Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures September 17 - September 30

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

My Life In Pictures September 17 - September 30

September 17 -  NADA

September 18 - My girl had to get her yearly physical and this time there was a vaccine involved. She has needle anxiety but managed to handle it. UGH.

September 19 - Noah completed! For more information go to the post prior to this. 

September 20 - Nada

September 21 - My girl and I went out walking to grab some photos. It was a great night for a walk and we got some pretty good photos too! I love spending time with her. She is everything!

September 22 - Another Halloween decoration has made it's way into my house. We are becoming overrun with this big things and I am not mad about it.

September 23 - Another Snapchat app picture because why not!?

September 24 - Work has really changed from when I first started working at the preschool! 

September 25 - MY Jinxy!

September 26 - Dog sitting 3 of the cutest fur babies!

September 27 - The husband is on a Halloween kick and this 19.99 skeleton came out amazing!!!

September 28 - Braces mean we have a lot of appointments. This girl hates her photo taken but I cannot take enough!!

September 29 - For letter T I served my class a bunch of T foods for Tasty Tuesday. This may have been their favorite letter yet!

September 30 - More Halloween decorations! All created by my husband except the chain which we got at Dollar Tree!

September 27 -

September 28 -

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