Sunday, September 29, 2024

No Scrap Left Behind by Teralyn Pilgrim Is Eye Opening - Saving Money On My Food Bill Already


No Scrap Left Behind: My Life Without Food Waste

Publisher: HCI Books

Release Date: September 17, 2024

ISBN-10: 0757325165

ISBN-13: 9780757325168

Trade Paperback, 320 pages

As I sat down to read No Scrap Left Behind: My Life Without Food Waste I worried that this was a radical writer who dumpster dived or saved every morsal rather than throw food away but was pleasantly surprised at how rational NOT radical she was. 

While going to the supermarket every week wasn't always something I looked forward to; it has become something I loathe. Honestly I am not sure how everyone is surviving these days. I get loudly angry and my daughter has to sometimes reel me in because I walk around pointing to food items saying how much this USED to be NOT when I was her age but literally 1-2 years ago. My bill went from $220 - $375 weekly and we are NOT even close to getting what we would have in the past. There is no surplus of sale items as there was in the past because nothing is on sale anymore and the "sale" price is what the normal price was in the past. 

Teralyn decided to stop "wasting" food. She was going to make conscious efforts to reuse what her family wasn't eating and only make what they would eat as well as compost, feed her pets and research expiration dates and best buy dates.

Her threshold for holding was "the hungry kid test" if there was a starving child there, would she give it to them?" If so, it was not to be wasted. 

She has solid ideas on what can be toss and what can be reused. She isn't taking food off the plates of others. If someone has contaminated the food, it goes. 

I love the section on expiration dates which I have been ignoring since I was living on my own. I remember my grandparents eating soup well past it's expiration as well as a friend telling me her nurse friends tell her that yogurt is fine to eat past it's expiration date. 

As someone who used the food pantry for a little while I am a firm believer that if the can or bag of food is unopened and it passes my smell test, it is fine!

A friend mentioned that they had cleaned out their pantry last week and threw away two garbage bags full of EXPIRED, unopened food. I wanted to cry and told them to please not toss until they ask if someone wants it. I would have taken all of it. Unopened, unused, only a few days to weeks past the expiration.  It's heartbreaking! 

Teralyn gives Tips and suggestions on how to use food, how to save food and how store food for freshness. 

I highly recommend this book. Not boring, easy to follow and very helpful in this economy. 

Teralyn Pilgrim Interview

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary book for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered. All opinions are my own. 

Food Prices Are Soaring Read No Scrap Left Behind: My Life Without Food Waste To Find Hints On How To Save Money




Create a Zero-Food-Waste Kitchen: Author’s 9-Step Program Leads the Way with Clever Tips and Tricks


“Sometimes hilarious and sometimes so poignant it hurts, this book will help you make practical shifts to both make the world a better place and save you money and time.”

— Rachael Jackson, journalist and founder of


BOCA RATON, FL. — The average American household could feed an additional family member with the amount of food they waste, says Teralyn Pilgrim, a zero-food-waste advocate and author of the new book No Scrap Left Behind: My Life Without Food Waste.


Pilgrim admits she had no idea the environmental and economic impact of food waste, or that she could save $100 a month by living waste-free. But when a story of hungry children filled her with unbearable guilt, she decided to change the way her family approached mealtime.


“The most important thing is to not buy too much food,” Pilgrim noted. “It doesn’t matter how much you learn about upcycling and refrigeration and storage. If things are going bad faster than you can eat them, there’s really not a lot you can do.”


In her new book, she tells the story of her quest to end her family’s food waste — and all the blunders that came with it. Despite finicky kids and a skeptical husband, Pilgrim turned her feelings of guilt into action and created a zero-food-waste kitchen.


“Even if I can’t change how much food the world wastes, it feels good to look at this problem and say — with absolute honesty — that I have nothing to do with it,” says Pilgrim.


Pilgrim defines food waste with Rule #1, the Hungry Kid Test: Would you throw something edible away with a hungry child watching? If the answer is yes, it can go in the compost. If the answer is no, then it’s time to get creative.


Detailing her quest to live free of food waste with humor and relatability, Pilgrim shares how she dealt with the discovery of a five-year-old fish in her freezer, what she did when she accidentally bought disgusting fat-free cookies, and how she handled table scraps despite having a dog as picky as the kids. Addressing myths about how being waste-free is too hard (it’s not) and whether expiration dates mean anything (they don’t), Pilgrim offers clever ways to be resourceful with her nine-step program, six guiding rules, and hundreds of food-related tips that will help readers find their way to saving money and living sustainably.


