Maria's Space: All I Needed Was Some Supplements To Be Pain Free? MENOPAUSE SUCKS

Monday, October 21, 2024

All I Needed Was Some Supplements To Be Pain Free? MENOPAUSE SUCKS

I have been suffering from this pain for over 8 years. It literally took my quality of life. I suffered for so long. It hurt daily and there were days I wanted to cry. Just walking the 10 feet to my bathroom took 10 minutes sometimes. 

Last year I found a chiropractor to help with my sciatica pain. I was seeing a body guru who helped me learn stretches for sciatica pain. She showed me all these things I could do and honestly I was more limber than I ever was but the pain was gone for a day or two and right back. I also went to a chiropractor who adjusted my back with a chiropractic gun tool called an activator. The pain was never gone and it seemed like the 2-3 times a week was going to be for the rest of my life. 

I finally found my current doctor. He has never adjusted my back. He told me I don't have sciatica I have a chronic tear that has been there for years and every stretch I do reinjures it. He started me on ultrasound therapy. The sound waves improve circulation, increase blood flow, break up scar tissue and loosen tight muscles. It was working. Two times a week, went to once a week but the pain would show up every once in a while. He got me some very expensive inserts for my shoes and I was still going once a week. When I asked why it was still showing up every once in a while he suggested Turmeric and Curcumin. In fact he gave me a bottle. 


I take three tablets a day. 1 in the morning and 2 at night. Drastic change. I felt amazing. I found myself going to the chiropractor maybe 3 times a month. Sometimes just because I felt stiff and to have him work on my left thigh. It felt like I had to constantly ice my hip. I was icing my hip every morning and every night. Sometimes sitting on an icepack for a half hour and then moving it to my outer hip. 


When I mentioned this to a friend of mine she said "If the ultrasound is working for you maybe it is a circulation problem. I think you should check out Magnesium with Bisglycinate." I did and I am never going back. I have been pain free with the tinniest pill I have ever taken and it didn't take weeks to work. It took ONLY 1 day. Yup 1 Day. I didn't write to her for 4 weeks because I thought it was a fluke. I thought it was mind over matter. The pain has been gone so long I have forgotten what it even felt like to be in pain.  Hip and joint pain can be contributed to menopause. I wish I knew about this stuff years ago. It made a huge difference in my life. 

This weekend I talked about this on Facebook with my personal friends. Three of them the day I posted asked me what I was taking. I want to shout it from the rooftop and I wish more doctors talked about supplements or lack of certain minerals and vitamins being the problem. 

Life is better. I feel great and I miss my chiropractor sometimes but this is way better! 


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