Maria's Space: 3 Lucrative Side-Hustle Ideas That Will Boost Your Income

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

3 Lucrative Side-Hustle Ideas That Will Boost Your Income


3 Lucrative Side-Hustle Ideas That Will Boost Your Income

Are you looking to earn a supplemental income on top of the wage packet that you pick up each month? If so, you should seriously consider taking on a part-time job. Rest assured, there are plenty of lucrative side hustles out there, so you’ll be sure to find one that suits your expertise and piques your interest.

To find three side hustles that will boost your income, be sure to read on.

Buy and sell vehicles

Do you consider yourself to be a bit of a petrol head? If so, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are plenty of side hustles out there that will allow you to earn a supplementary income while you drive. You could enter the sharing economy and work for companies like Uber and Lyft, you could deliver items for an organization like Postmates, or you could sell advertising space on your car and get paid to promote brands while you’re on the road.

If you don’t fancy picking up a side hustle that will see you spend most of your working hours stuck in traffic jams, yet you’re still interested in making money out of your passion for cars, you should consider buying and selling vehicles instead. This will allow you to operate on your own schedule and you’ll be able to earn as much or as little money as you want. Should you decide to take this side-hustle route, just make sure you take out part time motor trade insurance. Taking out this type of cover will enable you to register your vehicles for the Motor Insurance Database (MID), which in turn will keep you and your side hustle on the right side of the law.

Start a blog

There is now a lot of money to be made in the blogging industry. If you want to get a slice of that particularly lucrative pie, you need to take the plunge and start your own! Regardless of your area of expertise, there will be an audience out there that you can cater to. You just have to ensure that your content is good enough to attract and engage the web users that you target.

To start and then monetize your blog, you must:

• Hone in on your niche 
• Choose a blog host
• Pick a domain name that is going to resonate with your target audience
• Select a theme
• Upload content on a regular basis
• Secure sponsorships
• Sell digital products and/or courses

Walk dogs

If you’re a self-confessed animal lover, why not attempt to make your supplementary income out of walking dogs? This is a relatively simple occupation for you to get into — all you need to do is make people aware of the fact that you will walk their four-legged friends for them! You can promote your services via social media, or you can slip flyers into your neighbors’ mailboxes.

If you’re looking to boost your income, why not pick up one of the lucrative side hustles listed above?

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