About the Author

Teralyn Pilgrim is the author of Don’t Dance on the Toilet: and Other Things I Never Thought I’d Say to My Kids. She lives with her husband and three children in Beavercreek, Oregon.


Amazon link:


No Scrap Left Behind: My Life Without Food Waste

Publisher: HCI Books

Release Date: September 17, 2024

ISBN-10: 0757325165

ISBN-13: 9780757325168

Trade Paperback, 320 pages

Available for pre-order wherever books are sold

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Comfy Pajamas For Colder Weather

Oh the mornings are chilly. It is time to pull out my winter PJs. I have these in red and black and they are the most comfortable PJs I own.

To purchase:

Disclaimer: No monetary compensation was offered for me to mention this product. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases

Ghost Meets Erin Brockovich in Chilling Story of Family Living Near Nuclear Reactor




PALM SPRINGS, Calif. — Based on a real place and real events, Snitchland — the sequel to Tim Mulligan’s acclaimed Witchland — is a thrilling new graphic novel that follows the strange and sometimes terrifying events surrounding an apparent nuclear accident in “the most toxic place in the Western Hemisphere” — an event that kills one of the two dads of a family recently transplanted from Seattle. At the funeral, a mysterious co-worker lets his husband know that she had previously complained to management about the cause of the accident. What follows ventures into family trauma, political intrigue and the occult.


“Every town has its lore and its secrets,” said Mulligan, whose hometown of Richland, Washington, was home to the world's first nuclear reactors that produced the plutonium used in the Trinity Test and in the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. It has been the site of multiple radiation incidents over the years. “It’s amazing that it [Richland] hasn’t made its way into pop culture, and people don’t know that there’s this place that has such a bizarre and scary reputation.”


Snitchland takes place six months following the events of Witchland and draws upon hundreds of stories from whistleblowers in Richland to tell the story of a family facing extreme tragedy — misfortune, extreme health concerns, unsafe conditions and death — after moving to a town plagued by decades of wrongdoing. A ghost story, a moving family drama and a love story, Snitchland is a suspenseful and cautionary tale about what can happen when one, or many, tries to shed light on the dangers lurking in a community — and unspeakable horror happens.


Told with stunning artwork by illustrator Pyrink, Snitchland is part of the Witchland Trilogy, a series of scary (and surprisingly funny) immersive plays, each also adapted into beautiful graphic novels. The trilogy centers on one truly modern family’s experiences after moving to the town of Richland, which of course involves working at the infamous Hanford Nuclear site. The third installment, Twitchland, is scheduled for release in early 2025.


About the Author

Tim Mulligan wrote the Witchland Trilogy, based on his own experiences growing up in the real Witchland. In addition to the Witchland World plays and graphic novel adaptations, Mulligan wrote the plays Point Loma and Bitchland, as well as the bestselling Perfect 10 cookbooks. An avid fan of theater, movies, books, TV and pretty much all things pop culture, especially in the horror genre, Mulligan and his partner, Sean, have homes in Palm Springs, San Diego and Los Angeles


For more information, please visit, or connect with the author on Instagram and Facebook at witchlandplay.



Publisher: Highpoint

Release date: October 31, 2024

ISBN-13: 979-8-9908488-0-1



Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dressing For Cooler Weather

 Cooler mornings and evenings and a cold already. Ordering a blazer tonight!

Which color? 

Fun and magical books for kids. 

With Halloween coming I am picking up How To Catch A Monster to read to my preschool class but there are way more adventures like catching a unicorn, the tooth fairy, or a garden fairy, there's a How to Catch adventure for every child’s interests. 

Cost of Takeout Out of Budget? Cookbook Series Uses QR-Coded How-To Clips To Bring Back Home-Cooked Meals





CHARLOTTE, N.C. —Tired of fast food, microwaved meals, and sad sandwiches? Is eating out all the time breaking the bank? Renowned chef Jorj Morgan is coming to the rescue in kitchens across the country with her You Can Cook Any THING cookbook series, published by Warren Publishing. This comprehensive five-book series breaks down everyTHING you’ve ever imagined or craved to eat. The books feature AI-generated artwork to depict each of the dishes alongside QR codes that link to instructional videos. Morgan’s multi-media approach helps readers build confidence in what they cook with no pressure from unattainable presentations. The AI-generated artwork is a little rougher around the edges, and it’s fun—just like real food—so readers won’t be intimidated if their final results don’t look Instagram-ready. 


