the sexes.

Book 2 was released in August 2008 and I look forward to getting my hands on it.

If you have read or are reading this book, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

The book was published by Disney, do I hear future movie????

Check out a Kingdom Keepers Fan Site

My Week In Pictures Aug 10, 2008 - Aug 17, 2008

August 10, 2008 – I took this picture of a some kind of huge bee. We had zipped up the gazebo when we spotted him buzzing around. He was the size of a small hummingbird. After looking at him lying on the table in some sort of spasms I may never kill another bug in my life. Look at those eyes.

August 11, 2008 – My son is so happy in this picture. We had been holding hands and spinning. He had crayons in his hand saying they were like a rainbow. I snapped this just as I let go of him while spinning.

August 12, 2008 at the park early morning with my kids. We like to go before the crowd. We usually go about 3 times a week and I spend 20 minutes of our time pushing my son on the swing. He loves it but I need him to start doing it himself. I am not helping him if I keep doing it for him. He just looked so sad sitting there as he begged me to push him.

August 12, 2008 at the park early morning with my kids. We like to go before the crowd. We usually go about 3 times a week and I spend 20 minutes of our time pushing my son on the swing. He loves it but I need him to start doing it himself. I am not helping him if I keep doing it for him. He just looked so sad sitting there as he begged me to push him.
August 13, 2008 My 42nd birthday. Interestingly enough there is not one picture of me this day. Not me getting my card or blowing out the candles on the mini cake I made either. Tear. Anyway…my friend Sheress and her children dropped by with their dog who was wearing a dress. The dog not Sheress.

August 15, 2008 I went and got my nose pierced. I have wanted one since college and never did it. The other day my husband mentioned that he was going to tell the mortician who embalms me to just pierce my nose, “she always wanted one.” I decided then and there that I waited long enough. I took my kids with me, my son held my hand and it took all of two seconds for the piercing, 3 minutes of bleeding which started 2 minutes after he was telling me that it was amazing that I wasn’t bleeding. Then about 2 days of a dull ache.

Ok, I digress..The picture…my son waited 3 weeks for this Blue’s Clues chair. He had to sleep in his own bed (not come in mine in the middle of the night) for 10 days. Every day that he did he got a Blue’s Clues sticker on a special calendar. When we finally gave it to him blown up (he was allowed to have it the whole time just not blown up – for 5 days it was in the box and the remainder, the box was opened but it wasn’t inflated) he was ecstatic. His face was priceless andhe walked around saying, “my chair is so beautiful.” This is him in his sister’s room playing X-Box.

August 16, 2008 – The annual Oz BBQ. This year the theme was Ozzapaluzza. It was awesome. My kids rocked, the food rocked, the company rocked, the music, what I did hear rocked and the coffee on my way home ROCKED.  My son’s Godmother Bek bartended and hosted a fab shindig which was supposed to feature Alternative music but somehow someone requested Brad Paisley’s, Tick song. Go figure. Interesting choice, since the person who requested the song, may or may not, have children who brought home some ticks, after feeding bread to a deer with the help of Bek’s cohost Ohio.

August 17. 2008 – Totally rocking the nose ring.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Amateur Movie Review - Hitman

Last weekend the Hub and I watched Hitman. I was heading off to sleep when he told me that he was going to rent Hitman which I knew was a game but not a movie.

Ummm...I was intrigued. I love to see how they make movies out of books, games or whatnot.

Not thinking I would be interested, I stood with my tea cup in hand, waiting for that moment when I would certainly walk away to the out reaches of the house to find a rerun, watch the Food Network or read a book.
It wasn't long before I was making my way over to the chair so I could place my cup on the windowsill, (we need some living room furniture).

As I watched, I just kept saying, where do I know this guy from? And this guy? And this guy? There were so many familiar faces.

It just so happens that I had just seen the lead guy in Catch and Release with Jennifer Garner.

