Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Trench - No Megalodons Were Harmed in the Making of MEG-2




No Megalodons Were Harmed in the Making of This Movie


West Palm Beach, FL, June 26, 2023 —Steve Alten’s preoccupation with prehistoric sea creatures opened up an underwater world of creative possibilities for the New York Times bestselling author, spawning his legendary MEG series and the 2018 blockbuster movie, THE MEG. And now, fans of frightening shark tales have another reason to celebrate: the big screen sequel, MEG-2: The Trench, hits theaters in August, and moviegoers won’t believe the array of aquatic horrors that surface this time around. 


“Anything could be down there. We simply have no idea,” Alten said in a recent interview, referring to the Marianna Trench where his prehistoric marine life muses lurk.


Coinciding with the buzz surrounding the movie release is Alten’s announcement of his seven-volume collector’s edition set, appropriately titled MEG: Legacy. Each (faux) leather-bound book contains one of the six (soon-to-be seven) MEG novels, plus one of the six comics that make up MEG: The Graphic Novel. The prequel, MEG: Origins, has been woven into the first book to create a new 25th anniversary edition. Other features and bonuses include two never-before-released MEG: Angel of Death novellas, new MEG artwork, photos and commentary from the author. 


MEG: Legacy is my gift to my most dedicated readers, the ‘MEGheads,’” Alten said. “Only 5,000 sets are being printed, and they won’t be sold in stores or on Amazon — only on my website, SteveAlten.com.”


Fans can pre-order each book individually, or pre-order the entire seven-volume set. Part of the proceeds from MEG: Legacy are being donated to support an innovative cancer protocol. Alten himself was recently diagnosed with kidney cancer and is undergoing treatment.


About the Author

Steve Alten is the bestselling author of 18 thrillers, including the MEG series. His first novel, MEG, published in 1997, launched the free teen reading program, Adopt-an-Author, and was adapted for the big screen and hit No. 1 at the box office in August of 2018. The sequel, MEG-2: The TRENCH, debuts in movie theaters this August.



MEG: Legacy, from A&M Publishing, is available only at www.stevealten.com.



Saturday, June 24, 2023

Danger Is Rising - The Flood - A Review


This morning I watched The Flood staring Casper Van Dien From Starship Troopers. 

Casper (Mad Heidi) plays one of 5 convicts being transported but have to stop due to a dangerous storm. They end up in a jail run by a woman. Some of Casper’s “old friends” are planning a jailbreak which he knows nothing about. That’s not the movie…what is the movie?  Well that would be the huge crocodiles who have entered the storm drains and are waiting inside the jail as the waters rise making these huge dinosaurs hard to see. 

I love horror movies. Was it scary? No! It was fun though. I found myself rooting for the alligators when it came to some of these convicts. 

What I loved:

The camera angles. The sounds of the beasts as they came up on our characters. The opening credits. Yeah….boys! Good job! I loved the way they introduced our convicts!  A pretty kick ass lead female I also loved the death rolls! It was everything I enjoy in my movies. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

5 Benefits of Reading Books That Teach Important Life Lessons For Children

Reading to your children is a great way to build a bond and open communication. It also helps kids develop essential life skills they will use.

Fiction books open a new world to children, encouraging their imaginations while developing their language skills. Parents can even encourage discussion about the story to help children connect the book with their experiences.

It's Fun

Reading is one of the most engaging activities for children. They are often engrossed in the story and can become so immersed that they forget about everything else around them.

Reading also allows them to learn about things that they don't know. For example, they might come across words they have never heard before and be able to look them up in the dictionary. This helps improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

It can also open the door to their imaginations. When kids can imagine themselves in the places they read about, they're more likely to dream bigger and act creatively, which will benefit them. Books like Doctorooare beautiful examples of teaching kids about sharing and patience.

It's Interactive

Reading to children provides an essential introduction to the beauty of language and literacy within a safe space. It teaches them that stories are a powerful tool for achieving lifelong success.

Young children accustomed to expressing themselves with tantrums and gestures must learn that their words are the best communication method. This book teaches them they are still lovable even when they make mistakes.

This interactive book allows kids to follow through their day and see how their choices shape their days and lives into what they will become. It also demonstrates that sharing is an essential social skill. Kids also learn the difference between "book" language, which differs from speech and everyday conversation, as they answer carefully crafted questions about the storyline.