What do you do when you open your fridge and all you see are ingredients? Don’t despair, with You Can Cook Any THING Volume 1: Eggs, Waffles, Cheese, & Noodly Things, the basics are covered. From cracking eggs to whipping up waffles, you will be able to create breakfasts, lunches, and easy pasta dishes using common ingredients. 


Are you green when it comes to preparing veggies and salads? You Can Cook Any THING Volume 2: Salad and Veggie Things will help you turn over a new leaf with tips and tricks to cook and prepare any green THING you’ve ever imagined. Now there are no excuses for not getting your daily servings of greens.


Sometimes choosing what meat and how to cook it can be the biggest challenge of all. If you’re clueless and on a budget, You Can Cook Any THING Volume 3: Burgers, Dogs, Sides, and Many Meaty Things will teach you all the proper techniques, and by the end, you will be a meat master and culinary expert. 


Red meat not your thing? Book 4 in the series, You Can Cook Any THING Volume 4: Things with Wings and Fishy Things, will meet all of your non-red meat needs. For new chefs ready to flip, filet, and feast on chicken and seafood, this book is for you. This fourth volume is full of recipes for anything that might say bawk bawk, quack quack, gobble gobble, or blub!


Nothing is better than fresh, homemade baked goods ... unless you don’t know how to bake. You Can Cook Any THING Volume 5: Kneady Things and Sweet Treats provides easy recipes for a variety of baked goods to make your sweet dreams come true. This book promises simple steps to create fresh, homemade treats through essential baking techniques. 


Jorj Morgan has appeared on nationally syndicated television programs and participated in regional media tours. She has been the featured guest on numerous radio, food, and entertaining programs and her quotes have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, New York Times, Women’s World, First for Women, and Reader’s Digest, among others. Her comprehensive website; YouTube channel, In the Kitchen with Jorj; Facebook and Instagram @jorjmorgancooking; X (formerly Twitter) @jorjmorgan; and Pinterest @jorjmorgancooking; are committed to creating content to demystify the kitchen and make meals prepared at home accessible to everyone. 

ReWatching True Blood Thanks To The Truest Blood Podcast

I love listening to Podcasts when cleaning the house, cooking for driving these days. Recently I started the Truest Blood Podcast on Spotify starring Deborah All Woll (Jessica) and Kristin Bauer (Pam). It is so good. 

As a big fan of True Blood I love hearing these two actors discuss the show, behind the scene information, interview True Blood folks like the directors, actors, writers, etc., as well as beloved Author Charlaine Harris.

Honestly I was unaware when this thing started back in 2021. Apparently there was talk about a reboot of True Blood on HBO but it cancelled in 2023.

The woman discuss the show, laugh a lot and sometimes repeat each other but it sounds like two woman who are fans talking about a show they absolutely love. 

I am currently on Season 2, Episode 3 and started watching the show again so I can follow them. I have re-watched True Blood with a friend since watching it back in the day but it has been years and it is fun watching with their narration and background stories. 

Loving it!

Check it out if you are a fan and let me know what you think.

Pretty Textured Paper For Scrapbooks or Journals

Coffee Stained Paper!

Love everything about this set including the plastic container to keep them in!

7 different sets! Each set has two different sizes. Really like the torn edges look and how antiqued they look in colors and style.

Using in junk journals but so many uses if you are creative!

Would order or gift again!

Just made my 4th purchase this year! This glue is perfect for my journals.  Couldn't do it without it!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Looking For Fun/Cute TShirts?

 Save 40% with these promo codes

Drop Your Phone and Reconnect With The World

I no longer have social media apps on my phone. I took them off last year feeling like they were distracting me from other things. No longer was I pulling up a book or phoning a friend when bored, I was mindlessly scrolling. 

My daughter is 19 and I am noticing her generation as well as younger co-workers being unable to call each other feeling like they are bothering them or odd because "we haven't spoken in a while." Knowing how important my friends are to me I thought this is so sad. They are not making the necessary connections that will enable them to have fulfilling lives. I will not always be here for my daughter to talk to about everything and anything. She and her friends won't have someone to call when they need to discuss something or just to say hello. I have never felt weird calling someone nor have I ever thought "you are bothering me" if a friend called me. 

