Maria's Space: life update

Monday, September 02, 2024

life update

 I took my son to Tao tonight and left Goddess home with her daddy. I believe it is good to spend time with each child individually. When we were walking out he asked, "just me and you?" Hopefully Goddess had some quality time with her daddy.

Speaking of her Daddy the Teach; why is it ok for him to have a bad few days and I am not allowed to have even an hour of a bad mood. Seriously, I couldn't really tell you what bug is up his arse because it is not like he talks about anything with me. It gets so annoying to live in the same house with someone and have no idea what is going on. He is extremely busy but, who isn't in this life. Yes, we have different kinds of busy, he is self employed and doing the job of 20 but why is he allowed to ignore or be left alone to work on his Accounting? When I was learning his Accounting I was running a house, taking care of kids and their schedules, maintaining my blogs and my friendships, paying bills and being his wife. Men could never do what we do. I know I couldn't do what he does either but....

I am not even sure if he is taking over the Accounting or if he is learning this program and handing it back over to me.

This month I had an appointment with our Accountant. After listening to the dude I come home and told my husband what he told me and that this guy stressed me out and that when we could afford an Accountant we should consider using him.

Rewind - When my husband handed over Quickbooks to me, he gave me all of his books on running a business, business accounting, Quickbooks, Financial forms and state laws and regulations and wanted me to devour over the books and learn how to basically be the Controller/Accountant. I don't know about most people but I cannot do that. I don't learn that way. Reading technical books on something that has no interest for me will never sink in. This is not to say that there aren't folks who can learn like this. My husband can. He can read any technical book on any subject and learn it. More power to him. I am proud that he can do that. The problem is...he thinks everyone SHOULD be like that and trying to tell him that isn't possible makes him crazy. He thinks that I am lazy and looking for the easy way out. Not true...I can learn something new, if someone has already educated themselves like lets say a teacher. Then they can take what they learned and educate me through lesson plans and hands on training.

Yesterday I had a playdate with my friend Susan. She and her daughter braved the random icy roads to stop by for a few hours.

It was cute to see her watch her God-brother play his Wii game. She just stood there staring at the TV. Occasionally she would stand directly in front of the TV and he would ask her to move. She is 2, she didn't and he played around her. I was so proud of him. No shoving or yelling just played around her. Good boy. I love that he understands she is a baby and that he needs to be patient.

Goddess on the other hand was really confused. She was upset that this wasn't a "play date". She thought that they would play. Babygirl is still very much on independent play, so much so that Goddess helped her mommy open her Christmas presents. Babygirl was much too busy buzzing to stop and open so Aunt Susan and Goddess sat down to open things. I always think it's cute when my daughter has conversations with another mommy. I love watching the dynamic from the outside.

I thought she understood that those were Babygirl's gifts and she was helping to open them. I really did think that until she said, "I can't believe you let them leave with all our gifts." Too funny.

On the Goddess's front today she said, "I like Abuela. She is different than us. She has tan hair and we have brown." When I asked about the tan hair, she said no "pan." Not sure what that means but....funny to me anyway.

Also, I entered a giveaway for a bag today and when I asked her which one she would want to win she said, The Booby and The Beast one." Hahahahahah

Time to put the kids to bed!

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