Maria's Space: WOW It's Been Crazy

Sunday, December 19, 2021

WOW It's Been Crazy


The past few weeks have been insane. Actually, the past 4 months have been ridiculous.

 September my kids returned to school and everything that comes with that but as a preschool teacher, I got a few new students and that has its own learning curve but then there was no assistant in the class and still actually isn't. They sent floaters to cover the time which sometimes meant I had 4-6 different people with my class on any one day. That isn't good for me and it isn't good for toddlers who need consistency. I've had someone in my room for the past three weeks and it has really made a difference, but it came too late. I am DONE! Exhausted and WIPED!

October my family was planning for a trip to Disney. Or very first trip on a plane but with Halloween coming it meant weeks of planning for my class to have a fantastic Halloween and do a lot of arts, crafts and activities all while working with random assistants who honestly could care less.UGH!

November, we came back from Florida and before you knew it I was planning Thanksgiving for my family but also for my class. The holidays are so much fun in preschool and I love doing things with them but the days were long and sometimes I bite off way more than I can chew because I want my class to experience anything and everything. 

December is ridiculous! Thankfully I've got a really, hard working assistant at the moment. She wasn't planned or hired for my room, but I have requested to hold her until they have someone in there. She is a Godsend. I have spent the past three weeks working on the kids gifts to their families. We are doing a snowglobe and magnets kinda like last year. It takes so much time. 

So between school stuff, home stuff, holidays for my class and holidays for my family along with everything else that happens in life I am OVER it. 

I pray for the day I can handle all this and actually enjoy the holiday. You know, head out with my daughter to see the lights, Santa, town things, friends, etc. I feel like each day just flows into the next day with it all being kinda the same. 

Anyone else feeling stressed, over worked, stretched too thin and guilty for not enjoying the best part of family during the holiday time? 

The photo above is our grinch hands and our melted snowman. Working with 2-3 year olds is so much fun!

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