This book couldn't come at a better time. 

Connected & Engaged

Remove Digital Distractions & Reconnect with the World

(September 24, 2024): Staying connected and engaged with the important people in our life has never been more critical—or more challenging. The widespread epidemic of digital addiction and device overuse has contributed to a near-complete breakdown in our ability to form lasting, meaningful relationships with those around us.

As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Lori Whatley has invested years into helping people manage their digital devices to live fuller, more vibrant lives. Born from her one-on-one interactions with patients, Connected & Engaged delivers actionable advice that will transform your relationships and your life.

The insights provided in Connected & Engaged will empower you to:
• Create strong relational connections with the people closest to you
• Minimize the stress that comes from your digital devices
• Employ more effective, in-person communication methods
• Set and maintain personal boundaries against digital distraction

Are you ready to connect with the people around you, engage in the world, and create a life that makes you feel alive? Today is the day to truly get connected and engaged!

About the Author

Dr. Lori Whatley
is a clinical psychologist who specializes in the effects of digital device usage on both individuals and businesses. Over her 25-year career, she has worked with thousands of clients to help reconnect and repair personal connections. To learn more or get in touch, visit

Praise for Connected & Engaged

“...equips us with practical suggestions to help us put people first.”
—Rory Vaden, New York Times bestselling author

“An honest look at our digital lives with real-life solutions.”
—Kelly Jameson, PhD, LPC-S

“...a powerful, yet simple blueprint to help us manage our distractions and focus on what matters most, the people in our lives.”
—Anton J. Gunn, MSW, CDM, CSP

“...helped me use technology to increase productivity, reduce stress, improve my relationships, and feed my brain with the same intention I feed my body.”
—Kristen Coffield, Founder and CEO of The Culinary Cure

“ refreshing and thought-provoking advice on how we can live our best lives in this age of technology.”
—Kaedy Kiely, Afternoon Drive Host at WSRV-FM

# # #
Connected & Engaged
Written by Dr. Lori Whatley
978-1-961293-06-9, $18.00 paperback
978-1-961293-07-6, $9.99 ebook

Published by Hatherleigh Press.
Distributed through Penguin Random House.
Available wherever books are sold.

I Need More Colors Of This Two Piece Pajama Set

This two piece pajama set is comfy and pretty! I love it! I am a size 12 and the extra large is perfect! Not right anywhere.

I really love how red it is. Usually I do blue or black but the red is perfect! I will order more colors next paycheck. Love it!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Journaling Stickers At A Great Price


This set of stickers has many uses but I love it in my journaling page. They can also be used in scrapbooking, notebooks, on your computer or water bottle. Wherever you chose. 

Great price point too! Honestly I was surprised when I saw them. I love the travel look and the colors are perfect! Using in my junk journals. I did cut the white border for my journals but that doesn’t bother me at all. I know many don’t mind the borders.

They separate easily from their backing and look amazing on my page.

ONLY $3.99

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Ways To Cut Down On Your Children's Screen Time


Are you sick of looking at the top of your kids head at dinner, in the car, or anywhere else? I know I am! I am even tired of looking at the top of their friend's heads when they come over.  Parents, we are not innocent either. How many of you can say that you are constantly on your phone? Checking Facebook, email, texts, weather, playing a game, reading a book, etc., We are all making connections virtually but isn't it time we make a conscious effort to put those phones down and connect with the people we love!?

My friends and I have been discussing this for a while now. Our kids are on the phone all the time. Not like when we were kids and our parents could tell us it was time to hang up because they needed the phone. There are so many ways for our kids to connect with the rest of the world but NOT with us. Even when their friends come over, I hear zero talking. Why? Because their friends have their faces in their phones.   Even after school I drive one of the kid's  friends home and have to say, "put your phone down" so we can talk.   When did a "play date" become quiet time? When I was a kid if my friend was with me we would never shut up. Now I can hear a pin drop even with three girls in the  house.

 My kids do not have actual phones. They have older phones that we no longer have service on that we have allowed them to use if they are able to connect to a network. At home this is easy.  Every once in a while they ask when they will have one like their friends and we tell them it is not necessary at this time and what they have is fine.

