Mommy Blogger who loves to write, talk, take photos, spend time with my family and friends, read, and breathe.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
The Tangle Available On Demand March 19
Orphan Wish Island by Sarah Anne Carter - Book Review
The 411:
I sat down to read this book on Tuesday night while my husband watched something on TV. I finished it the next night before bed and loved every minute. This young adult book by Sarah Anne Carter about a young girl living with relatives after the death of her parents was a quick read. It is perfect for readers 10+. There were a few times in the book that I felt it could have been scaled back just a bit due to characters repeating information that I, the reader had already read but that didn't take away from the story and I think it will make it easier for younger readers to really get really invested in the story.
Every year until Miriam is 18 she gets to go through an attic door in her bedroom to a tropical island where she and others can hear a message from their parents who left one for them before they passed over. You basically find a starfruit with your name on a tree, listen to your parents message, eat a starfruit and make a wish for yourself as you bury the pit. The wish may not always come out the way they intended because you need to do the work in order to have the wish work. You cannot just wish for a million dollars. You would have to do the work that would inevitably great you that wish.
This was an incredible read. As a motherless daughter just imagining being able to hear my mother's voice after her death and upon my 18th birthday get to hear a final message. What a wonderful premise.
I loved Miriam's relationship with her friends and her grandma and find her to be a great character for young girls. She takes care of family, respects others, is smart and understands when she tweaks her wish making the outcome different than what she intended, believes in volunteerism, tries to make the world a better place and is strong enough to go back to the Island year after year to hear her parents voice again. She is every girl and someone you would want to be friends with.
Friday, March 12, 2021
The Parish A Creepy Old School Horror on DVD and Demand March 16th
The 411:
There is a lot that works here and a lot that doesn’t work. As a Catholic I always find horror films that center around the church particularly creepy, Church to me is a sacred place and nothing should penetrate it so when horror happens inside one, I am really creeped out.
Liz and her daughter Audrey need a fresh start after the loss of their husband/father. Liz’s friend helps them find a house on another coast and Audrey simply wants the familiar. The actress was sweet but the lines seemed to be written for your young girl especially when she is trying to get a lost ball back. Sounds like an elementary school child but she looks about 13.
The movie does a good job about setting up the story. Liz is having nightmares about her husband killed in the service. Audrey is the perfect little artist creating pictures that help drive the story along. Audrey has a new friend who is also new to the school, No such child goes there. The Janitor is NOT the janitor they have both met, There is a threatening nun but she also doesn’t work there. So much mystery!
I loved the old time horror movie feel. Nothing too bloody, gory just the mystery of are they losing their mind or Is the family haunted by their mourning is there something more sinister going on?
The ending made me happy. Everything tied up in a pretty bow. No possible mysterious reason for anything and a good final ending. I truly appreciated the no open ending.
The movie didn’t need to compensate for a bad storyline by unnecessary blood and gore. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Low budget yet but not enough to say waste of time.
Worth it!
Sacrilege A UK Horror Movie On DVD & On Demand 3/16
The 411:
The movie right off the bat started out strong. A man comes running out of a house toward a car, suddenly starts smoking, bursts into flames, crawls toward a pool completely engulfed and dies. The movie switches gears and we see two female roommates planning a night out. The ladies meet up with two other friends one who was in a relationship with one of the roomies. They decide to “get the band back together” and head out for a fun filled weekend. On the way they pick up a cute hitchhiker who tells them about a Pagan festival near the home they will be staying at. When they arrive WE see it is none other than then home from the opening scene.
When our hitchhiker shows up and invites the girls to the festive things turn. Looking for booze and pot the girl take part in a ritual where they write their fears down and throw them into a fire. The girls are warned to leave the festival by a local parishioner but the pagan priest chases her off.
Strange things start happening but like most horror movies no one communicates anything until it is too late. When one of the four friends, let’s call her the selfie Queen slips in her own blood after seeing her biggest fear “aging” we see where this is going.
Not the best horror movie I have ever seen but certainly not the worst. I didn’t mind it and appreciated the ending.
Worth a watch.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
5 Budget-Friendly Ways to Revamp Up Your Home
If you’re getting bored of looking at the same four walls day in and day out, but a total home makeover is out of the question, there are still a few cost-effective options that will do the trick. With the right upgrades and a few creative touches, you can transform your space. Here are a few budget-friendly ideas to help you update your home.
Swap the Doors
First impressions count, and when you approach a home, the first you see is the front door. It is no wonder that most people will judge a home by this important feature before they even step foot in it. If a lick of paint won’t do, then invest in a brand-new door. While you’re at it, check out the doors in the rest of your property—are they looking worse for wear? Transform the look of each room by swapping out the doors for a contemporary replacement. Apart from the aesthetics, replacing old doors could improve insulation and home security, plus they are straightforward and simple to install. All you need is your chosen door and a few tools. Tradefix Direct has a good selection of trade quality tools and accessories that will help you get the job done.
