Last week, we spent four days looking for the beloved "Scooby" dog belonging to Goddess.
Scooby is really a Gund, stuffed, chocolate lab that her Godmother gave her two Valentines Days ago. Goddess is such a big Scooby fan (about 10 months now) that she named this cute guy Scooby. She never really attached to another toy before this one, other than a small TY pig that came with a Charlottes Web DVD I got her for her second birthday.
Scooby went everywhere with us but we never really took him out of the car. Somehow last week he was gone.
I overheard her talking to a stuffed pink frog from her Aunt Marta on Wednesday or Thursday of last week.
Frog: "Where's Scooby?"
Goddess: "I don't know. Mommy, Daddy, Handsome and I don't know where he is."
Frog: I'm worried about him!"
Goddess: It's ok, I'm here!"
My heart broke, obviously she was missing him more than she was letting on.
When I asked her where she thinks he is she said, "maybe a witch came and cast a spell on him to make him disappear."
Wherever Scooby is, I hope he is well with his broken leg and hole between his eyes with the stuffing coming out. Scooby, You were loved and will be missed!
Awwww that's so sad, I hope you guys find him! My daughters both have special stuffed animals so I know how hard this is for you both! (((HUGS)))