I have instituted a schedule for the house where ALL electronics need to be put down for a few hours. Today I have taken Facebook off my phone and will now only get on it when I have a chance to sit at the computer. It takes way too much of my time and while I will miss it eventually I will get use to it.  I hope that by my kids seeing me less on the phone they will follow but I also think all of us need to do this!  In the coming years our kids will be home less and less. Friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, jobs, college, and eventually a career, and family of their own means you will see them less and less. Time flies and we need to spend more time together.

Here Are 4 Ways To Cut Down Your Kids Screen Time:

1. FIRST! Cut down your own time. Spend more time being available and present. We all know our kids learn by example so be the example. Take Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or whatever off your phone.  You may not know everything the moment it happens but you will eventually hear it so it is OK...remove it. I did and it was easy.

2. Do not allow phones or tablets at the table, in the car (unless you are on a road trip over 35 minutes), during a movie, or in the bathroom (Why do we do this? Hanging on the toilet isn't good for anyone).

3. Set Limits - There should always be limits. There is no reason for someone to have their face in the phone all day.  And...make sure they shut their devices down an hour before bed. You can watch TV as a family, read a book, color, draw, or just sit and talk. It is OK to press the power button, we will all be OK. With Windows 10 you can set a timer on your child's computer. I have one on my son's but not my daughter's because she doesn't have Windows 10 yet. It is the best thing I ever did!

4. Keep them busy. Yes! This sometimes means you need to schedule things. It requires work on your part. Watch a movie, play a game, get your sleeping bags and head to the living room floor for a "sleep-over", go outside when the weather is warmer, get on your bikes, go to the park, get involved in a community clean up, volunteer at an animal shelter, clean together, organize closets, drawers, etc. If you are doing it together it goes fast, they stay busy and you have the opportunity to talk about everything and anything.

So, if you are looking for me please text me or better yet call me. I no longer have Facebook on my phone. We should talk. I can't wait to catch up with you.

Beautiful Read - The Keeper Of The Stars


The Keeper of The Stars by Buck Turner

Such a beautiful story of love! I just finished

 the book and

 as I wipe tears away I know that this story

 will stay with me for a long time!

I saved many quotes and will look at them again and again.

For lovers of Nicholas Sparks, a heartwarming romance about a young woman whose dreams seem too big to let love into her life, until she receives an unexpected package from an old flame a decade after circumstances tore them apart.

Who says you can’t rewrite the stars?

It’s 1962 when Tennessee-native Jack Bennett meets out-of-towner Ellie Spencer. He quickly falls head-over-heels for the young woman whose greatest love has always been the stars...until Jack. As their summer romance blooms, so does their determination to be together despite the circumstances that threaten to keep them apart. But just when Jack thinks their future is certain, their romance is cut short by forces beyond their control.

Twelve years later, Dr. Elizabeth Spencer, now a renowned professor of astronomy, receives a mysterious package. Inside is a novel about a young man and woman who meet at the water’s edge and fall madly in love over one magical summer. As she immerses herself in the pages, Ellie realizes this is no ordinary story—it’s their story. And hidden among the tales of star-gazing and stolen kisses is a detail that has her questioning everything. Seeking the truth, Ellie returns to the water’s edge. But is it too late, or can the love story Jack penned bring them back together in time to rewrite the stars?

It's Now Or Never

As I get older it feels like time is going faster and it sometimes gets to me. Lately it has seemed like I worry that if I don't make significant moves NOW it will never happen and that means in my personal and professional life. 

I'm not sure how to make certain changes. I have been feeling stuck. Like I am not living with purpose. Like I work, come home, sleep and do it all over again.

I would like to live intentionally.

Declutter the distractions

Pay attention to life

Listen to my heart

Make plans instead of simply living

Stop being on auto pilot.

I think many of us just are alive but don't live. We have silenced that part of us that shines. Whether it was due to others needing more spotlight on them or others who silenced our true self. 

Making an effort to LIVE FOR ME!

