Psychotherapist Shares Message from Above About the Constructs of Time and Distance
LOS ANGELES, CA, February 18, 2025 — Not everyone believes in a God above. Still, the late Dr. Pieter Noomen said he spent countless hours conversing with the deity who calls Himself/Herself “I AM” (non-gender-specific). Dr. Noomen copied enormous word-for-word booklets, lessons and messages from the deity.
Before he died in 2019, Dr. Noomen wrote down a massive collection of what he truly believed were his personal conversations with I AM, whom he also refers to as “The Real Reality” and the “One Holy,” and these conversations remain on his website,, as a gift for all to read and ponder.
One such conversation included an explanation of how I AM can be seen, and how human concepts of time and distance can be irrelevant. Dr. Noomen wrote these words he said were spoken to him by I AM:
“My speaking and your talking to Me and your being in an isolated dimension is happening not as a projection of your imagination, but as a temporary moment of normalcy, of sanity, if you want, that bypasses the built-in obstruction to this kind of direct contact with Me and the real world. It has to do with what I hinted at in several of your writings that distance in the Real Reality is not a measurement between two points. It is an assessment of the density in understanding Me. Your idea of time and distance has only marginal use in the universe.”
And, as if to reassure believers that time and distance don’t matter when needing to communicate with the One Holy, I AM added, “It may give you comfort and strength to realize that while you are pressured by time and limitations, in your future is not one moment that I am not what I am now.
Visitors to Dr. Noomen’s website ( can draw endless inspiration from the many lessons he shares, including this one:
“We can experience some of life's infinite expansion when we are in close contact with the one life force of all existence, time, space and density. It is not that we then get a clear picture. Yet some of eternity is tangible. We originate in life's eternal source, so we could say it is in our blood to feel at home in an existence that has no need for time or distance.”
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About Dr. Pieter Noomen
Born in the Netherlands, Dr. Pieter Noomen completed doctoral studies in theology and pastoral psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam and became senior minister of three Protestant churches. Later, he worked as a psychotherapist and staff member at a Los Angeles church and became involved in mental health issues like suicide prevention and hospice.