Add a Splash of Paint
A splash of color correctly applied to your walls can make a room pop. Consider a vivid statement wall in the living room to jazz up your living space. Bright colors are not for everyone, and a subtle paint job in a neutral color can give a home the facelift it needs too. Furniture can be given a boost in the same way. Repainting a tired-looking wardrobe or those washed-out cabinets can make them look as good as new. Get creative with paint and try to identify areas of the home that could be improved with a new color. Old bathtubs, faucets, and door handles are great places to start.
Rethink Your Fixtures
Most of the time, a total makeover is not necessary to revamp a home. For example, instead of replacing the entire kitchen sink, give it a whole new look by replacing the faucets. Light switch outlets and plates can also be swapped out with a new set for a more stylish, modern design.
Improve the Air Quality
Installing an air conditioner can help circulate and filter the air you breathe indoors. They are a practical option for people with portable AC units scattered about the home. Portable AC can be an eyesore; they do not always do the job and can be a trip hazard. Not only can a permanent air conditioner improve the air you breathe while providing an optimum temperature all day long, but it can also keep your floor space free.
Relight Your Rooms
There are two different routes to go down with this one. If your home is looking dark and dreary, it could be that you need to switch up the bulbs. As a general rule, rooms for socializing match well with a soft white 2200-2700K light bulb, whereas rooms that require some level of concentration, such as a kitchen or home office, should be lit with a brighter 2500-6000K light. If you want to go one step further, then give some thought to replacing the light fixtures. This is a cost-effective way that enables you to restyle your rooms to a certain extent, and a new set can help modernize your home.
Monday, March 08, 2021
How Big Is Love? By Emma Dodd
The 411:
I thought this book was so cute! I loved it and read it to my 15 year old because it is something I wished I had been around when my daughter was little.
Truly a sweet book and the perfect gift for new parents.
Sunday, March 07, 2021
Drop by Emily Kate Moon Is A Fun Way To Learn About The Water Cycle - Book Review
The 411:
I love DROP! Such a cute character. My class loved Drop too! How do you get a bunch of toddlers to sit and listen to you read? Read them a story that is quick, easy and has an adorable character.
Emily Moon explains the states of water and the 3 water cycles through a tiny blue character on pages on less busy pages. Whether Drop is a gas, liquid or solid they are always smiling! Love! Love!
Love this book that is educational while reader or listener friendly. How cute is this little droplet of water?!
New Picture Books About Body Positivity and Change - Book Review
Coquà in
the City by Nomar Perez
Tuesday, March 02, 2021
Dementer Felt Part Documentary/Part Horror Movie! Worth the time!
6 Ways to Relieve Period Pain Without Medication
Nearly everyone who menstruates experiences some kind of
period pain at least once in their life, and many people have pain on a monthly
basis. If you suffer from dysmenorrhea (painful periods), you may prefer to
treat the pain without taking medication such as aspirin. Here are six ways to
reduce and alleviate period pain without taking any pills.
Apply a Heating Pad
Period cramps are usually caused by the presence of chemicals
called prostaglandins in the uterus. When you menstruate, these chemicals
cause contractions of the uterus and the tightening of its muscles, which can
be painful.
Applying heat to the area can help the muscles to relax,
reducing any pain you may be feeling. Apply a heating pad to the area, or use a
hot water bottle. Taking a hot bath may also help reduce the pain. Try it and
see what works for you.
Exercise can help with period pain because when your heart rate
goes up, your body releases endorphins—happy hormones—that can help with pain
relief. Don’t push yourself too hard; try going for a brisk walk or doing some gentle
yoga. Yoga can help you relax, and stretching into the thighs, lower back,
glutes, and hips can ease period pain.
Cannabidiol, more often known as CBD, can also be used to treat
period pain. It’s derived from the sister plant of marijuana, but it has no
psychoactive element, meaning it won’t get you high—as long as you buy it from
a reputable source, try Herbal Health
CBD can be an effective form of pain relief if taken as a
tincture, gummy, or capsule, and CBD oil can also be rubbed directly into the
skin to soothe aching muscles.
Try a TENS Machine
TENS machines can treat period pain by emitting a small
electrical current that reduces pain signals going to the spinal cord and the
brain. Just attach the machine to your body, wherever it hurts, using
electrodes, then switch on to feel the electrical currents start to pulse. TENS
machines are even used
during labor, so they can be pretty powerful!
Drink Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can
reduce the presence of pain-inducing prostaglandins. Drinking a cup when your
cramps are particularly bad could help reduce the pain you’re feeling.
Have a Relaxing Massage
Massaging your lower belly when it’s cramping is another
method of drug-free pain relief. Massage increases the blood flow to the area
and can relax the muscles in your uterus, making the contractions less painful.
Focus on the area that hurts the most, and use this as an
opportunity to apply essential oils (lavender, eucalyptus, and chamomile are
particularly useful) to reduce the pain even more. You could even book in a “menstrual
massage” to alleviate symptoms even more!
If you suffer from painful periods and menstrual cramps, try
these techniques to reduce the pain. It’s also a good idea to talk to your
doctor to see if they can help in the long term. Do what works best for your