Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - Aug 1 - Aug 7

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

My Life In Pictures - Aug 1 - Aug 7

 Aug 1 - We love growing our own veggies. This little bounty made us very happy.

Aug 2 - I am a true sky watcher and spend a lot of time looking up.  Thankfully my husband and my daughter also sky watch and send each other pictures often. 

Aug 3 - My work look! Masks mean I smile bigger so the kids can see my eyes are happy. I find it so sad that my class will not see my face. It is also really hard to talk to a room of rowdy 2 year olds with a muzzle on. UGH.

Aug 4 - Thank God for my chiropractor. He is a magician. 

Aug 5 - Driveway Drive-In with my kids! It was just as good as going to the drive in but better. When I got tired I didn't have a long drive I simply got to go right inside my house. Thankfully they sat in the front seat and I had the whole back to myself. I could have fallen asleep easily!

Aug 6 - Chores! They need to earn their keep AND be forced off their computers and game systems once in a while. My daughter isn't on those things often but she does get lost in Pinterest. My son however only walks and plays games. I guess I should be happy that he at least walks. 

Aug 7 - My daughter wanted to paint her bedroom furniture white. She has many colors in her room. White desk, off white bed, off white shelf and black book case. At 15 and addicted to looking at rooms on Pinterest it was time for a change.

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