Join my lonely meme and create a running, photo diary of your week.
I am trying to create a legacy for my children and Photos are the best way. When I look back at my childhood photo albums I wish my mom was around to tell me the details of the photo like:
Where we were going?
What was happening?
How old was I?
Who are those people?
Scrapping is a great way because you get some photos and some journaling, but who has time for that these days?
JOIN THIS MEME by adding the button to your post and coming back to comment so that I can come see yours. You can find the button and link on my side bar.
October 5, 2008 - Here is a picture of the Goddess taken at her request. She is hugging baby jaguar from Diego.

October 6, 2008 - The Goddess wants to be Pablo from Backyardigans for Halloween. She has said this since July. I was dying to dress her in something frilly and girly but she insisted. I waited until now to buy it in hopes that she would change her mind but...she never did. She couldn't wait to get it in the mail and has worn it two times since the 6th.

October 7, 2008 - We signed our son up for Tao Kwan Do and couldn't be happier. He was ecstatic when he was given his uniform and his kick pad.

October 8, 2008 - I love walking around with my daughter during the day. We explore our world and I really get to just chat with her and be. It is heaven and I love every minute of it. This picture was taken as we waited for her brother to come out of school. We were sitting on at a picnic table and she noticed a ladybug. She was thrilled to pick it up and have it walking on her hand. More photos to come for this day.

October 9, 2008 - Last week we were supposed to bring stuffed animals to gymnastics for walk like an animal week. We forget as well as EVERYONE else in the class. Crazy! I thought about it until the moment I walked out the door heading to class. My son was very excited to remember his animals this week even though we didn't need them. He didn't care and neither did I.

October 10, 2008 - We do a lot of dress up in this house. With the Halloween bins out of storage the kids are seeing things they had forgotten about. This is a hand-me-down costume from my girlfriend and my daughter was loving it.

October 11, 2008 - This is from today's dance recital. More on that later. How friggin cute are all these 3 year old's tap shoes.

I so love the tap shoes! I miss watching the Riverdance performances! =) It's my first time to join WIP. My Entry is now posted.
ReplyDeleteJenn, I am so excited! I should give you a door prize. Let me think and I will let you know. Something will be coming your way.