It Strengthens Brain Connections

Reading books that teach essential life lessons to children helps children learn more about themselves, other people, and the world. It also helps kids develop empathy for others and allows them to explore sensitive subjects such as death, divorce, and racism through stories.

Reading also increases a child's vocabulary. Though they might not realize it, children unconsciously absorb the words they read, which improves their writing skills as well.

Reading also stimulates a child's imagination. As a result, they are more likely to dream bigger and think creatively in their daily lives. Moreover, when they read regularly, they learn how to concentrate. They may squirm at first, but eventually, they will become accustomed to sitting quietly and listening for the book's duration.

It Builds Attention

Parents often hear that reading to kids helps them learn to read, but it does much more than that. This reports that children who read regularly develop better language skills and communication abilities.

Books also encourage creativity that isn't always possible with watching TV or movies. They allow kids to explore their imaginations while learning about dinosaurs, airplanes, or other exciting topics.

Children surrounded by books can focus more easily on schoolwork, which is critical for their success at all levels. They grow into adults who love reading for fun, business, or knowledge. The ability to focus is also vital to a good night's sleep.

It's Good for the Whole Family

Reading books out loud to children is more than just a fun family activity. It can also help them learn valuable life lessons.

Children who are read have much larger vocabularies than children who are not. They also develop specialized jargon when they begin to read about their interests, which gives them an intellectual edge at school.

They can also develop a vivid imagination, which is essential for creativity and emotional well-being. Having a solid family reading tradition helps children to feel loved and cared for and can teach them about the importance of commitment.

Many adults recall the traditions of sharing a book at bedtime with their parents or siblings fondly. Try creating your family book tradition, such as reading a beloved poem or counting kisses before bedtime.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Calling All Horror Fans - Aged Released Tomorrow June 15th - REVIEW 5* A MUST SEE


Highly anticipated horror-thriller AGED, written and directed by Anubys Lopez (THOSE WHO CALL), will be released June 15 on digital platforms.

After taking a temporary job as a caregiver, a young woman realizes her employer and the house have a dangerous, dark past.

Morgan Boss-Maltais, Carla Kidd, Dave McClain, Bria D'Aguanno, Adonis Ringo, Kelly Kidd, Lisa Alavi, and Kristin Henderson star.


On VOD (Amazon Prime, Tubi) June 15


I just finished Aged and have to tell you that I had to turn the light on in my bedroom. There hasn’t been a movie that made me look over my shoulder in the darkening bedroom in a long time. 

A young woman takes the job of a caregiver to a wheelchair bound woman but when she starts waking with bruises on her arms and starts hallucinating she realizes there is more to this job and nothing is what it seems.

I loved the use of shadows, music and angles. The shots in the house and the porch made me uncomfortable yet wish I lived there. I wanted to run yet move in! Cinematography was amazing and the acting was on point. Morgan as Veronica was the perfect trusting ingenue. Her vulnerability forces us to care about her as an actress and as the character. Carla Kidd as the wheelchair bound antagonist made me feel sorry for her one moment and hate her the next. She was perfect. 

Definitely an icky creep factor and one jump scare that I didn’t expect. This is a must see!



Friday, June 09, 2023

A Father’s Love - What Makes A Year?


  • Oscar®-nominated HBO Documentary short HOW DO YOU MEASURE A YEAR?, from longtime HBO collaborator Jay Rosenblatt (HBO’s Oscar®-nominated “When We Were Bullies,” “Phantom Limb,” “The Darkness of Day,” “Human Remains”), debuts WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 (9:00 p.m. ET/PT) on HBO and will be available to stream on Max, in celebration of Father’s Day.

  • Synopsis: For 17 years, filmmaker Jay Rosenblatt filmed his daughter Ella on her birthday in the same spot, asking her the same questions. In just 29 minutes, we watch her grow from a toddler to a young woman with all the beautiful and sometimes awkward stages in between. Each phase is captured fleetingly but makes an indelible mark. Her responses to her father’s questions are just a backdrop for a deeper story of parental love, acceptance, and ultimately, independence.  

  • Credits: Locomotion Films presents a film by Jay Rosenblatt; featuring, Ella Rosenblatt; producer, director, editor, Jay Rosenblatt; cinematography, Thomas Logoreci, Jay Rosenblatt.

Well This Looks Horrifying! Flood! Coming in July!


