So, baby girl started school on Friday. Yup, this post is a wee bit late but she is the easy one right now.
Dropped off my son on Friday morning and raced to her school about 8 minutes away. She couldn't wait to get in. During the drive she asked if I was going to miss her. I told her terribly. She asked what I was going to do without her and I told her clean and miss her.
When we got to the parking lot she said, "don't worry mommy, you are going to see me soon."
Walking through the parking lot we were holding hands. She picked my hand up to her mouth, gave me a kiss and started to run into the door. I stopped her at the sign and took this picture or I would have nothing of her first day.
She was excited to find her name like last year and headed into the main room. She was shy for 2.3 seconds and then let go of my leg and headed in.
Easy Peasy.
I missed her dearly. She is my little buddy and I love spending time with her.
As for Handsome's school. I managed to take some pictures of him standing on the never ending line. They did make some adjustments but it still isn't good enough. They make them wait outside waaaayy to long.
My two love making faces. Looks like they don't want to go to school right?
Anyway..Thursday and Friday there was homework. He had no problem, it took him about 10 minutes to do the worksheets, cut the pictures of the color of the day out of magazines, and put everything back in his backpack.
Monday, holiday. Tuesday, the color was red. He had his red colors cut from the magazine but I forgot to put him in a red shirt. Once he was in school, I ran her to school, ran home, got a red shirt and ran it back to his school. The aid took it right up to him as I was leaving the office.
When I picked him up he said, "mommy, I thought you were bringing me a red shirt?" I said, "I did!"
Opening his backpack I saw it with the sticky note still attached. I headed over to his teacher and asked what happened with the shirt. She said, he has missed too much class time because he had been eating breakfast for 37 minutes. I say, "what? he eats at home. I didn't pay for breakfast!" Why was he at breakfast?"
She says, she doesn't know but that there was a ticket for him for breakfast and that he had also eaten lunch. Huh! "What, I give him lunch! Why was he eating a school lunch?"
She said, that when asked who was buying lunch today he raised his hand. I informed her that I packed him a lunch, didn't need him porking up in Kindergarten with 4 meals in school and that even if he raised his hand to please remind him that his mommy packed him a lunch. If I am going to let him buy it, I will send her a note.
Problem 1 solved.
Problem 2 - Homework!
Homework yesterday took us almost 40 minutes. Why? Well because he had to do a work sheet with 5 words, trace them, write them, circle the vowels. Yes people, you heard me correctly, my kindergartner was asked on his 4 day of school to circle vowels. Do they even know what a vowel is at this point? Then he had to cut pictures for the next days color out of the magazine. Go over the 5 words with me to practice for spelling. Spelling? Is he already having a spelling test? Then there is something the teachers calls RAH (Reading at Home). She sent home a composition book and a spreadsheet. I am supposed to read him a book, write the name of the book, the amount of pages and initial it. Then he is supposed to write in the composition book, the title, author, and date we read the book. On that page he is also supposed to write something about the book or draw a picture about the book.
Ummm...reading comprehension on the 4th day of Kindergarten???
Well, needless to say, there was a lot of whining from him and from me. Everyone was chatting about it on Facebook but I think we should wait it out. See what happens before we make a stink about the homework.
My fear is that he is already in school so long and now there is so much homework that he will eventually hate homework.
I lost him about 15 minutes in. He was holding his head and stressed out. He was obviously tired. Nothing was too hard for him, this was all stuff he knows but he was exhausted from a full day of school on day 4 with a weekend and holiday in between.
Today, I cut the color pictures out for him so that he would have to do that. I also wrote the title and authors name for him. He traced, circled consonants (after I told him what they were)!!!! Seriously, consonants????
Anyway, there was a coloring sheet, the tracing and writing sheet and the reading. It only took about 15 minutes and he was not stressed at all. I asked him the spelling words while he took a shower and read him the book while he ate his dinner which just left him to draw a picture about the book. Easy Peasy!
We shall see what tomorrow brings. I highly doubt I did any of this in Kindergarten.
I will never complain about my daughter's Kindergarten homework again. Oh my goodness. That is crazy. My daughter's school only has serious homework on Thursday night. That's when we have to do a worksheet or make a collage or something like that. Every other day we have to read a book and write down the Title, Author, Date and we have to do some kind of reading comprehensive exercise. I'm feeling for you.
ReplyDeleteLadybug Mama, Seriously! I am trying to just get through it but will continue to monitor the situation. I do believe other parents in the class will be complaining but I guess if the kids seem to be ok with it, we should just move forward. Good luck with school! I hope she has a wonderful year.
ReplyDeleteWow! Sounds lke Kindergarten sure has stepped up since my school days! Your little girl sure does llok excited to finally be going to school. Hopefully the newness will not wear off too fast!
ReplyDeleteThat is seriously wrong! They are way too little to be having that much homework after a full day of school. And the type of homework is insane!! In kindergarten you are supposed to be learning your colors and letters, nevermind reading comprehension and spelling! I cannot believe things have changed that much... NUTS!!
ReplyDeleteGlad Goddess is doing so well. Hang in there mama, you are doing super!!
Kindergarten has progressed ahead since I was in school. It was play and fun then. When my kids were in K they we doing 1st grade work. Since my kids have finished with school, kindergarten is even further ahead than when they were there. Its not just colors, shapes, abc's and numbers anymore. They are reading earlier.