Agent 47 (or a hairless Timothy Olyphant) is a gun for hire, genetically engineered assassin. He is hired by "The Organization" and pursued by both Interpol and the Russian military.

Timothy Olyphant is sexy, if you like the quiet, bald, bar code tattoo, deadly type. He is a hitman with a heart. Is this based at all on the game? He smiles, sarcastically jokes and saves mistreated women all while trying to save himself. Arrgghhhhh...

The other guy who looked so familiar is the equally sexy Dougray Scott who I saw recently in Desperate Housewives last season, or was that the season before last season? He played Susan's married (but wife is dying and has been in a long term coma) boyfriend.

The movie was just ok and the violence was scaled down. There was flying blood and brain but really the blood scenes were super quick.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

My Little Love Bug

We Played Unstable Unicorns For 5 Hours

The 411:

With the kids homeschooling for the past two months we have spent a lot of time together. They spend most of the morning and some of the afternoon doing homework then they either get on a computer game (in my son’s case) or an iPad (my daughter’s case) and zone out. We have been going for walks, playing pool or ping pong as well as watching too much Netflix and Disney so when I received Unstable Unicorns on a cold, rainy Spring day I said “hey guys, let’s unplug and play.”

We read and re-read the instructions. We were confused. Then we searched out some video reviews after 3 we decided to jump in and see where it went. The first two games which I won (I was the first to get 7 horses in my stable more on that later), we learned more about how to play, heading back to the video reviews and a game play video a few times (the one we watched was not being played according to the instructions). By the 4th game we had it down and were a little obsessed. It was fun and we were very competitive.

There are a few things you must do before starting and it does depending on how many people are playing. You shuffle the “white” covered Baby Unicorn cards and hand everyone a Baby Unicorn card. This is the start of your stable. The winner is the first to reach 7 unicorns.   Place the remaining on the table. Then you shuffle and deal out 5 “black” covered cards to each player placing the remaining next to the “nursery” where the Baby Unicorn cards are placed. Next to the cards will eventually be another pile of cards called the discard pile. Make sure all these piles are near everyone because you will all need to be able to access them during the game.

There are 4 phases to your turn and it will depending on the cards in your hand. Beginning of Turn Phase, Draw Phase, Action Phase, End of Turn Phase. There are also 5 types of cards in the game. Unicorn cards (to which there are 3 different types), Magic Cards, Downgrade Cards, Upgrade Cards, and Instant Cards.

It took a few games to get into all the ins and outs of the rules and to see that when my son left and it was just my daughter and I we needed to remove some cards (it is all explained in the instruction manual). We didn’t at first and the game ended very quickly.

It is a fun game and once we got the hang of it we didn’t stop for 5 hours. I cannot wait to be out of quarantine so we an play with more than 3 people. It will be interesting to see how that goes.

I highly recommend this game and the pictures on the cards are really cute too. We all have our favorites!

Monday, April 20, 2020

My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell

The 411:

Wow this book was very hard to put down. I found myself struggling between rage, sadness and humiliation. As a child of abuse I wanted to rip Jacob Strane's heart out. He disgusted me and made me angry. 

For all those who who during this "Me Too" Movement that we are in ever wondered why did she/he not tell someone...this book answers why. 

Vanessa is a young girl sent to school away from her parents I do not remember why. Mr. Strane, one of her teachers is a deviant bastard who romances her, defiles her and uses his power as her instructor to literally rape her having her believe it was all her doing. The subject matter as revolting as it is is written beautifully.  

This fast paced book goes back and forth between young Vanessa and older Vanessa. The author does an amazing job of forcing us to see the manipulation of an older man using mature methods on an impressionable young girl and how the garbage he feed her as a minor still sits with her years later. 

There are so many things I could hit on that really sat with me even now but then I would be typing an entire book of my own.  The title My Dark Vanessa is what Vanessa's teacher called her. He told her that she was as dark as he was. There was nothing I liked about Strane. Fortunately the author doesn't make him a victim or likable in any way.  