IN THEATERS: July 14, 2023
DIRECTOR:  Brandon Slagle
WRITERS: Chad Law, Josh Ridgway
CAST: Casper Van Dien, Nicky Whelan, Louis Mandylor 
SYNOPSIS:  A horde of giant hungry alligators is unleashed on a group of in-transit prisoners and their guards after a massive hurricane floods Louisiana.  
RUN TIME: 91 Minutes
GENRE: Action, Thriller

My Day With Toddlers

6:30 – 7:00 a.m. • Wakes up, diaper change, sippy with milk (warmed 40 seconds in the microwave) and vitamin, take pacifier. He will usually hand it over when you offer the sippy. The pacifier needs to go away until nap so he doesn’t see it.
• Channel 13 – SESAME STREET
8:00 – 9:00 a.m • Breakfast can be: cheerios, banana or eggs with cheese and bread or anything else you want to make. I usually have a sippy with water out for him at all times.
• Brush his teeth. His tooth brush and paste are in the blue bin on the counter. He doesn’t love his teeth brushed. Let him do it himself and then take over.
9:00 a.m. • Channel 31 – THE WIGGLES – This will give you a half hour of peace. Believe me!
9:30 a.m. • Jesse’s clothes are hanging in his closet.
• His socks are in the bottom drawer of his crib dresser.
• Shoes are not needed unless he is going out.
• Offer a snack, it can be cheese sticks or ham, cheese crackers, Finger Foods in the pantry on the 4th shelf in the pantry
10:30 or 11:00 a.m. • Lunch can be – Ham, mac and cheese (try to put some mixed veggies in it from the freezer), bread, chicken fingers, fries, or anything else you feel like making.
• Jesse will probably bring his sippy to you for milk.
11:45 - 1:00 pm • Nap time – Jesse needs his pacifier and his blue blanket.
• He will lie on the couch with a pillow and you can keep the TV on. He is not used to sleeping with quiet.
• If you lie down with him he will fall asleep faster. If you leave the couch just put a pillow next to him so he doesn’t roll off.
• If you want you can move him to his crib but he sleeps longer on the couch.
2:00 – 3:30 • Don’t let him sleep longer than 2 hours or bed time will be difficult.
• He will sleep anywhere from 1- 2.5 hours if left to his own devices
When he wakes from his nap • Offer a sippy with milk. TAKE PACIFER. He will usually hand it to you when you hand him the sippy.
• You can again offer some kind of small snack.
4:30 – 5:30 • Sometime around this time is a good time for dinner. Dinner can be anything you make but what he mostly likes is, mac and cheese, chicken cutlets, fries, chicken fingers, meatloaf, ham, and try if possible to get some veggies in there.
7:00 – 7:30 • Around this time is a good time for PJ’s it lets him know that bedtime is around the corner. PJ’s are in the third drawer of his crib. Face wash, hand wash and brush teeth if possible. Jesse gets a bath every fourth day because of his eczema. If giving a bath he needs to be moisturized big time The TV and the kitchen light can be on. This lets him know that bedtime is fast approaching
8:00 –8:30 pm • There are no toys taken from the toy chest after 8:00 pm
• Jesse listens to music when going to sleep. The CD player in his room just needs to be turned on. He might do this himself for you.
• The lamp on the bookshelf should be on and the overhead light off.
• He will of course need his blanket and pacifier.
• When you leave the room just flip the switch of the camera towards the wall to turn it on. It is all set to go.
• The monitor for the camera is in the dining room on the table. You can put it on the half wall or floor so that you can go about your business while keeping an eye on Jesse. PARTY!

A Typical Conversation With My 9 Year Old

Did you punch Matt?
No...I hit him. I didn't punch him.
I am trying to help you honey!
I know. I know you are. You are doing the right thing.
So why would u hit him?
I didn't! I didn't do that.
You said you did. Did you do it on accident.
No! I did it on purpose.
Why? You know that is wrong. It is wrong to hit people.
No! You are saying I am wrong. and you are not being correct. I said I did. You don't even understand.
No honey, I said it is wrong to hit someone.
I did do it on purpose. Why do you keep saying I am wrong.
No! Honey. I am saying it is NOT OK to hit someone. You know that right.
So, you know it is WRONG to HIT someone.
You are not correct. You lie.
I lie?
You keep saying I am wrong but I am right. I hit him on purpose.
Because! He had his arms on the table.
That is not your business.
I know.
So. You are not the teacher. You are not an adult. You don't tell someone that it is not right. You mind your business.
I didn't say that. I didn't say I am a teacher. You are lying.
No. I didn't say you said you were a teacher. I said it is none of your business to decide of someone is hogging up a desk.
I know.
Look honey, I am just trying to help you. Do you understand that?
I know. I know you are. You are doing the right thing.
How can I help you?
I don't know
What do I do with this? How do I make it better?
You change it!
How do I change it?
You throw it away and make a new one.

