I have had this blog for a loooong time. A really long time. It has taken me from my kids being babies to them being in college and I love reading my old posts. It brings up so many lovely memories of my early mommy years.
I don’t spent a lot of time online anymore and make a conscious effort to step away because I can hear my soul whispering, “Hey, lady, let’s step away from the screen and soak up some real life for a change.” So, I’ve been experimenting with ways to enrich my days without relying on tech, and oh my gosh, it’s been a game-changer. Here are some of my favorite little escapes maybe they’ll spark something for you too!
1. Get Lost in a Real, Crinkly-Paged Book or a Book on your Kindle
There’s something magical about holding an actual book you know, the kind that smells faintly of paper and possibility? I’ve been curling up with a mug of green tea and diving into novels I’ve been meaning to read forever. As I’ve gotten older it is much easier to read on my Kindle. I can change the font and read in a dim room so I can hang out with my husband while he watches TV.
There are so many books I want to read. Pick something that calls to you and let it sweep you away. Right now I am reading Water Under The Bridge by Britney King
2. Dig Into a Hands-On Hobby
I’ve always been the type to admire crafty people, but lately I decided I will start doing some of the Pins I have saved on Pinterest or posts on Instagram. Mostly I started messing around with paper crafts trying to use a lot of the supplies I have been hoarding for years. I had to let go of trying to be as good as the people I follow. They are experts in what they do after learning their craft and I may never get as good as I like but I learn with every spread I do. You just keep going, and somehow it’s relaxing and exciting. Whatever you are into go for it. Try your best, watch videos, knitting, gardening, baking bread or whatever it is, find something that makes you excited and you love.
3. Wander Outside
Okay, I’ll admit I’m guilty of letting my phone lead me everywhere. But the other day, I left it at home and just drove. Then I pulled over and just walked through a small town I had never visited before. No GPS, no playlist, just me and the world. I ended up noticing things I’d never seen before like tiny wildflowers sprouting up, beautiful homes, lots of deer, and the way the trees sound when the wind rustles through them. It’s freeing to roam without a destination or a screen telling you where to turn. Try it, even if it’s just around your block. Let your feet and your curiosity guide you.
4. Write It Out
Journaling’s been my go to for years. I have many journals but 4 years ago I really started to try to create some of the journals I follow. I grab cute little notebooks, journals, scrapbooks, or pieces of paper and I write it down. I scribble, tape many scraps of notes into my journals about my dreams, random thoughts, even silly doodles. There is just something about the scratch of a pen that feels so personal. I love pouring a little piece of myself onto the page knowing I can reread them whenever I want. Give it a whirl; you might surprise yourself with what comes up.
5. Cook Something
I’m no chef, but there’s this quiet joy in chopping veggies, stirring a pot, and letting a recipe unfold. Last weekend, I made baked Mac and Cheese, Meatballs and sauce, chicken tenders, chicken cutlets and a bunch of roasted veggies so that the upcoming week wouldn't be a hassle as I worked my 3 jobs. I can come home from work and heat something up, my husband can take what he wants and my son has lunch and dinner for a few days. I love knowing I am feeding them and it was all made with love. It's nothing fancy, just fresh ingredients and a little patience. The smell filled my kitchen, and I felt so accomplished.