My Dark Vanessa is disturbing but Kate's writing is masterful because even I was angry about the direction of the book I devoured it in a few days. Reading it early in the morning before the kids woke but thought of it all day.  

Side note: This reads as a memoir. I had to keep reminding myself that this was not an autobiography but a well written first novel from a talented author.

My New Haircut by Jeffrey Turner - A Review & Video Feature

My New Haircut: Early Concepts: Shapes

Jeffrey Turner

The 411:
This is a really cute book about a poodle asking the reader what shape haircut they should get. I loved the colorful pages that shows the shape on the Poodle's head and the tail as well as the opposing page which is the same color as the shape and has tiny shapes all over it.  
Perfect toddler book with an introduction to geometry. Perfect size board book for tiny hands. 

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Old Rusty - July 2008

We both know what memories can bring, they bring diamonds and rust

I love this picture of the old car. Spending the day at a local farm with my kids I had taken enough pictures of the kids and the animals when I spotted this car. I think the rust, with the still pristine headlight, grass and flowers in the background and the old leaf burning container in the back tie in both old and new life. I see this picture like the seasons Spring and Fall.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Round and Round on the Merry Go Round

You can’t tell from this picture but he loved the carousel and wanted to go on again.

Birthday's Coming Up? Some Ideas For Your 15 Year Old! Hand Picked By My Almost 15 Year Old

My daughter's 15th Birthday is coming up next week and while she understands that it will be a very different birthday than usual I am stressed that she will be disappointed. She knows we are all under stress at this time and is mature enough to realize that as long as we are all together she has a lot to be thankful for. This doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about her gifts. 

Thankfully my daughter has an ongoing Birthday list she keeps at Amazon so I did a little shopping there earlier last month. Just a few small trinkets until we can really celebrate. 

I know many are under the same constraints as me and have been doing the drive by birthday greetings or Zoom family and friend gatherings but my shy daughter would not be into that. So here are some of my gift ideas:

The Comfy Kids! (A Review, as the product was supplied)

My daughter has been obsessed with this and does her homework, drawing and hangs outside on the deck with me in the cool hours with me. She loves the bubblegum pink and even has been using mine when she wants to bring it all the way down to her ankles. She is way getting more use out of hers than me.  She really loves the huge pocket that is perfect for keeping your hands warm but she carries her phone and drawing pencils in it. 

 It is great for sleepovers, camp outs, drive in's or as you can see wherever. 

 National Geographic's Mega Fossil Dig - Now I know my daughter is not like everyone's but she LOVES fossil dig sets. This one is great. 

Drawing Sets are great gifts especially if you have an artist on your hands. This one has everything any artist would need.

Little Nightmares has been interesting to watch her play. She is not your typical gamer but when she loves a game she loves a game.  It is cute and spooky at the same time. I watch her play every time she plays. One day she won't want to hang out with me so I take advantage when she asks me to hang out in her room. 

This Is Us is another story telling game. She was obsessed with this and is so upset that she finished the game and part 2 isn't out until December of this year. At least I already have an idea for Christmas.

Here are things that are on her wish list now

Waffle Maker - I love that she added this. How cute! I hope she plan on making me Mother's Day breakfast with this.

Plasma Lighting Ball - I have always liked these too. She has asked for one for so long. It is time to get her one. 

Mythical Creatures Playing Cards. She says these cards are so pretty. I totally agree.
Shiny Washi Tape - So many uses

Magic Temperature Lip Balm. - How pretty are these?
What I realize from my daughter's wish list is that we are more alike than I thought. She isn't a frivolous girl. She isn't spoiled and she doesn't ask for things just to ask for things. I wish I could get her every single item on her list. The only one I picked up was the jewelry shelf because she is using push pins right now. She deserves this shelf. 

I hope this list makes it easier for you to shop for your teen.