Handsome: Goddess goes to bed too late. It makes no sense.
Me: Nope
Handsome: Did you just gulp?

Aged - Horror Movie On VOD (Amazon Prime, Tubi) June 15

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Choosing the Right Window Company for Your Home - A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing the right window company can be confusing, especially with many options. When looking for a new company, it is essential to consider their customer service, warranty coverage, and product selection.

Using online community forums and your audience's feedback can help you determine what questions or concerns they may have.


When it comes to new windows, the cost is a huge factor. Homeowners want the best bang for their buck and high-quality windows that will help keep energy costs low.

Choosing the right window company for your home requires you to do some research. Check out reviews from previous customers and ask for referrals. Look for a company that has repeat business and is well-established in the community.

The quality of your window products will also affect how much you spend, so avoid buying the cheapest options. They often cost more to maintain and can make your home seem dark inside.

The type of warranty a company offers is also essential. Respectable companies will return their work with a service contract covering installation errors and other issues. This will protect you should something go wrong after your windows are installed, such as a leak or lock failure. Read the fine print and find out precisely what is covered.

Energy Efficiency

You can do many things to improve your home's energy efficiency. One of the most cost-effective is to replace windows, which can significantly cut your heating and cooling bills.

Double-paned windows are generally more energy efficient than single-paned ones, especially if filled with an insulating gas. Also, look for a window with a low U-factor (the rate at which the window conducts non-solar heat flow) and a low solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) to reduce heat loss in cold climates.

Professionals like those at JDI Windows a Denver window company, should be able to explain how these features affect a window’s energy performance and which ratings would work best in your particular climate. They should also have a strong warranty on their products and installation, which shows that they’re confident in the quality of their windows. Look for customer service reviews and testimonials to see what other homeowners have experienced. Also, consider how quickly a company responds to phone calls or emails.


When it comes to sizing up the style of windows available, you should go beyond just comparing prices. You need to consider the quality of the materials and installation as well. Many homeowners regret buying the cheaper option because they are forced to spend money on repairs or replacements soon after installation.

You should also check how responsive a company is before making a purchase. You want a window company that can provide you with excellent customer service. They should answer your questions quickly and thoroughly and not try to pressure you into a quick sale with limited-time incentives.

Determining what kind of warranty is included with your window purchase is essential. A strong guarantee will ensure that you are protected should anything go wrong with your new windows. Make sure that they cover any manufacturer defects as well as general wear and tear. Make sure that your warranty is valid for the lifetime of your home.


Once you’ve settled on a window product line that checks off all your boxes and selects a local contractor to handle the installation, you must ensure your windows and their installers have a solid warranty. Check out each contractor’s warranty policies via reviews and referrals to get a feel for how they stand by the quality of their work.

Also, please review each company's customer ratings to see what others have said about them. It’s also worth asking each window installation company what their after-sale service policy is. How fast will they respond if you experience any issues with your new windows? This will help you choose a window replacement company that will be there for you long after the sale. It’s a long-term investment, after all. Choosing the right window company will ensure you’re happy with your purchase for years.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Characteristics of European White Oak Flooring

European white oak is a highly sought-after flooring choice. It has a Janka hardness rating of 1360, which makes it incredibly robust.

It has a tighter grain pattern and smaller growth rings than American oak, generally displaying a more uniform color tone across planks.


White oak is one of the most common species of wood used for flooring and furniture. It is a sturdy and durable hardwood.

It has a light brown heartwood and creamy white to yellowish sapwood. It is an excellent choice for traditional homes and can be stained in many colors.

European white oak flooring is usually less brittle than its American counterpart, making it more stable for installation. As a result, it makes it a better solution for spaces like bathrooms and kitchens that are likely to be exposed to dampness.

In contrast to American oak, which can exhibit more pronounced variances in brighter and darker colors, European oak has a more consistent color tone between boards in its natural form. It also has more character in its grain pattern.


European white oak is the most robust oak species, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.

It also boasts a tighter grain, smaller growth rings, and more even color than American white oak. In addition, this wood can be stained and smoked to achieve a variety of caramel and dark brown hues that can make it stand out from other flooring options.

