Maria's Space: It's Now Or Never

Sunday, September 22, 2024

It's Now Or Never

As I get older it feels like time is going faster and it sometimes gets to me. Lately it has seemed like I worry that if I don't make significant moves NOW it will never happen and that means in my personal and professional life. 

I'm not sure how to make certain changes. I have been feeling stuck. Like I am not living with purpose. Like I work, come home, sleep and do it all over again.

I would like to live intentionally.

Declutter the distractions

Pay attention to life

Listen to my heart

Make plans instead of simply living

Stop being on auto pilot.

I think many of us just are alive but don't live. We have silenced that part of us that shines. Whether it was due to others needing more spotlight on them or others who silenced our true self. 

Making an effort to LIVE FOR ME!

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