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever - I Love Holiday Movies And It's Starting Already


Directed by: Dallas Jenkins          

Screenplay by: Ryan Swanson and Platte F. Clark & Darin McDaniel

Based on: The novel by Barbara Robinson

Produced by: Kevin Downes, Jon Erwin, Andrew Erwin, Darin McDaniel, Chet Thomas, Daryl Lefever

Cast:  Judy Greer, Pete Holmes, Molly Belle Wright, and Lauren Graham

 Synopsis: The Herdmans are absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world. They lie, they steal, they bully…and now they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. Directed by Dallas Jenkins (“The Chosen”) and based on the international bestseller by Barbara Robinson, THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER follows six siblings who sneak into church searching for snacks and walk away with the lead roles in the town pageant. Grace (Judy Greer) is directing the performance for the very first time; she and her daughter Beth (Molly Belle Wright) and husband Bob (Pete Holmes) are in over their heads, especially against a town that wants them to kick the Herdmans out. But the play’s mischievous stars might unwittingly teach a community the true meaning of Christmas. Featuring Lauren Graham. Screenplay by Ryan Swanson and Platte F. Clark & Darin McDaniel.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Clock Striker 2 is Available NOW

Combining sci-fi, steampunk, action-adventure, and insightful humor, this new volume explores teenage hero Cast’s desire to (once again) save her friend Klaus while dealing with an entire town that confounds her. Something is off—and Cast and her mentor, Ms. Philomena Clock are determined to find out what it is before it’s too late. Cast has almost never ventured past her hometown, so the demanding trek will test her beyond anything she has encountered before. With a rival SMITH and STRIKER on their tails, as well as the mysterious King of Alter—whose kingdom is deceptively powerful—can the dynamic duo save the day?

This was reviewed by my Manga reading 21 year old son who wrote: The story is about a 12 your old girl who not only wants to be a hero but an engineer/A SMITH. This is problematic because while these SMITH's haven't been seen in years, they have never been female.  I love the fast pace and have never seen a black female lead character which I think is important and will appeal to many. She is strong, smart and kicks ass. I finished it in three hours and really enjoyed it. It is not my typical Manga style but I enjoyed trying something new. The art was great too!

Clock Striker is rated T for Teen, recommended for ages 13+.


Praise for Clock Striker, Volume 1: "I'm Gonna Be a SMITH!"

  • 2024 YALSA Great Graphic Novel for Teens
  • 2024 Glyph Award Finalist for Story of The Year, Best Writer, Best Female Character, Rising Star, and Fan Award for Best Work
  • 2023 Texas Library Association Maverick Graphic Novel Reading List Winner - Starred Selection
  • 2023 Virginia Library Association Graphic Novel Diversity Award Honor Book
  • 2022 Dwayne McDuffie Award for Diversity in Comics Finalist
  • “…evokes the energy and exhilaration of classic shonen manga…promises deeper lore and mysteries in subsequent volumes”—Publishers Weekly
  • “Readers will eagerly anticipate more entries. A fantastic, refreshing series opener.”—Kirkus Reviews
  • A “fast-paced story of self-discovery and altruism”—Booklist
  • “This action-packed graphic novel adventure featuring tenacious female leads will leave shonen manga fans counting down to future volumes”—School Library Journal
  • Clock Striker's debut volume is a hit that manga fans in America should take note of.”—Screen Rant
  • “ . . . readers will be glad to hear there's no shortage of adventures in store.” —Comic Book Yeti


Book 2 is Out now. Fans will love following Cast as she helps to find her friend Klaus,

 To Order Book 2 Clock Striker

 Issaka Galadima, also known online as Gladisk or GladiskStudio, was born in the Republic of Niger and currently lives in France, where he works as an app developer. He is the artist for the hit manga series Clock Striker for Saturday AM. American entrepreneur Frederick L. Jones was born in Durham, North Carolina, and graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a BA in Communication Studies. He developed a passion for promoting diversity at a young age, including participating in the fight for a Black Student Union on UNC's campus and attending the original Million Man March in 1995. He spent a decade in the video game industry as an executive. Having worked on nearly every part of product creation, including product marketing, product development, and brand management, Frederick combined his experience with his lifelong love of anime to create the diverse manga brand Saturday AM in 2013. He resides in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, with his family and dog, Allie. Saturday AM is a unique digital comics brand featuring an ever-growing catalog of popular, exclusive and diverse action manga-style webcomics by independent creators from around the world. Among the nearly 50 visionary artists on the Saturday AM team are @WhytManga (Apple Black), @JeyOdin (Hammer), and @saigamiproject (Saigami). To learn more about Saturday AM, visit, or find them on Instagram (@saturday_am), YouTube (, and Twitter (@saturday_am).