As a bonus, European oak possesses much more tannin content than either red or white oak, which is beneficial for ensuring that insects are kept away from it. Tannin is an astringent that can also bind to the organic compounds in the wood.

The tannins in European oak can be more easily altered via several processes, including fuming and smoking. Fuming is a chemical process in which ammonia is used to darken the tannins within the wood. Smoking is a more natural process and can create a wider range of caramel tones in the wood.


European oak flooring is often fumed, which darkens it and reveals its grain pattern. Fuming is a chemical process that uses a strong aqueous ammonia hydroxide solution to expose the wood to fumes.

The ammonia hydroxide reacts with tannins, the natural pigments that give wood its distinctive color and texture. The resulting darkening of the oak brings out its natural grain and creates more contrast.

American oak can also be smoked or fumed, although the outcomes could be more reliable.

In general, European oak has a darker tone than American species. It is due to the high tannin content and is why it is so famous for fuming.

European white oak is live-sawn, giving it a unique character and texture you won't find in other types of flooring. It is also a more durable wood, allowing it to withstand heavy traffic and wear.


European white oak is one of the most adaptable and durable hardwoods available, whether you want to install new hardwood flooring or give your existing floors more personality.  

European oak is also more complex and dense than American white oak, which helps it retain its strength and bending properties over time. The hardness of the wood also allows it to be sawn rather than hand split, which helps keep a floor from shifting and developing cracks or splits over time.

The unique cutting method of European oak allows different cuts of tree wood to be showcased on each plank. In addition, it creates grain patterns that result in no two boards looking the same, which is especially appealing when used in a design-driven space. The wavy patterning of this wood type also adds color and interest, making it the perfect complement to a contemporary design.

Saturday, June 03, 2023

2008 and 2020 Questions Answered

Some questions I answered in 2008 
My new answers in red
  1. Who lets you have your way more than you should? Not a single person!!! Wahhh..
  2. According to the cliche, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but what’s the way to yours? Spending time with my kids. The moment my husband gives the kids his attention for more than 10 minutes I am unbelievably in love all over again.
  3. What’s something that should have been put away but hasn’t been? Probably stuff that I want to post on Ebay. It takes up wayyyyy too much space in my bedroom and it will probably never get on there.
  4. When did you last weigh yourself? 3 weeks ago.
  5. What do the cops in the donut shop say? oh ay oh, ay ohhhhhh.

1. I enjoy just being with my husband and my kids.
2. What kind of adults my kids will be is something I wonder about often lately.
3. In your heart, you knew there is good in every one.
4. Take love, add a little one and you end up with a family.
5. Life has gifted me with friends, children and love.
6. Taking a shower with the door closed is an instant vacation.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to spending time with the hubby, tomorrow my plans include taking the kids to the park and Sunday, I want to fly a kite.

Life Flies Even When You Are Not Having Fun

I started this blog when my kids were very young. It's called Maria's Space because I had two kids under 3 and consumed with Motherhood, no family or friends close by and a husband who was self employed I just needed a little space in the world to call my own. 

Fast forward 18 years and my kids are now 18 and 20. It's crazy how fast 18 years went. Time flies whether life is full of fun or you are just doing life things. Taking care of your kids, the house, working and trying to find a little space to do something for you.

This week I went for my yearly eye doctor appointment and was told I have the beginning of early onset cataracts. Well that doesn't sound good! It makes me feel old but not really. It makes me feel strange. I mean I will ONLY be 57 this Summer. That's not old enough for cataracts right?! How do I have the start of cataracts?

My doctor says this happens, there is nothing I can do to combat it or stop it in its tracks. I simply must wait for Mother Nature to decide how long it will take to become a problem that requires surgery.

She asked if I was ever on a lot of antibiotics or had a lot of radiation in my life. Well doc, yes. I had a blown intestine in 2010 which required a two week hospital stay and eventually surgery, then another surgery abdominal surgery. I also had 8 cat scans in those two weeks as well as many follow ups since.

Getting older is not fun. Your body hurts often. You have aches and pains on some days and other days feel like you can run a marathon.  Getting older is also a blessing because the alternative truly sucks. My mother died before she was 34 years old. I will take my aches and pains knowing that every day above ground is a blessed day. I will be thankful that I am still here watching my kids grow into adults that I like being around. 

I will accept whatever I am dealt in life, pray for the best, plan for the worst but man it goes fast. Live each day to the fullest. Be with those you love, don't waste your time because it is truly precious.