Maria's Space: Top 5 Warning Signs that an Elderly Parent May Have Developed Dementia

Monday, March 27, 2023

Top 5 Warning Signs that an Elderly Parent May Have Developed Dementia


Obviously and indeed, quite wonderfully, every single human being on the planet is entirely different, both in terms of genetic make-up and their own character, personality, and likes and dislikes. 

This means, therefore, that behavior in one older adult, could be entirely normal and in keeping with who they are and what they have done in the past, whereas the same behavior in another could be an indicator of an issue. 

So, with that being said, here are the top five warning signs that an elderly parent may have developed dementia or another memory-based illness.


1. Withdrawing from Social Events

One of the key ways in which people notice a change in a parent who is in the early stages of dementia is that their loved one no longer wants to partake in social activities and events with the rest of the family. 

This disinterest in socializing and meeting up with friends they have been close to for many years is not on its own an issue but may well be worth looking into further. 


2. Basic Mathematics


Another possible indicator that your parent may need to see their doctor to undergo a test for dementia is if they are now struggling with basic mathematics, like adding up the cost of bills or counting money when shopping. 

A reduced ability to solve simple problems such as this, or forgetting what pedal to press when they are driving, is certainly something that should be investigated further. 


3. Memory Loss


Perhaps the most common sign and symptom of the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is the difficulty in recalling information that your parent was once entirely familiar with. Starting to forget where you placed your glasses, for example, is no cause for concern on its own, but forgetting things on a more regular basis may well be. 

If you do decide that you would like to discuss making an appointment and visiting your parent’s doctor together to discuss your worries, remember that there is a myriad of different care options for now and the future, from at-home care to private care homes such as


4. Struggling in Conversations


The fourth major thing to look out for, if you even slightly worry that your parent or parents are showing symptoms of dementia, is if they are starting to struggle to hold a conversation. 

Issues with writing and speaking occur in people in the different stages of dementia, and it would also be prudent to look out for a decline in their grasp of the English language in terms of grammar, spelling, and the words they use. 


5. Personality Changes 


The final sign that it may be best to make an appointment for your parent with the doctor is if they have started to demonstrate changes in their mood and personality. 

Again, everyone naturally changes with wisdom and experience as they age, but if your parent is starting to become frustrated easily and have a tendency to become irritable or angry, then this could be that they have experienced the onset of dementia. 

Photo by CDC on Unsplash


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