  • Publisher: Rockport Publishers
  • Publish Date: September 10, 2024
  • Pages: 224
  • Dimensions: 0.9 pounds
  • Language: English
  • Type: Paperback
  • EAN/UPC: 9780760389232
  • BISAC Categories: Manga - Mecha, Action & Adventure

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Cost of Takeout Out of Budget? Cookbook Series Uses QR-Coded How-To Clips To Bring Back Home-Cooked Meals




CHARLOTTE, N.C. —Tired of fast food, microwaved meals, and sad sandwiches? Is eating out all the time breaking the bank? Renowned chef Jorj Morgan is coming to the rescue in kitchens across the country with her You Can Cook Any THING cookbook series, published by Warren Publishing. This comprehensive five-book series breaks down everyTHING you’ve ever imagined or craved to eat. The books feature AI-generated artwork to depict each of the dishes alongside QR codes that link to instructional videos. Morgan’s multi-media approach helps readers build confidence in what they cook with no pressure from unattainable presentations. The AI-generated artwork is a little rougher around the edges, and it’s fun—just like real food—so readers won’t be intimidated if their final results don’t look Instagram-ready. 


What do you do when you open your fridge and all you see are ingredients? Don’t despair, with You Can Cook Any THING Volume 1: Eggs, Waffles, Cheese, & Noodly Things, the basics are covered. From cracking eggs to whipping up waffles, you will be able to create breakfasts, lunches, and easy pasta dishes using common ingredients. 


Are you green when it comes to preparing veggies and salads? You Can Cook Any THING Volume 2: Salad and Veggie Things will help you turn over a new leaf with tips and tricks to cook and prepare any green THING you’ve ever imagined. Now there are no excuses for not getting your daily servings of greens.


Sometimes choosing what meat and how to cook it can be the biggest challenge of all. If you’re clueless and on a budget, You Can Cook Any THING Volume 3: Burgers, Dogs, Sides, and Many Meaty Things will teach you all the proper techniques, and by the end, you will be a meat master and culinary expert. 


Red meat not your thing? Book 4 in the series, You Can Cook Any THING Volume 4: Things with Wings and Fishy Things, will meet all of your non-red meat needs. For new chefs ready to flip, filet, and feast on chicken and seafood, this book is for you. This fourth volume is full of recipes for anything that might say bawk bawk, quack quack, gobble gobble, or blub!


Nothing is better than fresh, homemade baked goods ... unless you don’t know how to bake. You Can Cook Any THING Volume 5: Kneady Things and Sweet Treats provides easy recipes for a variety of baked goods to make your sweet dreams come true. This book promises simple steps to create fresh, homemade treats through essential baking techniques. 


Jorj Morgan has appeared on nationally syndicated television programs and participated in regional media tours. She has been the featured guest on numerous radio, food, and entertaining programs and her quotes have appeared in the Wall Street JournalBoston GlobeNew York TimesWomen’s WorldFirst for Women, and Reader’s Digest, among others. Her comprehensive website; YouTube channel, In the Kitchen with Jorj; Facebook and Instagram @jorjmorgancooking; X (formerly Twitter) @jorjmorgan; and Pinterest @jorjmorgancooking; are committed to creating content to demystify the kitchen and make meals prepared at home accessible to everyone. 

Discover the Heart of Community in the New Book Across the Street…Around the Corner

Author Mary Lea Carroll explores what makes a neighborhood truly special.
Amid the isolation of the 2020 pandemic, one woman embarked on a heartwarming journey to rediscover the essence of her Pasadena, California neighborhood. In her captivating new book, Across the Street, Around the CornerMary Lea Carroll invites readers to join her in an exploration of community, connection, and the hidden magic of the familiar.
Carroll—an experienced world traveler—brings us into her vibrant 1960s childhood neighborhood, seamlessly time bending it with her current-day Los Angeles community. At turns funny or warm or thoughtful, she shares how the lockdown period inspired her to take a closer look at the people and places right outside her door.
Through companionable strolls, front yard gatherings, and heartfelt conversations with neighbors, Carroll unveils the profound truths about the value of community. Her engaging storytelling weaves together past and present, demonstrating how meaningful connections close to home can profoundly enrich our lives.
Across the Street, Around the Corner is about exploring the micro-world of my own neighborhood instead of the big wide world at large,” Carroll explains. “I challenged myself to get to know or stay connected with those right nearby. I hope my book encourages readers to explore their own neighborhoods, make those connections too, and see how much beauty is right at their fingertips.”
Carroll's book serves as a gentle reminder of the importance of being a good neighbor and how small acts of kindness contribute to building a strong, supportive community. Her unique perspective and engaging prose inspire readers to find worth and meaning in the everyday interactions that make a neighborhood truly special.
Join Mary Lea Carroll on this delightful journey and discover the hidden gems waiting just outside your doorstep. Across the Street, Around the Corner is a testament to the enduring power of community and the beauty of the connections we make when we take the time to look around.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Mary Lea Carroll is author of Across the Street, Around the Corner, A Road HomeSaint Everywhere-Travels in Search of the Lady Saints (a People Magazine Pick), and Somehow Saints-More Travels in Search of the Saintly. Before family life, Mary Lea Carroll was a travel guide, journalist, and writers’ assistant at Paramount Studios. A talented storyteller and MOTH story slam winner, Carroll weaves her passions—travel, comedy, art, family, and community—into her writing. Mary Lea and her husband of 37 years live in Pasadena, California. You can learn more at

By Mary Lea Carroll
Clyde Publishing
September 10, 2024
Hardcover $21.95
Ebook $9.99

Monday, September 02, 2024

life update

 I took my son to Tao tonight and left Goddess home with her daddy. I believe it is good to spend time with each child individually. When we were walking out he asked, "just me and you?" Hopefully Goddess had some quality time with her daddy.

Speaking of her Daddy the Teach; why is it ok for him to have a bad few days and I am not allowed to have even an hour of a bad mood. Seriously, I couldn't really tell you what bug is up his arse because it is not like he talks about anything with me. It gets so annoying to live in the same house with someone and have no idea what is going on. He is extremely busy but, who isn't in this life. Yes, we have different kinds of busy, he is self employed and doing the job of 20 but why is he allowed to ignore or be left alone to work on his Accounting? When I was learning his Accounting I was running a house, taking care of kids and their schedules, maintaining my blogs and my friendships, paying bills and being his wife. Men could never do what we do. I know I couldn't do what he does either but....

I am not even sure if he is taking over the Accounting or if he is learning this program and handing it back over to me.

This month I had an appointment with our Accountant. After listening to the dude I come home and told my husband what he told me and that this guy stressed me out and that when we could afford an Accountant we should consider using him.

Rewind - When my husband handed over Quickbooks to me, he gave me all of his books on running a business, business accounting, Quickbooks, Financial forms and state laws and regulations and wanted me to devour over the books and learn how to basically be the Controller/Accountant. I don't know about most people but I cannot do that. I don't learn that way. Reading technical books on something that has no interest for me will never sink in. This is not to say that there aren't folks who can learn like this. My husband can. He can read any technical book on any subject and learn it. More power to him. I am proud that he can do that. The problem is...he thinks everyone SHOULD be like that and trying to tell him that isn't possible makes him crazy. He thinks that I am lazy and looking for the easy way out. Not true...I can learn something new, if someone has already educated themselves like lets say a teacher. Then they can take what they learned and educate me through lesson plans and hands on training.

Yesterday I had a playdate with my friend Susan. She and her daughter braved the random icy roads to stop by for a few hours.

It was cute to see her watch her God-brother play his Wii game. She just stood there staring at the TV. Occasionally she would stand directly in front of the TV and he would ask her to move. She is 2, she didn't and he played around her. I was so proud of him. No shoving or yelling just played around her. Good boy. I love that he understands she is a baby and that he needs to be patient.

Goddess on the other hand was really confused. She was upset that this wasn't a "play date". She thought that they would play. Babygirl is still very much on independent play, so much so that Goddess helped her mommy open her Christmas presents. Babygirl was much too busy buzzing to stop and open so Aunt Susan and Goddess sat down to open things. I always think it's cute when my daughter has conversations with another mommy. I love watching the dynamic from the outside.

I thought she understood that those were Babygirl's gifts and she was helping to open them. I really did think that until she said, "I can't believe you let them leave with all our gifts." Too funny.

On the Goddess's front today she said, "I like Abuela. She is different than us. She has tan hair and we have brown." When I asked about the tan hair, she said no "pan." Not sure what that means but....funny to me anyway.

Also, I entered a giveaway for a bag today and when I asked her which one she would want to win she said, The Booby and The Beast one." Hahahahahah

Time to put the kids to bed!